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RE: Boosting LeoFinance Visibility! 2800+ Tweet Impressions & 3400 Profile Visits

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I've had some success writing about some smaller projects in the past and giving them a @ ping on the article post which attracts some new and extra eye balls.

Including a CTA can be very powerful and to ping official accounts can be extremely beneficial. Just imagine writing about "abc1" and you ping "abc1official" and they like and/or retweet your tweet. That can be very powerful in terms of getting exposure.

The lists need to be more targeted otherwise we are simply just throwing traffic at the site with a low to no conversion rate and well that sucks just saying.

I think you're right, but I also think that it's better to have the traffic coming in rather than not. Even though it might not be targeted traffic that comes in.

I mean, Twitter is amazing for "quick bursts of traffic", which is literally just boosting traffic for a short amount of time. You don't know who'll you'll eventually catch with one of those tweets though.

That's why I am confident that optimized content is what will get us to new heights eventually. That type of traffic is- and will be targeted, because people are finding Leo-content themselves through search engines.

I wouldn't recommend anyone doing twitter instead of optimized content, but I'd still recommend people using Twitter as an additional option to bring more traffic.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta