When Was the Last Time You Checked the Stats of Your Outgoing Votes?

in LeoFinance4 months ago

It's been a far too long time for me.

But perhaps a much better question for most people would be:

How do I check the stats of my outgoing votes on Hive?

That's a VERY good question, to be honest. We are not talking about who upvotes your posts, we are talking about who YOU upvote regularly or with higher weights.

This is a question I haven't found a great answer to yet. I mean, we have the stats on PeakD (thanks @achim03 for reminding me of them!), which show the distribution of the incoming and outgoing votes, including or excluding downvotes.

You can access this from https://peakd.com/me/analytics (you must be logged in to PeakD).

Here's what my pie chart looks like for outgoing votes over the last month or so:

I didn't include usernames because what I wanted to point out was a relatively "fair" distribution, not highly squeezed toward one or two accounts (and I don't self-upvote, so none of them are mine).

The least voted on this pie chart received 16 votes, while the most voted 45 times over a month or so. The highest number of upvotes were received mostly for engagement on my posts, which means sometimes the person who comments every day on my posts on-topic, probably received more than one upvote if we engaged in a good conversation.

What I believe this pie chart is lacking and may be an important piece of information to not have, is the stake-weight distribution of the votes. Given that I upvote full posts with a higher weight than comments, when I do it manually (without being triggered via the curation trails), the distribution would probably look different when it measures the vote amounts instead of the number of votes.

Unfortunately, I don't know any tool that gives us such a distribution on Hive anymore or maybe I forgot about it. Anyone does, and wants to share the information?

I also checked out the accounts that received my upvotes. It is great to see that most of the people who show up on this list I upvoted myself manually. There are a few who I didn't recognize, who were upvoted via curation trails (after checking, mostly one, liotes.voter). I checked each of their content and I have no objections, I would have upvoted them myself too.

There was one other account I upvoted regularly by following one of the STEM curation trails. I ended up following the account because it's the kind of content I would gladly consume.

There is also another category of a few accounts that I would call "Liotes community top members" that have been upvoted more often via the curation trail. I have generally interacted with all of them multiple times over time and I believe the aspect of growing as a community (or communities if you are part of more of them) should not be neglected.

That's all the pie chart included. I probably would have been curious about how my outgoing votes stand in a few cases of accounts I used to upvote very often in the past but not as regularly nowadays.

We are creatures of habit. Sometimes we don't realize how much or how little we upvote certain accounts until we check such stats. In some cases, it's their fault, because they forget to create content for longer periods. 😆

There are some special cases too. In some cases, you keep upvoting a certain person's account because you understand the work put into each publication, and understand it's undervalued, according to your estimation. I do something like this too. But I'm still a relatively small fish in the big ocean, and can't make much of a difference.

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It's a good way to pick what interests you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I didn't know that took existed, thanks for sharing! Will check it out for myself :D

Do that, you often discover interesting things.

I did!
I follow some curation trails and apparently the biggest amount of my upvotes is going to the people curated by these trails. Isn't necessarily a problem as my vote is just $0,02 but good to know anyway.
So, thank you for sharing the tool!

Yeah, you don't have a big enough vote, but if you want your manual curation to have more influence, there are two ways to do it:

  • increase the voting mana threshold after which the automated votes start; a too-low threshold uses too much of your voting mana for automated votes (curation trail or you direct auto-votes) and leaves too little for manual curation and/or
  • use scaled votes, not fixed, and maybe lower than 100%, depending on the regular weight of the votes used by the curation trail

I use these trails as I rather upvote in line with the trail than losing potential upvotes as my Voting mana could reach 100%. I try to vote manually everyday but don't always find the time to do so.

The scaled votes is indeed something I should check, at the moment, I think my curation trail votes are set at 100%.

Thanks for your input and help! 🙌

I haven't been checking my stats lately. Doing it now, I saw a lot of authors that I follow, as well as giveaways that I join. I noticed that the Peakd analytics don't include vote efficiency. I think another site I visited before had it.

I think another site I visited before had it.

Someone shared stats from HiveTasks, but it doesn't seem to work for me for vote stats.

I remembered what it was. Hivestats.

And it has these pie charts with incoming/outgoing votes? I looked around and didn't see them.

I was talking about further down. They had the pending curation rewards that show the efficiency:


Yep, that's the curation efficiency of your votes. It doesn't show a chart with your vote distribution over a certain period.

