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But WTF is going on? Most of the people I follow, who were LONG time Hivers before Hive even existed (when it was Steemit) are getting lots of downvotes. These include and @cryptographic and @frankbacon. They used to get nothing but upvotes. Something weird is going on here. It will not be long before everyone worthy of following is destroyed.

It's a little twisted right now... But we will get this sorted out. And soon I might add. 😎πŸ₯“

Again, I suspect @gank, the accusing account, as well as @spaminator are owned by Steemit. Inc.

Canada is involved.

All I'm going to say. 😐



Great definition of COVID, aka CCP virus. I would continue posting if I were you, even if you are unable to convince them of your unique identity. You have a large following that likes your posts.


A vary nice think for you to say.

I personally identify as legit.


Canada is involved? Canadian government? How do you know they are Canadian?

I read tea leaves and write Sci fi.
Exclusive to THIS Blockchain.

Foe some reason... Lotta Canadians hate my stuff..
Go figure.

A lot of Americans hate my stuff because I write that the election was stolen. I also blog on Publish0x, and get lots of downvotes there. I usually get 4 downvotes for every 6 upvotes when I write about the election, and I also get downvotes on my non-political posts. I think I trigger some people and make them want to downvote everything I write.

Is Spaninator a bot I wonder? They seem to downvote all of your stuff, and several other people's almost immediately after they post.