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RE: This is Our Week of Rest, but Kindness Will Continue!

in kindness2 months ago

Many thanks my friend, I. Not doing too bad after the tooth extraction, I think I’m over the worst, but do have a different tooth playing up, dentist has called in a prescription for some antibiotics. The self kindness part is really important, but not a.ways easy, especially if someone has a history of trauma or abuse. It can be learned though, as can all aspects of kindness.

I appreciate your very kind feedback. I put a lot of thought and research into it and always learning more. Im so happy that you found value in it and hope to see you in the community or on PYPT. Thank you again. Im going to write about my experience as soon as I finish out the rest of the month.


All the best with your tooth. I hope the antibiotics will work quickly!

Have a great day!