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RE: A Kingdom Of Mushrooms Is Growing On This Trunk - 19 Photos // Un Reino De Hongos Está Creciendo En Este Tronco - 19 Fotos

Looks like you have some split gill and possibly some Meripilus giganteus aka giant polypore. The other polypore seems to be a toothed polypore variant of some kind.


Wow!!! Thank you very much for the information. Is the first time I see all of these mushrooms. I'll try to get back soon and hopefully, they'll be more developed.

The tiny split gills are actually edible and can store quite easily since they are usually dried out. Just soak them a while in water and they will rehydrate.

Could you show me which ones, please? I'd like to try and do what you say

These guys known as Schizophyllum commune

Thank you so so much 🙏

Make sure to check the pattern of the gills. They have a distinct pattern hence the name splitgill. Post pictures of the gills here just in case.

Ok. I will show you. Thank you 🙏