Life Of A Crypto Trader/Investor!!!

in LeoFinance8 months ago

I should start by saying every job or work in life has its ups and downs right? Every life chosen by an individual is due to what they seem is comfortable and livable for them right? Whether the pay is good or not, not everybody has the same kind of dream to achieve big things. Not that many don't aim for great things but I believe the level at which some people aim for is much higher or lower than each other.


Just today, I was looking around me and I saw that many around me are either crypto traders/investors or most probably doing something related to crypto in some way or the other. It is great news that crypto adoption keeps getting higher by the day in my country and I guess worldwide to, I'm guessing by the time we are all into crypto investing and all, we will all be living the life of a crypto trader or investor.

Well, as I have said in the topic "The life of a crypto investor or trader". I know y'all will be curious to what I might have to say about this, but while stating facts, I'm also just gonna be freestyling my way into the pros and cons for living the life of a Crypto trader or investor.

It's a fact that the life of a crypto investor or trader is packed with a rollercoaster of emotions and mental strains and stress but that does not mean it does not contain beautiful times or moments also. For someone who has taken crypto investing as their life work or should I call it Job, he/she should be ready to be emotionally disciplined and mentally inclined and resilient.

A crypto investor or trader should be mentally resilient and emotionally disciplined because the crypto market is packed with different moments of when the market dips so much it feels like crypto won't rise again or some might say it is the end of crypto but as a crypto investor you should be prepared for all this things which might bring you down emotionally because at the long run it will all pay off.

Life of a crypto investor is intense and while one is happy for make gains, one can record great losses too, but it all still depends on how you play your game in the crypto world. Life of a crypto investor is like being a boss of yourself where you take breaks whenever you feel like or take vacations whenever you feel like. There is no doubt there is a free life attached to being a crypto investor and when you know how to play your crypto game, you surely will have a pretty good time in the system while going through rollercoaster of emotions as well, its inevitable.
What did I miss in how life of a crypto investor is, or what did I leave out. Kindly share your thoughts in the comment section.

Thanks for viewing my post and have a beautiful week ahead.


I will not define myself as a full time crypto trader, but long term investor as my side job, I have been writing on here hive for 3.5 years, while I never power down my HP until early May of the year, but I still keeping most the liquid Hive from the Power Down on hand, waiting to sell at high for HBD then buy them back when it's lower.

It's a super long process to do so as I am just an individual investor, I can't control the price nor predict the trend of the future. All I can do is based on my assumption then take the action accordingly.

That is a smart way to invest If you ask me, you play your game per time and you know what you want and that's what you're going for.
That's a nice approach to investing and of course you're living the life of a crypto investor already just not in full. Haha.
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