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RE: Pain in my Ukraine

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Yes, this is a totally rational reaction that doesn't fall into any of the traps that I described in the original post.

I'm curious as to which part of the post you think is trolling.
I've already done a follow up post to this post.
The backlash I got here was enough to go back and do some cursory research...
had to check in with two of the journalists I trust the most to report on things like these.
They're saying exactly the same shit I'm saying here.
It's not trolling.
My gut feeling on the matter is exactly what seasoned professionals who have infinitely more information than I do are saying. They aren't trolls they are all business. Perhaps you are the troll, telling me to go fight and die in a war before I'm allowed to make comments.


My gut feeling on the matter is exactly what seasoned professionals

What seasoned professionals and journalists are saying 'no one cares about Ukraine' with researched-based arguments? Sociologists maybe? Breitbart? Citation needed.

You literally state in this very post that you were trolling with a certain opinion, then continued with that opinion in this post. If you agree with your trolling, then you're not really trolling, you're just expressing your sociopathic opinions.

I get that you're setting a trap to make people butthurt, but I just think its tedious that you still think such a thing is somehow a valuable use of yours and anyone else's time, like you've contributed something because your views are so unique.

To be clear, I'm not talking about the entirety of your post. I can see you're otherwise talking and considering things. Just the 'troll' aspect near the top