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RE: Boosting LeoFinance Visibility! 2800+ Tweet Impressions & 3400 Profile Visits

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Yep, You can push some serious traffic and exposure in general from twitter. Also I've had some success writing about some smaller projects in the past and giving them a @ ping on the article post which attracts some new and extra eye balls. Plus that nice solid backlink are all powerful ways to drive more traffic and potentially investors into the LEO token.

I think it important though to understand that for the most part people are visiting LEO finance for various articles on various topics. There's no real way to them to get added to a email list that specific to a topic or category or person. (which is why I started adding a CTA at the bottom of some of my posts again as I've seen good success with it.) The lists need to be more targeted otherwise we are simply just throwing traffic at the site with a low to no conversion rate and well that sucks just saying.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I've had some success writing about some smaller projects in the past and giving them a @ ping on the article post which attracts some new and extra eye balls.

Including a CTA can be very powerful and to ping official accounts can be extremely beneficial. Just imagine writing about "abc1" and you ping "abc1official" and they like and/or retweet your tweet. That can be very powerful in terms of getting exposure.

The lists need to be more targeted otherwise we are simply just throwing traffic at the site with a low to no conversion rate and well that sucks just saying.

I think you're right, but I also think that it's better to have the traffic coming in rather than not. Even though it might not be targeted traffic that comes in.

I mean, Twitter is amazing for "quick bursts of traffic", which is literally just boosting traffic for a short amount of time. You don't know who'll you'll eventually catch with one of those tweets though.

That's why I am confident that optimized content is what will get us to new heights eventually. That type of traffic is- and will be targeted, because people are finding Leo-content themselves through search engines.

I wouldn't recommend anyone doing twitter instead of optimized content, but I'd still recommend people using Twitter as an additional option to bring more traffic.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What is CTA?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Call To Action

Ah yes. I have been putting that in my posts of late.

Calling for people to leave comments and express their views. Simple but effective (hopefully).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep! Asking them to do it or sometimes I like to leave a kind of open ended question that relates to the article for people to comment about are quick easy ways to try and boost engagement. I have to say all our efforts are paying off.

I have to say all our efforts are paying off.

Lol not sure I see it that way. What criteria are you using as a basis for that conclusion?

I havent seen any starts other than the weekly Leostats post and the numbers seem to be stagnant there.

I am curious what you are seeing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's not record breaking that's for sure lol but I've seen a little more activity on my own posts and in Discord. It's for sure lightyears away from where it should be though and the quality of those people I don't want to see tank either so it's a fine line of growth and quality right now.

Baby steps I guess.

Yes well if we can keep pushing online activity, ie commenting/engagement, then that will help others to join in. I guess we can use the snowball analogy going downhill. Hard in the early stages but it does build.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Might do better being more targeting towards people we know that are into this stuff instead of "general"

That is true yet we have to discuss it, toss the ideas out there, and try to find those who are "into this stuff".

A few dedicated people can truly make a difference.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it's worth a shot, but I don't think it works when it's about making comments. It doesn't take more than a few seconds to add such a CTA, but people should understand by themselves that engagement is practically the life of anything that is supposed to be social.

Without engagement, anything that is social will die, eventually. That's the real nature of it. If people aren't capable of understanding this, I'm not sure what else we can do except by thinking of a way to reward engagement in a better way/differently.

I honestly believe that it's the only way to increase the overall engagement on Hive. Through rewards.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta