Fascinating mushroom shapes - Mutinus caninus


Mutinus caninus - The fungus develops underground and appears on the surface as a white spherical or pear-shaped piece the size of a pigeon's egg. Thickness 25 mm and height 20 to 40 mm. Attached to the ground with white mycelium strings. Covered with a hard, whitish, cream-colored cover, sometimes with a yellowish shade. Under the cover there is a gelatinous layer covering the spongy stipe with a green mass of spores. During ripening, the top cover breaks at the top with 2-3 gaps. Then the expanding stem with an acuminate head emerges. The mature fruiting body is composed of a vagina and a long stem with a head. Developed fruit bodies usually fall over. The smell was initially pleasant, tobacco or fruity, later unpleasant, reminiscent of the faint smell of feces, attracting flies spreading spores.

Conical head, constricted stem tip, colored orange. It is covered with a thin dark-olive, sticky, spore mass of spores, with an orange-red ring on the top. After ripening, it flows down as a mass of jelly-like consistency, revealing a cavity surface.

Shaft height from 60 to 160 mm and a thickness of 10 mm. White, later fleshy, yellowish-orange in color, with even bright orange. Column-shaped, slightly spindle-shaped, spongy porous, chamber-shaped, wind-shaped. Inside empty, fragile.

The flesh was initially white, later flesh-colored, yellowish-orange to light orange, in the head darker, orange to orange-red, and even red. Watery, fragile.

Occurrence: In deciduous beech and hornbeam forests, as well as coniferous forests, among shrubs, on the soil rich in a thick layer of humus. They develop in clusters next to or rotten mossy wood. From June to October, rare.

Value: Unaffected fungus.


Gdzie Ty takie dziwaki znajdujesz? :)

@tipu curate

A to jeszcze dopiero zobaczysz dziwaki :D

ha! I second onto this question! but your answer probably will not be too much of a help for me, they do not occur at the local neightbourhood, only more to the south ... never seen such a dog penis alive!

I do not know where you live in Russia, but I suppose you can meet a mushroom called Phallus impudicus, it's the same family

I am at the north-west, better say its a bit south to Finland. I bet that Phallus impudicus can be found more to the south (like, I've seen pictures of it taken at Belorus... ) Russia is big and has different zones, indeed.

I think I remember your great posts on Weku
(are you a PRO micologist?) I can change your status in this group to 'moderator', if you'd like to. cheers!

Yes, WEKU is history, I publish, I am an amateur with 30 years of experience :) I do not know if I can moderate posts, I have never done it.