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RE: Opportunity Cost - The Case of HBD vs Hive!

in LeoFinance β€’ 2 years ago

Oh boy, do I have a headache πŸ˜„. My eyes started to glaze over--not because your description was unclear, but because I started pretty much with my mind set.

I love 'playing' with Hive. I love voting. I love tipping. I love getting votes. What fun would I have if my Hive were in HBD?

As you mention in the end of your post, Hive is a blogging platform. The joy of it (for me) is the writing and the interaction. It seems I'm in a minority, but imagine if we attracted more people, many more people like me. People who didn't care that much (alright, I notice sometimes) about the price. Imagine how stable the coin, indirectly would be (at least, I think so πŸ˜‡)

You dazzle me with your understanding of the platform. I'm glad Hive came out as a better investment, even for those who understand the practical side of this issue.

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Hahaha. I already know your view about this, and no, I wouldn't say that you are in a minority.
I know many on the platform that share your view about it (me included to a certain point 😁) but nevertheless, it is a an investment. And not all investments or returns need be $ πŸ˜‰ although it is a plus!

imagine if we attracted more people, many more people like me

This is exactly what we need more of! And this is why I think Hive is here to stay regardless of the price or how the crypto world is doing.

But investors are needed too, whether they invest in Hive or HBD, it's a good thing. I tried to be unbiased as much as possible when looking at those 2 options from a purely financial investment stand point.

Sorry for any headache this might have caused you πŸ˜