Thank you @gadrian. I found my pie charts and other data! I have improved a lot with my Hive Power! Thank you for this info today on Voting stats. There are many other stats here as well! I have read it is not good Hive etiquette to upvote your own posts and your own comments. Curation trails are good and I am trying to remember exactly what they are and how they are helpful. Growing as a community then is what the curation trails are for right? It's really good for the individual that we are helping make a difference for them by upvoting them. I love doing this anything I can to make a difference for someone. I get confused at times so I hope I am not under valuing someone by upvoting their posts and comments all the time. Is that possible @gadrian to hurt some ones value by upvoting for them every time I read their comment or read their post? Thank you! Barb !BBH !CTP #ctp

it is not good Hive etiquette to upvote your own posts and your own comments.

It's debatable. I don't upvote them unless I need a comment to be a little more visible, but others say if you don't upvote your own work it means you don't appreciate it and you should be the first to do it. At first, I upvoted my posts based on this principle, but later I thought it was much better to leave that appreciation totally in the hands of others.

Curation trails are good and I am trying to remember exactly what they are and how they are helpful.

Curation trails are a feature in certain tools (for example, hive.vote), that allows someone to follow the vote of certain curators who set up such curation trails and make them public. That's why when certain services upvote posts, there is a trail of upvotes following from other unrelated accounts, usually at lower weights than the original vote.

Growing as a community then is what the curation trails are for right?

Yes, if the curation trail you follow votes within a certain community. But curation trails are for different types and purposes. They usually state their objective quite clearly.

Is that possible @gadrian to hurt some ones value by upvoting for them every time I read their comment or read their post?

Certainly not. But if you don't have enough voting mana or if you vote frequently on posts or comments that don't make it to the post payout threshold (2 cents, minimum), you hurt your own curation rewards.

OK thank you much @gadrian for your answers. Where would I look into the stats to see that I'm hurting my upvote payout threshold? Thanks and have a great week! !BBH !CTP #ctp

You can check hivestats.io, and from there the curation efficiency of your votes from the last 7 days. If it's below 40%, I'd say it's pretty low, if it's below 30% it's kind of awful. I guess from the efficiency p.o.v., it would be best if the return would be 50% and above. But that doesn't always happen.

For example, you upvoted my comment above (thanks for the intention!). You will receive a 0% return on it (on the Hive side, and maybe some curation rewards on the Hive-Engine side) because that comment won't have at least 2 cents at payout time and won't receive any rewards, as things stand now.

OK thank you @gadrian I'll take a look at hivestats.io and I will look at the curation votes percentage for the last 7 days. !BBH !CTP

This is what my percentage is @gadrian and I don't know if I understand well enough on what not to vote for to make it higher. Thank you. Current Vote Value (57.6%) not sure if this was for 7 days looking at the chart confused but I have this one.
7 Days
1 HP
0.32 HBD
0.3 HP
0 HP
1.3 HP
0.32 HBD

I can't read that well either. Maybe a screenshot would help.

A vote value (which really is voting mana) of 57% is very low. You should keep it above 80%, maybe even 90%, depending how often you vote. That means you need to vote less. For example, voting on my comment above doesn't help you or me. Neither of us get anything at payout. You should only vote on posts, not comments.

Is there anyway I can undo the votes? I don't want to downvote and that would show broken hearts.

Oh no. OK @gadrian I will try to remember that.

I checked the comments and I get the same result as you with hivetasks... Thanks for the mention :-)

Thanks for the feedback! What browser do you use?

I use chrome but even with edge it didn't work.

Ok, so it's not from the browser then... I expected that, to be honest. I think the script might have some limitations and certain resource-intensive features only work if certain conditions are met.

I love checking the stats of my activities in general, but I don't upvote due to the worth of my upvote, so I am sure I won't gain many insights from checking.

What would be interesting for me is to check who upvotes my post regularly. 😅

but I don't upvote due to the worth of my upvote

At your HP, you should vote, but only on full posts (not comments!) and in the first 24 hours after publishing, at 100%. Even an insignificant vote can earn curation rewards if they are at least 0.001. It might not happen often for a small vote because you need a great return on that post with your curation, but that can happen. If you vote 10 times a day should be more than enough. And check out after 7 days to see how many of them earn curation rewards. If you notice some posts regularly don't earn you curation rewards, avoid voting on them, it means, there's too much competition and your curation is below the minimum payable threshold of 0.001 HP.

What would be interesting for me is to check who upvotes my post regularly. 😅

Those stats are on the same PeakD analytics page I shared up there.

If you notice some posts regularly don't earn you curation rewards, avoid voting on them, it means, there's too much competition.

