CubDefi: It's Getting Serious....

in LeoFinance3 years ago

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Cub Staking Kingdom

It's time to unveil the bread and butter of this Kingdoms migration. The CUB Staking Kingdom is now live!

And with that, the whole Cub/Leo world changed. As most of you already know, #CubDefi unveiled their latest "Kingdom" a few hours ago. The CUB Staking Kingdom. This replaces the CUB den with something dramatically more appealing to the masses. And I'm not just talking about here, in Hive. I mean the masses. People across the globe who have made their way into crypto know about BNB and how it has performed lately. Many of them are also finding their way into the world of Defi.

Now, today, CUB has combined those two worlds in a way that is extremely attractive to anyone looking to take advantage of defi returns, and at the same time increase their holdings in some of the "blue chip" cryptos.

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Not only will the CUB Staking Kingdom still pay out an extremely nice APR in CUB tokens, it will also be adding a nice little bonus in the form of BNB. Again, as many of us know, BNB is one of the "major" coins in all of crypto. It is the native coin for the Binance Chain and it's been on an absolute tear over the last 6 months as Ethereum has dealt with sky high fees. Because of that, the whole Binance/BSC ecosystem has exploded with users being onboarded at record levels.

CUB tapped into that when it was created. It was built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) specifically to take advantage of the low fees associated with the platform. While Uniswap and Ethereum were bogging down, BSC and PancakeSwap have stepped into the gap and grown into a huge competitor. As of this writing, PancakeSwap has over $7.6 Billion in TVL and it continues to grow. CUB, on the other hand, had under $7 million a week ago. That has since climbed around 50% over the last few days to over $10M and I see no reason for it to stop here.

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Where did this begin?

Let's step back for a minute and look at how we got here. For those of us around a mere five months ago, #CubDefi came onto the scene as a somewhat pleasant surprise. In January, most LEO tokenholders were scrambling around trying to lock in as much LEO as possible for the upcoming #ProjectBlank airdrop. Instead, what we got was a new defi platform named Cub Finance.

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While last summer was the "summer of defi", most of the hype had died down over the fall and it was only beginning to really pick up steam again after the first of the year with Bitcoin's turn toward parabolic. Ethereum still had not broken through it's 2017/2018 highs while Bitcoin was running through $50k with no real signs of stopping.

And we got CUB. (wen #ProjectBlank) I, and the vast majority of Hive/Leo holders, had never set foot on a defi platform. For the most part, we were all newbies. "Rugpull" was a term we had heard associated with defi but, to be honest, I had no idea what it was. I only knew it was bad. CUB gave us an opportunity to learn about defi, and experience it firsthand by participating, without having to know all the details of how it worked. We had devs who knew and that was enough for me. So, into the world of defi we jumped. Some of us dipping a toe and some of us diving in head first. Learn while we earn. Seemed like a good plan.


But, as time went on and the price of CUB started dropping, the devs realized we were on the right train but were on the wrong track. I picture it as a train slowly rolling downhill in a foggy valley. The devs, our conductors, realized early on there was trouble on the tracks ahead while we were nervously oblivious to what it could be. Realizing the lack of an actual use-case for CUB, they quickly set about building a "switch" that would take us out of the foggy valley and onto a new set of tracks twisting around the scenic mountain vistas above.


That switch was Cub Kingdoms. No longer are we watching and waiting as people sell their newly minted CUBs into the marketplace, even as the price goes lower. Instead, we now have a reason to actually buy CUB, as well as hold and restake the ones we earn. As more of these Kingdoms roll out, there will be increasingly more reasons to buy, own, and hold CUB. All three of those things are extremely important if we want the platform to thrive.

Buy, Own, Hold & Restake

Buying it gets you in the door. Owning it allows you to stake and earn more CUB and now BNB as well, and gives you access to some other opportunities being created on the platform. CAKE for instance. And soon MATIC/Polygon as well. You'll also be able to earn "interest" on BTC and ETH in the form of CUB. There are stablecoins you can match with CUB and even each other, and earn interest there as well. In other words, CUB is continuing to open up doors and pathways into other chains and allowing us to diversify and maneuver our crypto in many different directions. And they just keep working! They are not even close to done yet.


My most recent post talked about how very few of the developers behind all the defi platforms popping up actually put their names behind their product. The Leo Team does. I'm sure you've heard it 100 times already but that's probably because it's THAT important. These devs have over two years of history being accessible to the community and standing behind what they create. They're responsive and accountable for their actions, both good and not so good. THIS more than any other single reason, is why I'm in #CubDefi and why I plan on staying here for a long time.


