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RE: Think like a Viking: Part sixty

in Self Improvement2 years ago

We all die, there is absolutely no denying the fact; but do we all truly live?

Short answer there is no. Most never even get a taste of life. Too much fear. Some live vicariously through people like you (and hopefully me, but I can't see the field clearly enough to be sure). Most settle into the society provided box and DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS OUTSIDE THE BOX.

I say I don't care. What people think of me, what people expect of me. Truth is, I do care at some level, but I don't let that stop me from doing what I think is right. Life is pretty easy if you just do the next right thing.

On a sorta this note, I'll have my will notarized today or tomorrow. I had left written instructions but when my sister died it turns out I had outlived my family trust. Me or my brother are going to end up with title to the family land. So I need a formal document stipulating that my brother or his two sons get my part.

Damn. Who would have ever believed I'd have an estate? Certainly not me :)

One other thing. Having survived 3 younger siblings I'm still not the betting favorite to end the family trust. All my life, and I do mean all I have been the child of my parents most likely to die first or next. That hasn't changed with only one possibility in front of me :)


Ah yes tom, the society box...I know many who stay safely within it and even have them fooled that it's an amazing place to be...Like being in the Matrix I guess.

Truth is, I do care at some level, but I don't let that stop me from doing what I think is right.

Yes, exactly! This is what I was trying to get at when I said that I live my my integrity and honour as I see it. We should all care how we are perceived at a certain level, and then there's times it shouldn't matter.

On the will thing, I literally just ended a discussion with a younger than me mate who hasn't got one. I was quite clear with him about the reasons why he needs one, every adult does. Seems like you have things under control.