Think like a Viking: Part twenty four

in Self Improvement3 years ago

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Oft one finds, when the foe he meets, that he is not the bravest of all.

Each Thursday I select a Viking quote, sometimes randomly but ofttimes based upon relevance or meaning to my life at that point in time. Despite these phrases being over a thousand years old I believe most can still offer value in modern society and I find it interesting to ponder, weigh and measure them. original im src

This week's Viking quote

Oft one finds, when the foe he meets, that he is not the bravest of all. - Fáfnismál (An Eddic poem)

It's easy to relate this quote to meeting an adversary - It suggests when one does a person may discover bravery and courage deserts them.

I get it because that's often what happens. People often talk a big game but when it comes time for action self-preservation or some other emotion can take over causing a person to shy away from dealing with the situation; fear is a big motivator but often it motivates people to inaction or avoidance, or to simply ignore the situation in some cases.

I'm going to look at it from a different aspect though, one that leans more towards the phrase being a warning to take ownership and responsibility to help one deal with adversity more effectively.

We are often faced with difficulties in life, challenges and adversity: Work and career, physical and mental health, financial, emotional and social to name only a few. It's at these times when a person can come to learn many things about themselves; how strong or how frail emotionally or physically, what sort of drive and persistence they have, how they self-motivate and how they generally cope with adversity; the foe so to speak.

It's said that how we act under pressure, what we do at times of duress, is the true mark of ourselves and I tend to agree; it's what we do and who we are when things are going wrong that speaks more accurately than when things are going well and one's true character is often revealed more clearly under such conditions.

For a long time I've felt having ownership and responsibility is what helps us move forward to action and the achievement of desired goals and, no matter the goal, without those elements the best outcome is unlikely to occur. There's other components of course, but generally without these one is unlikely to succeed at all; sitting back and doing nothing will see it happen, nothing I mean.

I believe this quote hints at the benefits that derives from taking ownership and responsibility, showing persistence and resilience and warns of the negative affect inactivity, unpreparedness, ego and hubris can have upon a situation and person. I say hints although it's rather more a warning I think, especially considering the people who coined this phrase, the Vikings, were generally action-takers.

I believe it's important for one to prepare themselves for what may come, the adversity that life is almost certain to throw in our paths, with a view to mitigating the risk of failure when trials and tribulations arise. Equipping ourselves to better facilitate the potential threats, risks and negative scenarios will usually give one the courage, bravery motivation and fortitude to deal with them better and will usually mean more advantageous outcomes are attained.

That's it for this week, a thousand year-old Viking quote warning us to build our skills, attributes and understanding so we may better deal with the adversity and complexities of life. Please feel free to disagree with my interpretation and add your own, tell me a story around this quote or topic or simply react to it and let me know what you think, how you see it, how it relates to you or someone you know.


Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209


It's really how I've been thinking about so many things in the last 2 years - being prepared for what IS coming. lol I'm kinda over the whole "maybe" scenarios, and really in the mindset of "get ready"

Now... how we get ready, so that we can win? geez. hell if I know.

get healthy. physically, financially, mentally. that's probably everyone's best chance to be able to be prepared for our future.

Too bad we didn't still have some Vikings around. I know some people use a good knock or two. I know, i know. violence is never the answer. (except when it really is. LOL)

hi you :)

Being prepared has been a life mission for me and whilst I'm not prepared for every eventually I am generally prepared to deal with most and very prepared to deal with a lot. I don't understand those who are not; waiting until something bad happens and then being ill-prepared doesn't sound smart to me. It's physical, mental and emotional preparation also; all must be considered and acted upon.

Also, violence has its place, I assure you. One must try to avoid it of course, I do, but one must know how to do it well also. Just my cavemanish belief.

Thanks for the encouragement añd a great job on this post boss @galenkp

What part did you like the best?

Not turning back or losing hope no matter the situation

Yep, a good lesson to take away.

Very thought-provoking in these times that we are living in. I'm doing my best to have most of my work online so I can live wherever I want or need to and not have any encumbrances. Also working on music at present as my heart has always been there.

If your heart is in a thing, passion for whet you do, you'll be better at it and the things required to make it happen more effectively. We'll done.

I really love this part "fear is a big motivator but often it motivates people to inaction or avoidance, or to simply ignore the situation in some cases". That's what we are really facing in the reality of life but one just have to man up and face the fear always. Kudos Big Viking @galenkp💪🏻

Thanks mate, I liked that bit myself and have seen it happen over and over. A little preparation will help mitigate the risk of it happening.

Thanks for commenting.

Adversity and knowing how to deal with it is definitely an important thing. How we react in difficult situations is very challenging and can be a good mental exercise. One that’s not fun at all but it can teach us something when we look back, I think.

Love these Viking quotes, I find them and their philosophy fascinating!

The Vikings are a good example of a group of people who, collectively, achieved a great deal; it was done through hard work, effort, persistence, problem-solving, seeing things objectively, thinking creatively and many other things as well. They knew the importance of preparedness and how to do it plus never shied away from adversity and difficult undertakings. I think fear of failure wasn't much of a thing for them. We can learn a great deal from them, hence why I read the Edda's and Saga's so much.

Thanks for commenting.