I'm seeing a trend here

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Bitcoin seems to be repeating a similar pattern to last week

If last week were to play out in a similar fashion we would see some weakness and consolidation today (Sunday) and then a big dip tomorrow on Monday.

It's not all an "if then" statement though because it is already looking pretty similar to the setup we had last week at this time.



(Source: ~~~ embed:1348319204869550084/photo/1) twitter metadata:aW5tb3J0YWxjcnlwdG98fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vaW5tb3J0YWxjcnlwdG8vc3RhdHVzLzEzNDgzMTkyMDQ4Njk1NTAwODQvcGhvdG8vMSl8 ~~~

We are already seeing the start of the plunge with bitcoin dipping to $37k a few minutes ago.

If this does indeed play out, we may see $35k or even $34k within the next several hours.

Also if this does happen it will probably be quick judging by how fast it happened the last time. It only spent a few minutes down near the lows.

I sure hope we go get that dip though because I want to pick up some of that bitcoin I sold around $40k.

Not a lot, but some, and every little bit is going to matter later on when we are much higher.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hadn't that happened in the 2017 bull market as well. Climbing higher and higher with short lived dips touching stop losses and transferring the wealth from plebs to institutions... If it hasn't happened, it will happen this bull market. The way I see it it's nothing more but wealth transfer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Probably. I didn't look into the last rally close enough. Just the last few weeks.