#MyHiveGoals - Taking A Hit!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Updated! MyHIVEGoals For 2020.png

It's been a rough week for rewards over the past 7 days for me. Hey, I'm not complaining, like I've said since day one...If I get 1 Hive a day, I'm smiling from ear to ear.

However, I'm going to have to adjust my efforts and work even harder with the content.

And we'll start by powering up some Hive right now, as it is...Hive Power Up Day after all :)


That's my solution...If I am not happy with the rewards I'm getting, I'll just power up some more Hive and give out more in curation. Hey it's a win / win in my book!!!

Let's dive in and see how we did this week....

150,000 Hive Power


Like @taskmaster4450 mentioned in our podcast yesterday...I always start with Hive Power!

It's the magical unicorn of this blockchain and as you can see, the biggest bump I got this week was from my own power up that I did about 5 minutes ago.

150,000 - 122,973.05 = 27,026.95 left to go

Call me crazy, but this has been, and will be my focus on my crypto journey for a long long time to come. To me, it just doesn't get any better than Hive!

30,000 LEO & 1,000,000 SPT


After hitting my ONEUP goal last week, it's allowed me to focus on LEO and SPT going forward.

And this week, I stacked some LEO ;)

30,000 - 27,861.20 = 2,138.80 left to go

I'm adding around 50 or so LEO a day right now from my delegation to @leo.voter as well as content on the LEO platform. I should hit my goals sooner rather than later :)


It was a slower week for me on SPT, as the Splintertalk front end has been giving me quite a few issues over the past few days.

Hope it gets back to normal soon because, we're inching closer to the goal...

1,000,000 - 697,398 = 302,602 left to go

Exciting stuff! We're almost at the 300k mark!

Dollar Cost Average Into Hive Engine Projects

Let's see how our little income tokens did this past week!

100 HBD

And after this week's buys I'm at....

725 HBD
11,590 @he-index

Stay. Stacking!

I've been really trying to reach my goal for HBD so I can enjoy some of that sweet 20% APR lol

Do you have a plan when it comes to our stable coin on the blockchain?

100 Hive / Day Rewards

Like I mentioned above, I'm pretty sure my daily rewards from creation is going to take a nose dive this week and I have no control over that. However, what I do have control over is how much curation I can get because...I can power up more Hive!!!

Let's see how we did:

28.53 Rewards from Creating
11.89 Rewards from Curating
14 Rewards from Misc.

Total rewards = 54.42 per day

I was right, the rewards went down. But regardless, I'm excited to bump up that Hive Power now to get more curation rewards hopefully going forward. More upvotes for people in the community...Specifically you awesome sauce people in ListNerds lol

Thanks for checking our my adventures this week!


Save BIG on all your Swap.Hive / Hive needs with HivePay:


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Gift and tip CTP tokens to awesome content creators using the brand new @CTPtips Bot!

Stake CTP and use the prompt !CTP to gift tokens to your favorite creators!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It's unfortunate the rewards took a dive, sometimes we experience these patches and changes. I think reshuffling and adjusting our goals makes up for it. The situations changes with time, effort and hustle. Keep grinding sir.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah it won't change my plan for the daily activity. If anything, it'll kick me in the butt lol


So whats the plan to get to 100 hive a day??

Oh man...Kiss a lot of butt???? lol

Nah man, I think it'll come from being more active, adding more value programs and apps to the blockchain and continuing to build. I'll get there :)


Kiss a lot of butt

thoses precious asses are not gonna kiss themselves now aren't they ? :))))

ha h ha ha exactly.


I hope you hit it soon!!

You got this!


That's still good. If I get 10 hive a week I'm excited. I going to add more HBD into savings. The Interest is just magical !

Oh I'll never complain. If anything it gets me more motivated :)


I have to say that 54 Hive return by day is pretty impressive! Is income from Splinterlands included in that?

I have been accumulating HBD for some time and when Hive prices go south, I plan to buy some hive with my interests :-).

Nah, Splinterlands is separate. But that has gone way down now too. Nothing I can do but keep showing up LOL


150K Hive Power?
I feel like you should feel happy about it ;)

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Oh no doubt, I do each and every day :)

It's been a grind for sure!


Cool ;)

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Hive power is indeed the unicorn of this blockchain as it is basically called the influence score of this platform.

Hive power is a measurement for how much influence a user has within the Hive network.

In essence, the more Hive Power one holds, the more you're able to influence the value of posts ,votes and comments.

Voters with more Hive Power have a greater influence over the allocation of the rewards for a particular post than voters with less Hive Power.

Don’t ever stop powering up ! 💪🏾💪🏾

Best thing is...It's ours to give away to others!

We can delegate it to projects we believe in.

And we can curate content we enjoy, which helps everyone!


It's so far, the truest form of engagement/reward out there (not discounting steemit but this is a fork of course) - Glad we all came here.

Your reports are always inspiring. The Leo target is really close. A good ignition of HIVE Power too but what surprised me the most is the 100 weekly HBD at that rate you will grow very very fast.

Yeah I've just been dumping all my post rewards into HBD savings. Think it'll really explode soon and I can get a decent amount monthly from it.


I am inspire by this! Thank you, I will be wise and more active for the next months to also achieve my goals☺️

Write those goals down, you will be surprised how well it works!


Even if the rewards dropped a bit, I still think it's good enough that we are still growing. That 100 Hive per day goal seems to be quite tough to reach though and I was thinking that you would power up like 1k HP. I saw Zoltan and Achim power up that much a few times.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was pretty big into spending the fiat into Hive when I first started. Cash dried up lol So I'm relying mostly on just keeping my power up going for the long run and stacking when I can.


I was thinking, can we also delegate the LEO power too? or we have only delegation option to do so for Hive power? I want to put up 1000 LP and then delegate it too. I am just not sure which curation account to delegate it too. I have been only thinking of delegation because this way I can get some Hive in days when I can't write content. :)

Yeah for sure, LeoFi offers APR returns on LEO delegation. I have about 5k LEO delegated out right now earning some extra tokens every day!


@tipu curate

Great work

Thank you so much for the tip!


That is still a massive growth from my point of view as a minnow. So congratulations still and onward and upwards hehe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Appreciated. Oh it took a while for sure, but not stopping now :)


You are welcome and all the best!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good going old chap. 50 a day seems a little on the low side for such a large investment?
Need to get your curation into high gear.

Are there any plans to add on off ramp to fiat via hivepay.io? That would be very handy in places like Lebanon and Venezuela. 👍


No plans yet for fiat onboarding with Hive Pay. Have to keep it all crypto right now for legal reasons and regulatory.


Dagnabbit regulations lol

I hope the next week goes better with the rewards. It seems we are taking a dip this weekend for sure with the hive price. I hope it stays low long enough, so we can add to our stack.

Yeah, hope so. I'll be adding more this week I think as well!


This post further motivates my snail, which is moving towards 1,000,000 SPT)... but more slowly than it happens with you, however, no less fun)

Oh SPT is most definitely my sleeper pick for long term potential!


I want you to reach your goal. I think that in 9-11 months you will reach a million SPTs, it is difficult to predict curatorial awards, they fluctuate very much. I'm starting to think that maybe I'll have to buy the missing coins if I run out of ideas to illustrate my way to a million).

I mean that's what I've been doing...Grabbing like 1000 SPT a day, and it really starts to snowball.

I didn't look at your stats but I assumed your SPTs were bringing in around 1000 coins per day, but I think the range was 700-1300 coins based on my stats which fluctuate between 190 and 560 coins per day. Such fluctuations were even when I did not receive copyright awards, which, at the moment, are not significant. I think I have a few fun years ahead of me, as long as I stake all of the SPT. I don’t know at what point to stop ONEUP, I didn’t set specific goals for this coin, what would you advise? ... I understand that there is no limit to perfection) ... but, nevertheless, it’s interesting to know a different opinion on this matter. Thanks in advance!

Curious how does WORKER BEE work?

It's like...The best kept secret on Hive.

It's the governance token for Hive Engine. But it's also a mining token, that mines BEE tokens.

Does it work daily? For instance, if I have 100 WORKERBEE, how many BEE will it mine in a week?

Congratulations @jongolson! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Be ready for the 5th edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - May 1st 2022

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@dkid14(1/5) tipped @jongolson (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

Congratulations @jongolson! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 100 HP on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 3 badge
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Be ready for the 5th edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - May 1st 2022

Thanks for this.
My content creation has taken a dive as well, now that I'm focusing on learning to code for future web development, but I'm still not slowing down on curating.
With CTP tipping, how much do you need to stake to be able to tip?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Dude this is a bold goal, I hope you make it - Just do something worthwhile with it once you reach it.

I hope someday. I could do that also. Just need to be more active.

Hi Jongo
Always nice to read your updates. Adjusting the plan according to the circumstances is often necessary. I also needed to adjust my goals due to the increase in HBD savings interest so I'm now focusing on putting a bit more into that than I was last month. While it probably will lower my curation a bit because I'm not converting it all to Hive to Power Up, it's still earning really well so I think it's going to pay for itself in the long run if that makes sense and can still always be converted again later to HP if I decide to.

You're so close to hitting 150k now, it's getting quite exciting.

I like how 100 HBD a week sound. That'll compound great time.

And you're so close to nailing another one... LEO.

For sure has been a shift in rewards earned on posts and I'm feeling it as well. I'm guessing it's because of the steep dip that Hive's price has taken? I never can honestly ever really wrap my head around it all lol

Time to stack that LEO! and CTP along with Listnerds seems to be doing very well!