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RE: Deepening My Awareness

You sound Irish.

I'm a holistic doctor and able to beat Western Medicine every time. I've just cured PTSD, which is simply a trauma. I just want to mention the herb I used which was effective and cured me entirely. "Linshui" which is a non psychoactive mushroom or fungus. 50% reduction in 1 day. Cured in 2 months in combination with sports. I was in year 3 of PTSD. Now it's all gone and feel no pain. Goodluck.

Inventer of The New Celt-Saxon Medical Methodology.


Thank you, yes I'm from Ireland.
I'm a big fan of mushrooms, they have amazing medicinal values xx

Lol. Its non pschodelic. :)

Yes I know. I take Reishi most mornings in my smoothie. I have also found both Chaga and Turkey tail very helpful. Lions Mane is another one I have researched as well. When I said medicinal that's what I mean. Mycelium running is one of my favourite books. Mushrooms really can heal the world and all of us on it xxxx

Nice one! I say no more. I've been reading about Lyons mane and dying to try it. But the Linshui was enough. I combined this with sports, Himalayan rocksalt, Nori Sea Algea (cant get Irish moss or Bladderwrack here) and sometimes RSO. This combined with Sebi methodologies.

These i found to be very effective. Im going to cure it 100%, I dont care what the liars (Western Rockefeller Medicine) say. :D

Im also Irish and British, now developing The New Celt Saxon Medical Methodology.