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RE: Balance || Focus || Presence

I was kind of bummed out about Sean Connery too. He hadn't acted in a while but, man he did a bunch of good stuff and he had to have had one of the most iconic voices in the industry.

"I'm fifty percent elsewhere."

I think a lot of people fail to see the value in that but it is there. We hear a lot of rhetoric about "living in the moment" or "leave your personal life at the door" form employers or advertisers or other people who want things from us at that very moment. As you point out, living in the moment is great for completing tasks or for focusing on a goal like shooting but a lot of good stuff lies in that "elsewhere." Its where we reflect, and plan, and become creative.


I learned a long time ago that life can be fickle, snatched away at any moment, or changed to such a degree that it is unrecognisable. It's for that reason I attack it, live each moment as best I can, and focus on the task at hand when working so that I am more efficient - This means I spend less time working for the man and more time living my life. It's a simple concept but one that works for me. It's not perfect, nothing is, and is subject to failure at times, but overall this ethos seems to keep me moving generally forward and mostly towards my goals.

"I spend less time working for the man and more time living my life."

Haha that's the best thing we can do I think.

It could be said that I'm the man but in truth I'm just a man who wants to live life the best he can. I don't do so badly mostly. :)