
My favourite part was Coke's response in an official statement:

Coca-Cola issued a statement after the Ronaldo' smackdown, saying "everyone is entitled to their drink preferences" with different "tastes and needs"

Like come on, just own that it's fucked for your health but tastes good.

Did you see they then put bottles of Heinekin in front of staunch Muslim Paul Pogba.

Sooooo out of touch haha.

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Did you see they then put bottles of Heinekin in front of staunch Muslim Paul Pogba.

I just saw that after reading about it in an article here on Leo. That was very messed up lol

Greed knows no boundaries

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Yeah. Coca Cola is famous for its misleading marketing. They often tie up with sports related activities while in reality a bottle of coke makes you freaking slow. It's hazardous to your health and nothing but sugar.

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Very true

When I was younger I was addicted to it... I would drink like a litter every day. I'm glad I quit before it was too late or I could have acquired some real health problems over time

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Same here man. I used to drink them like crazy until I quit drinking them a few years ago. I still drink sugary drinks but not much of a Coke fan.

Most of us are addicted to sugar I guess. If not coke then something else.

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Most of what people consume fits into that category. We are filled up with stuff that is high in sugar and salt.

Yet people still consume like it is nothing.

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I'd be lying if I say I don't like sugary drinks. But I realize how harmful they are to our health so I keep them to a minimum.

We need more awareness about the harmful effects of it and dramas like these help a bit I think.

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Pepsi is the soda here. Our campus replaced Coke machines as they kept breaking down and taking students money, we're all Pepsi now!

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Lol that reminds me of a lunatic extremist Brazilian philosopher who invented some fake news claiming that Pepsi used aborted human fetus cells to sweeten their soda

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Really? Wow, never heard that before. The things some people say...

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A much healthier choices. LOL

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That's messed up, what idiot what do such a thing to a person. Sick joke

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Look at the waistline of people, especially in the US.

Does Coke really think they care about health?

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Hahaha yes, that was all over the news recently

It's not only Musk tweets that mess shit up lol

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But I like this lol . I bet the investors and cursing Ronaldo right now and telling themselves they will never watch soccer again .

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Ronaldo to elon musk be like hold my bottle

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I did see that but I think Coke Cola will recover soon enough. The minor changes for these things tend to shake out people from their positions.

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lol! no one man should have all that power...

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This was hilarious and coca cola deserves it. 😂

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Well I would say Coke will recover from this. But it is a funny story nonetheless.

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More drama. Guy does not like carbonated drinks, and? I do not blame him. Have you ever spilled cola on a car? It will eat the paint off. I have used it in the past to clean terminals on car batteries!

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Or put the grossest old coin into a glass of coke for a few days and look at how it just eats everything down to the metal.

Then think that's what you're doing to your teeth sip after sip after sip....


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