Passive Income Boom Time

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Special thanks to @doze for the use of the image.

The idea of earning a passive income has sprung up from nowhere and is the latest craze for the majority of crypto investors even though this has been in the mind of HIVE investors for years. This is not something new to all of us as it was clear having sufficient stake will allow this to happen one day in the future through staking and various other daily actions generating more rewards.

LUNA changed the thinking of many through their actions burning LUNA creating the stable coin UST. The more UST created the less LUNA is available and is regarded as deflationary as there will be less and less LUNA around. Obviously the one thing against this is the price as the higher the price of LUNA the less LUNA is burnt as UST remains $1. The risk is always there another protocol takes the spotlight copying what they have done offering a higher APR. Maybe TRON's USDD which launches on the 5th May will top this APR as I will put nothing past the man who wants to be in the spotlight.


HBD has been around for years and is nothing new except the APR now being offered. 20% is way better than what is on offer if we take a look around and is the perfect example of low risk passive income. UST was at 19.2% on Anchor Protocol and has since dropped to 18% from the beginning of this month.


If we look at the wallet on LUNA they offer 16.54% via the Anchor Protocol for UST which is 3.46% less than HBD and is massive in the context of a passive income. Every 1 percent is vital and having HBD at the top of the pile should be something investors should be clambering for.


We all know the problem and that is liquidity that is holding HBD back plus the awareness in the market. I honestly believe once they wake up and realise what we have going on HIVE with our very own established HBD things will change. Why wouldn't they as the HBD is backed by HIVE for the value of $1 and no risk attached.


I am sure we will see a BOOM with HBD as the clock is now ticking.

In hindsight maybe wee should have been doing this a year ago and not waking up only now as to what the possibilities are. The passive income market is going to be massive and will form a part of every investors portfolio over the coming years. A safe reliable income is what investors really want as this is where the future is heading. I suspect the likes of LUNA and whatever else appears will not be able to maintain the current APR offerings so we just need to be patient as the hype will happen with HBD. Keep making a noise of what we have and we may be in for a shock with what follows.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


For that to happen I only want a few more exchanges listing HBD 😃

That would be great.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Patience is what we need, although I checked Huobi exchanges and it offers 24%. Don’t know how sustainable that is

I need to check that out as that is unreal.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

didn't we had this with the steemit saving accounts and it fell flat in a few days?

Have no idea about that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm new to the crypto world and I'm still trying to understand more on how to get more passive income. I know in the future, we all will have course to be happy.

I have always been a fan of passive income. Although I wish the numbers were higher, I know that will come with time. Even if you are still holding Luna, 18% isn't a horrible return on your investment. I just found an option that fits into my portfolio and is paying me a 73% annual rate with a token that I already hold. Good stuff!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Passive income is really fun to get, I hope to acquire more passive income. I'm happy you have one you're benefiting from now.

Thank you!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're welcome sir.

My income from hive is very nominal and I'm still figuring how to grow it. Passive income is always a goal of mine. I have my own web hosting company that earns me a solid little yearly income from doing very little. I love that!

The beauty about HIVE is it grows itself so as long as you stake it you will be in a good position. HBD staked in your savings wallet earns 20% and that is very decent.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

OK! I need to look in to that!

Log into the peakd interface and that is the simplest way of controlling your wallet. HBD savings are locked for 3 days but offer 20% which is big.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a lot! I will look in to this very soon!

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Actually HBD is way better to hold then UST as HBD is a 20% APR which means it’s a guaranteed 20% and if you compound only your profits monthly the APY goes up 21.94%

Yeah, I started funneling 50% of my earnings into HBD a bit back when it was still 8%. Then it went from 12 to 20 in a few weeks. Going to keep plowing money in there and growing that stable earnings. Woot woot! !LOLZ

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