
Nothing like the potential we have here, but it was where I cut my teeth in learning how to blog.

Remember, Blogger was ad-supported, so I had an Adsense account and hat to optimize my posts for the tech audience I was trying to reach. As I was just starting out, my account eventually grew to buck or so on a good day, but it was the learning that was important to me.

I wrote a review of a version of Photoshop that for a few days ranked above the one from Adobe before somebody got a clue over there. This was back when I read everything on how to be a better blogger and was testing things to see what worked.

This was a test blog and I didn't want anyone here to see my screwups, but people were watching (I could see it in my analytics).

I quizzed people about why they clicked on the link to my site. Spent hours commenting and thus making a backlink so I could better rank on Google, all while keeping it quiet from anyone local.

That's why I was shocked that anyone would want to copy my content. I was new and making plenty of mistakes at the start, but that's how you learn.

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