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RE: Why do you want to be rich?

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

We grew up very poor and I always wanted to get out of that situation. I began to notice that many people in that neighborhood almost wallowed in the poverty, with no motivation to get out of it. We eventually moved to a much better area whuch opened up new possibilities.

The other reason is that when you've lived in need, you always want to help others who are suffering as well. No matter how wealthy I would get, I'll always remember what it was like to have nothing. I also believe in an afterlife and that this existence is sort of a "proving ground" and we will all have to account for the actions we take here.

I've always wanted to get so rich that I could help people like MrBeast does on YouTube. I've also wanted to just provide help anonymously to others, so that their dignity is preserved.

If you died today, what legacy would you leave behind? Did you ease the way for others as someone did for you? If you look at the most successful "self made" people, each of them had crucial support at a critical moment, which allowed doors to open for them that were closed to others. When you stand in front of the Creator and have to give an account of your life, what are you going to say?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm not a Christian but I have always felt like there's an afterlife and we'll account for our deeds on Earth. I'm s but similar to you in that I have lived in a shitty neighborhood. Luckily for me, we weren't ever piss poor but generally speaking, everyone in Nigeria is poor, we were just less poor. I lived around people that struggled to get the basics like food, lived without electricity and never ever saw running water in their kitchen because their kitchen was just some wood contraption in the open air.

I always want to help as many as I can, but I know that I can't help poor people if I'm one of them, so I strive to have a bit extra, and help who I can help.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta