SEO Tutorial # 3 : Focus Keyword in SEO Title

in LeoFinance9 months ago


A title for your post decides whether a reader want to stay longer on your page or wants to move to other blog post quickly. This is why a well written title post is important to grab the interest of the reader. But this is on the end of readers.

When it comes to SEO on your end, a fully SEO optimized title is signaling to the search engines where to rank your content.

Try to add your focus keyword in the SEO title of the page. The presence of primary keyword in the title of your page is important as it gives signal to Google and other search engines for ranking.

Google displays around 60 characters of your title on desktops and 50 on mobile. Therefore, its important to add your primary focus keyword with the 50 characters in order for it to be displayed on desktops and mobile devices.

If readers didn't find a suitable post title to their needs, they may switch to other keywords to write in search engines search bar.

This is why its important to work on your post title.

Learn More:

SEO Tutorial | Writing the Post
SEO Tutorial # 1 : Choosing Focus Keywords
SEO Tutorial #2 : Which Keyword to Target

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