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RE: Balance || Focus || Presence

in Self Improvement4 years ago

I think you hit a key point. That many people mistakenly believe that Balance means 50/50. In my experience, it certainly does not. Balance means exactly that, what is a proper point of balance that a person needs to be happy. Many, such as myself would not feel balanced with 50/50 work/play. At this point in my life, I still feel balanced more at an 80/20 level or so. In a few years as I get closer to retirement, I expect (hope) that to shift to a 10/90 balance point for work/play.

I can't even count the number of times I've heard so many of what I consider an "entitled" group/generation complaining that they need more life "balance", when imho they are only working a half-week already and wondering why they are not being promoted or moving up. This may not be important to some, and that's fine if it's not your bag, but don't expect to be rewarded by others, lol.

I also like focus. I find it especially valuable when I have many tasks to accomplish. Instead of what I like to call "thin-slicing" 50 tasks, I prefer to prioritize and focus on the top 5, "thick-slicing" them and letting the others slide, or thin-slicing the others at lower priority and time commitment. This has the benefit of actually getting some things done in a month's time, instead of having 50 things only 20% done. This gives me a feeling of accomplishment, and now reduces the number of things that need to be done, allowing for more of both thick-slice and thin-slice time.


The focus thing is a big one for me. I'm focused when I need to be, sure I might zone out watching TV, but am still focused on the activity, not half watching TV and half doing something else.

It drives me bonkers when I get served at a shop and they ask what I would like and after proceeding to tell them, they then proceed to ask me again because the never bloody listened. No focus. Let's call it Subway when they ask if I want cheese fir instance...I'll say yep, then they proceed to make the sandwich...Then inevitably, did you want cheese? Drives me insane! It's a lack of focus on the task at hand.

I come from a background where focus means everything and a lack of it has massive repercussions...I don't get why people split it, especially at their job or relationship.

You mention prioritisation which is also a key element. You know, in reading my post back I guess I didn't really get my message across that well; This stuff is better talked about in person I suppose. I'm glad you kind of got the point though and I agree with all you say.