I've learnt something new here! I do notice curation rewards on some post are constantly low, as in below the voted HP amount while on others, it's quite the opposite, as in always higher than the voted amount. Now, I understand the reason behind it, thank you :)

You're welcome! As a rule of thumb, if a post's rewards seem high in displayed numbers, but there are a few major voters or many hundred or even over a thousand voters on that post, it is likely that the curation return would be below expectations.

Those stats are on the same PeakD analytics page I shared up there.

Oh nice. I will check them out. Thank you

At your HP, you should vote, but only on full posts

Thank you for this. I am new to Hive, and I thought it wasn't necessary. Now I know better.

Curation rewards can yield around 8-10% yearly return in HIVE Power.

Oh really? That's quite good.

I'm manually upvoting in 99% of cases and do you know who is leading? You! 🙂

Also, I was surprised to see the chart very similar to yours, distributed upvotes almost equally!

Thanks for this reminder! It was great to re-check upvoting routines :)

Whoa! Thanks!

You know it's your own fault you're not in the first half of my pie chart, right? How many posts have you published in the last 30 days? 😉

Thanks for doing a great job with OurPick and liotes.voter, you save me from having the voting mana at 100% sometimes, by all indications!

Hahahaha... Yeah, I suck on creating content... lol...

Regarding the curation trail, @ourpick is a better pick to follow, but sometimes, I do upvote posts older than 24 hours (maybe in 5-10% of cases MAX)... But with that account, the upvote goes to great content, and we try to mix people as much as possible... As HIVE isn't that big, sometimes names are repeated... Also, Ourpick upvotes 5-6 accounts/posts per day with 100% upvotes (except Saturday and Sunday)... so it is kind of predictable how much it can spend...

and thanks for following the trail! Upvoted people appreciate it!

Hmmm, it looks like I need to check that out! I think I followed liotes.voter before you had OurPick and haven't thought of them as different. Thanks for the info! I occasionally manually upvote posts older than 24 hours too, but not as a rule.

Indeed currently the pie charts are not that useful without the actual vote values. I don´t know either where to find this info.

Yeah, that's unfortunate. Because weight makes a huge difference when voting, especially for big accounts.

Hey! you two. Here below your pie charts with some values.





Now, if you want extra values such as the value in dollars of your votes or something. Then you will have to pay me for the service! LoL

I'm pretty pissed off right now that I can't remember the name of the tool you used for the charts although I used it in the past (or at least it's similar to one I used)...

Oh! pero ten en cuenta que mis servicios de masajes neuronales para mejorar la memoria y calmar las arrecheras por no recordar las cosas, de bolas que pueden salir mucho mas caros.

LOL! I get it... Information is power! 😂

Information is power! 😂

Of course!

And by the way, I dunno why. But I always thought you were Venezuelan. Hence, my humorous spanglish comment.

But I always thought you were Venezuelan.

I have an idea why... I include enough news about Venezuela in my reports, and I've seen my weekly news updates are shared in the Venezuelan community.

Thanks, was this done with hivetasks? I checked it but couldn´t find where exactly this function was.

Yes, was done with hivetasks. So, go there and test it as indicated in the picture below. Just make sure you are in the section "Stats" of the page as is shown in the pic and click on the buttons indicated. :)


But shhh, don't say anything to @gadrian, he hasn't paid me for the neural massage yet.

I already tried it last night, and it doesn't work for me... Here:


I tried it both in Firefox and Brave. So I thought this feature may be disabled in HiveTasks.

Good hint bro. The browser would actually have a lot to do with the problem you've had. But using Chrome I assure you that it is resolved.

Brave is Chromium, and without Shields up, HiveTasks should really have no reason not to work there if it works on Chrome.

But I'm willing to give it a try on a different browser too. Out of curiosity to see if the browser is the issue.

Peakd's analytics section is really nice. I liked it, I will review it in more detail periodically.

Yes, it is. It's nice to see enough of my posts have a good number of views on PeakD too. I said a couple of times that we would have a hard time measuring the impact of our posts when each front end counts their views separately or not at all for the content shared between them.

Useful tool. I didn't expect that dustbunny and binance2 would be the top likers of my posts. As for the posts, I am voting, I am not surprised that TM is number 1 but as for other accounts that I upvote, I didn't expect that.


If you use the tool, then it's normal it is quite high at the top.


I think that's the account of a user, not Binance's.

as for other accounts that I upvote, I didn't expect that.

We often have surprises when we consult these stats.

Oh wow
That’s cool
I’d go on to check and see who’s taking all my votes😅

I'm sure I am, lol.

It's interesting to look at and I don't think I have checked mine in a long time. I have only been looking at Hivestats and not really at PeakD analytics.

I hadn't looked at mine in a long while until yesterday too.