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RE: A Little Give and Take

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Well I can tell you that Hive is a sight better than Blogger for instance, which was my home before I setup camp here.

The theft of my content on that platform and the headache in having to fill out a form for each individual stolen post led me in search of a better alternative, thus I'm glad I found Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I had no idea it was such an issue on those kinds of platforms. What was the earning potential like there?

Nothing like the potential we have here, but it was where I cut my teeth in learning how to blog.

Remember, Blogger was ad-supported, so I had an Adsense account and hat to optimize my posts for the tech audience I was trying to reach. As I was just starting out, my account eventually grew to buck or so on a good day, but it was the learning that was important to me.

I wrote a review of a version of Photoshop that for a few days ranked above the one from Adobe before somebody got a clue over there. This was back when I read everything on how to be a better blogger and was testing things to see what worked.

This was a test blog and I didn't want anyone here to see my screwups, but people were watching (I could see it in my analytics).

I quizzed people about why they clicked on the link to my site. Spent hours commenting and thus making a backlink so I could better rank on Google, all while keeping it quiet from anyone local.

That's why I was shocked that anyone would want to copy my content. I was new and making plenty of mistakes at the start, but that's how you learn.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta