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RE: The Ultimate Savings Account.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

First thought is - Do you have any MATIC in your Polygon wallet? It is normal that it will redirect to and change the wallet, polycub is on a completely different chain to cubfinance. But to claim your airdrop, you need a little MATIC in there to pay the gas fee.

If that is the problem, the easiest way for HIVE people to get some matic is to buy it on Hive Engine. You can then withdraw it straight to your Polygon wallet and are good to go.

I hope that helps you out. If that isn't the problem, then maybe it is something else and you might have to go to the Leofinance discord and ask one of the lovely people there for help.

Best of luck, feel free to ask away if there is anything else you are unsure about.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thank you for these, I really appreciate it :) I did send Matic to my Polygon wallet and tried claiming but for some reason I still can't. I will be going to Discord later tonight to ask for help. Once again, thanks!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta