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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: What can you share about different blockchains? (09/19/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I saw a post with a Splinterlands tip. It was something I knew about for a while but I thought everyone knew about it. I think it has the most benefits right before a season end because you will win more matches in the lower leagues compared to the league above.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes, this is good and will add up over time. I'm still hoping to win a gold foil legendary card in a loot chest, and it might just happen this way. Any of you guys ever won one?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have not...but I have seen a few people mentioned that they got a few. I think someone I know who has been playing for 3 years only got 2 gold foil legendaries during that time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I actually managed to get one a couple weeks ago. Of course it was a card I never use was a summoner so it was actually worth a couple hundred bucks. I still own it. I just can't get myself to sell anything... :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hah, that's very nice! It makes a lot of sense but I didn't know it was actually possible. I'll start doing that whenever possible

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lower leagues? Is that like Gold, silver, bronze, etc? Or does "lower leagues" refer to something different?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well it's like saying you have enough points for gold but you fight in Silver since the DEC difference isn't that big and the win rate is higher. This makes getting your quest done easier.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah, OK. It's like staying in a four-year college or university for Year 5.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Realistically, most people can get their ratings higher than they can get their collection power. For example, last season I think I got my rating up to like 2200 but my collection power is only high enough to qualify for Silver II. But, if you're having difficulty winning at those levels, you can stay in Bronze, finish your quest, and then before you claim your rewards level up to the next level and THEN click claim. You'll get an extra chest or two. That's what he's saying....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Damn! that sounds complicated. I know it makes sense as you play the game, but still. Even so, it's a way to get more out of the game even when circumstances don't favor you.

And I thought NFL tie-breaker procedures for playoff qualification were difficult.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta