Why Connections Matters(How i Got My First Real Break.)

in LeoFinance3 years ago


# My Personal Story

It is 2021. I just recently got a job that is full-time and time-consuming. I hardly go to my worship place or even have time to communicate with God(which is so bad.)
I got a job to become a personal assistant for the Director of JAALifestyle Nigerian Limited on the 25th of January 2021.
My work there is to help out the uneven things for my Boss and make sure the cases in Nigeria are moving smoothly. The work hours at first were unbearable, which made me multi-task to the midnights, and even until the next morning, I would still be working (something I never did)

Times passed, I got used to it, a time came when I started having leisure time, and my job became sweet as I could get some rest and break time.
I started making money. It was very comfortable for me to say this is the best job ever.

Now getting to share this far, I would love to bring you back to how I got this job.
My name is Francis Samuel Oche.
I started the online survey and looked for possible ways of making money online. After my father's demise, I knew my father's savings isn't going to last long because it wasn't much.
I strolled the internet, looking for the holy grill, I didn't find any yet. I read tons of pdf files while YouTube became my partner.
Somehow, I came across a Business called SFI, I didn't get the whole concept, I was curious and wanted to go around it and see a light.
Upon my sign-up, I received a message from someone on the chatbox and it was Mr. Simon, he guided me through the business, though I didn't make any money from that business *I got connected to someone, a mentor, a friend, and a partner. *
Since that day I connected to Mr. Simon he has been there, fast forward to some months later when the pandemic hit, I came back home and started farming for a living. Not that farming is bad but, while farming we were on empty stomachs, we(i and my mum) decided to fast and trust God's hand to bless what we are doing.
One day, I got called by Mr. Simon to come work with him as his Assistant, this was after some years of working together online.
I got to see Mr. Simon, that connected with me from the Internet and now I am his Assistant, that feeling nice and beyond my expression. I started working there immediately and my pay was good enough for somebody who wasn't earning up to $5 monthly, I started receiving $120 monthly, I became a hero.
While working with Mr. Simon, I started making $50 daily on average days of work. My Connection with Mr. Simon brought me out of debt and hunger.
*After a few months working with Mr. Simon, I started getting Fat and I was able to place my mother on a monthly allowance.

A faithful day, I didn't want to go to the temple but something moved me.
That day, I went to worship in a different temple. I came late so I sat in the back where chairs were not available.
I sat close to this young man, who at that time was checking his Binance app, and I am familiar with that too so I asked him what he was doing and he started explaining. We stopped listening to the content of the worship and focused on what we were saying and from that very day our bond became tighter.
A few weeks after our initial acquaintance, this man I met in the temple offered me a Business Proposal which is to become the Brand Ambassador of his company @meshboc.

In the history of my life, I never thought I would be something as such, we did other business together and eventually, we Co-founded a company.

Connecting with people matters as you will be elevated in due time or brought down anytime if your connection with people is not a good one.
So far I have been able to connect with Men and Women of Good Virtues. Currently, I have connected with you, I trust this will bring deals and partnerships between us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Traveling, connecting with different people, engaging here on HIVE with others is a great way to change your perspective, to grow, to learn new things, and to make friends for your whole life! I have met so many great people online 15-20 years ago and I still have regular contact with them... I'm happy to see that it worked very well for you, too!

I have met my current business partner here on HIVE!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project and it will be highlighted in the next post!

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That's really nice.

It's also my pleasure to connect with you too.
We can also have a regular conversation too if you want.
And Thank you very much.

Oh, it's a beautiful story!

I remembered one expression: in the age of automation and digital metaverses, business and companies are still built by people and their relationships with each other!

Yeah, thank you very much.
We are gonna rock the metaverse together.

What a wonderful story and how building relationships is so rewarding!
I can say that thanks to Hive I "met" nice people who helped me grow my confidence in socializing and writing!
With the pandemic I lost my offline job and if it wasn't for the supportive community here on Hive, my lockdown would be very depressing lol

All the best for you!


Thank you so much for replying and indeed connections with people really are wonderful.
A lot of thanks go to the hive communities for making sure everyone is sociable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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After a few months working with Mr. Simon, I started getting Fat.

I related to this on the same level been skinny ever since but when I started working and having some extra money to pay for my food expenses I began to notice that I am getting bigger.

Connections does matter, I have some friends here too in Hive that are into business and if there are concerns relating to such I immediately tap them Though we haven't set up any business yet maybe in the future we might? Not really sure if that will be happening but hopefully we will.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, money does make one at ease and enjoy.

I am certain that we all would have a good connection here that will change lives and save nations

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