Here's something else to think about. On January 11th, 2021 CAKE was 47 cents. On November 4th, 2020 UNI was $1.93. Why were they so cheap? Because that is what they were worth. Nobody knew at the time that they were going to become dominant players in the defi landscape. People hoped. People speculated. Some people believed. But nobody knew. It was a risky move to put a chunk of change in those platforms at that time. Those who took that risk have been rewarded. In spades.

Why Are You Here?

CUB was 50 cents last week. It is now 92 cents. Will it become a major player with TVL in the hundreds of millions or even billions? Time will tell. I, for one, think they are on the right track. A track of sustainability and one with use-cases giving people, not just here, but everywhere a reason to buy, own, and hold CUB.

If you are not taking advantage of this opportunity, why are you here? Why are you reading this? We know the devs. We know the community. We know what they've created and what they've got planned. And we know this is crypto. This is what it's all about in these early stages. Finding opportunities at the very beginning, doing our research, and taking advantage of them to turn small stakes into large ones.

If not now, Wen?!?

THIS is one of those opportunities. Is it guaranteed to work? Of course not. That's why it's trading under $1. But we've got about as much information as you can possibly get on something this early in the game and still have it as cheap as it is. In my opinion, word is going to get out quickly on what is happening here. In fact, @Khal is out there right now meeting people and spreading the word. We know as well as we can know that Cub Kingdoms, LeoBridge, and CubDefi are worth more than what it's trading for. Is that $3? $5? $10? I don't know. But I'm damn sure going to ride this train until I find out.

First stop was "Foggy Valley", this stop is "Hello World", next stop......."Moon"?


Thanks for reading.

As always, comments are welcome and appreciated.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The CUB kingdom is great because I can see my staked CUBs increase over time. I am not really earning that much CUB from my Farms but I plan on moving them over to the kingdoms in the future as I harvest them. Maybe I am dumb for not investing directing into CUB by itself and went for the farms instead.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Maybe I am dumb for not investing directing into CUB by itself and went for the farms instead.

I don't think so at all. I own pieces of all three farms plus the CAKE Kingdom and, of course, the new CUB Staking Kingdom. They all have their advantages and disadvantages but I don't think you can argue with the returns we are getting from the farms. If you want to increase your CUB stake and don't want to (or can't afford to) buy it on the open market, then staking in the farms and capuring 200% returns is definitely a very viable option. Like I said, I'm in all three as well. I just happen to have a bunch in the new staking Kingdom as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A great article about the incredible opportunity in CUB. What a terrific way to make people think. Why are you not getting involved if you have the resources? There are incredible returns being offered, safety of the two year development history, and the massive potential of an enormous move forward as Cubfinance becomes a central player in the DeFi world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, the pieces really are starting to fall into place. This community has a real *first-mover" opportunity here and I think people need to recognize that and take advantage of it. What we're really betting on and investing in is the team and it seems pretty obvious to me that they're committed to making this thing work. Sometimes the best investments are the ones right in front of our noses. I think this is one of those times.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I also believe the kingdoms are going to be a game changer! CubDefi has a bright future and I'm really excited about everything that's been going on

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They just keep working. THAT'S the part that really makes me excited for the future. Regardless of how the markets develop, they are continually looking for ways to upgrade and improve the platform. In my mind, that bodes very well for the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was pretty excited to see the announcement yesterday. I immediately moved my CUB out of the den and into the Kingdom. It feels like it was a really smart move!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I did the same think so I agree with you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Being able to get interest paid in BNB is amazing, in my opinion. We'll continue to make our CUB but also be building a stake in one of the most recognizable and possibly valuable coins in all of crypto. It really seems like a no-brainer to just buy, stake, and hold CUB for quite possibly a very long time. As the use-cases mount and the LeoBridge gains even more traction, it really feels like this could be a very sustainable and attractive place to park a good chunk of money for the long-term. Even in bear markets I feel like the returns will at worst, mitigate "losses" and will allow us to keep growing while we wait for the next bull run.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, right now it is seeming like a really awesome long term hold. Just keep stacking and stacking!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, it just feels like we're at the very forefront of something that could become a massive success story. I'm super pumped about what the devs keep doing. The MATIC piece coming should be very interesting as well. The wider the net becomes, the more chance we see even more devs coming onboard and taking things to the next level. Could be a very fun second half of the year....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am strapping myself in as we speak!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta