ReadON - Building The Next Wave

in LeoFinance7 months ago


We have been ranked 21st with eighty (80) invites in the recently concluded ReadON Linea Festival Event which earned us a spot on the ReadON NFT whitelist. This means we will be able to mint Catto NFTs from ReadON with discounts when minting starts. The Catto NFTs will be used by creators and as content creators ourselves, they will be very useful.


ReadON is building something great: content aggregation is a great innovation. Although in every GameFi that has existed, they have only had a short lifespan because they are not sustainable in the long run.

I discussed the sustainability of the platform with one of the ReadON team members and they said they are aware of it. They mentioned that they will generate external revenues from advertisements and other sources. We can all agree that platforms that depend solely on user rewards from Dex and NFTs are considered to be trickish Ponzi schemes. ReadON has promised to tackle this issue which is why they are not in a rush to launch a token.


Most of the end users don't care about the sustainability of the platform; they only want to come onto a platform, cash out, and then move on to the next. If the platform launches a token and fails, such users will attack the platform and call it a scam forgetting that they are the ones pressuring the platform to launch a new token. And yet we are all clamoring for user adoption.

Let's take a look at Web 2 social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. The reason they have been able to last longer and amass a massive user base is that they are sustainable. Revenue sharing is a key factor in this sustainability and we have recently witnessed the impact Elon Musk had on Twitter when he raised concerns about its revenue-sharing practices. This revenue-sharing model is also one of the promises of Web 3.


For Web 3 platforms to gain widespread adoption, users need to recognize the value of these projects and similarly adopt them to how users embraced Web 2 platforms. Instead of solely focusing on the potential rewards, we need to shift our mindset and appreciate the value that Web 3 platforms can bring. By doing so we can expect to see a significant increase in adoption of these platforms.

If you're a creator or a user who loves to engage with blogs look into ReadON. This is not a paid shill but I'm sharing it with you because I'm bullish on the platform and I love what they are building. It is still in the testnet phase and has promised rewards for users in the future based on user engagement. You don't need funds to interact with ReadON; it's all for fun. You will love how they have implemented GameFi into the App. They are also developing rewards for creators on the platform. It is a win-win situation for both the producers and consumers on the platform.


My previous blogs on ReadON which are linked at the bottom of this blog contain all the information you might need to know about the app. If you are experiencing any difficulties with the app, please refer to the blogs mentioned below. Additionally, feel free to join the Discord and Telegram communities for assistance on the platform.

Read On! 🍀

Earn by reading and watching content on cryptocurrency, blockchain, and other topics via the ReadON mobile app.

📱 Download on Play StoreApp Store

Login and Enter this invitation code TFU9A6 into the referral text box. We will both earn 100 Points. The Points are used to redeem valuable items and to mint NTFs.

𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗘𝗮𝗿𝗻 𝗗𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆 ✌️

Previous Blog on ReadON

Read To Earn with ReadON DAO
How to Share an Article on ReadON DAO App
How to Redeem Rewards on ReadON DAO App
READ Token on Testnet - ReadON DAO App
Delete Wallet on ReadON DAO App
How to Save Images on ReadON DAO App
How to PICK Posts on ReadON DAO
ReadON DAO Catto Parts Infographics
How to Claim Pick Rewards ⛏️
ReadON Non-Custodial Wallet



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I just need to take this application seriously
I don't really check it everyday
I would have gone far

Don’t fade it 😉