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RE: Information Myopia, Or How To Screw Up By Ignorance

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I remember there was an article about companies using colors as a marketing/advertising strategy. Remember Steemit used emerald as its logo's color? Subconsciously people get attracted to the color because I think it means reward. Also there are some credit card companies using emerald as their logos' color just to lure people to "rewards" when in reality it means more debt. It's crazy to think.

But I also used the same color for my startup travel agency logo. Emerald, because it's the color of our waters - it makes sense anyway LOL. I profited pre-covid.


Yeap, there are many associations of colors with various concepts / states / emotions. Red, for instance, is perceived in many cultures as aggressive and sexually charged. On the other side, you get different cultural chromatic appropriations for mourning, in West it's black, in East it's white.

But even beyond these unconscious tendencies, we use approximations based on previous experiences, without proper due diligence. That's what I mean by "information myopia", we think we "kinda understand" what's going on, when we're actually not. And we get into all kind of trouble because of this 😀

What happened with your startup travel agency?

Okay I kinda understand now. 😄.

What happened with your startup travel agency?

Pandemic. 😔

Sorry to hear about that 😞