Engrave: Testing out the blockchain-powered blog [Part 1]

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Do you know Engrave? It is a blogging platform that you can create, and connect it to the hive blockchain. It contains custom themes and it can work with custom domains.

I had seen in the past, but a few days ago I remembered it again and wanted to check it out..


So, let's see together what it is and how a user can join.

Official account

Find the official account at https://hive.blog/@engrave

The link mentioned at their official page is: dblog.org

When you click, you are asked to sign in with hivesigner


You need to authorize the app with posting authority



The moment I walk in .. wow! A whole dashboard for me!


Create your blog

You also get to choose a theme, a slogan a title etc..


After you fill in your details, fill in the categories of your blog


Afterwards, you get the option to import all your blog articles into one single category. I am not sure if you can change categories of your previous posts, I have asked it and I will come back with the update soon.

If this step is skipped, you will not be able to do it in the future.
So I imported everything into a category with the hope to categorize them later on..

Categories / Import

Note: (It would be great if you would be given the option here to add a category or to go back and create another category. I will have to add everything to my previously made category - because I created only one)


Clicking Import will start bringing in all your data

Manage dashboard

After all the info has been imported, you get to play and transform your blog as you like!


Almost final result

At the end, your blog will look something like this



[Part 1 of Engrave Platform Review]

Take Away

It seems a cool option to have everything categorized, at the moment it is extremely hard to find one of your (not recent) past articles as you need to scroll .. .and scroll...and scroll..

Think of your blog name, title, slogan and also the categories you would like to add to your blog...


  1. One thing that does not make me happy is that all my previous blogs are under one category, and I do not see the option to come back and change blogs into different categories. I have asked if it is even possible and I will then get back with Part 2 of my review :))

  2. What happens to the new posts I create from now on? Am I obliged to use engrave or can I import them afterwards?

So, please stay tuned for some replies to come soon!

More information: https://blog.engrave.dev/huge-engrave-update-multiple-blogs-per-user-multiple-users-per-blog-and-more


Thank you for visiting!

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Posted Using LeoFinance


I tried it expecting to be able to create a really nice bespoke homepage, but TBH I didn't find it had any advantages over Peakd TBH.

Posted Using LeoFinance

I hope I will get a reply in my 2 questions and then I will continue with my second part review. As I understand, you can have a customized blog, where it will be easy to categorize your blogs, with separate menu sections. If an existing blog cannot be edited, I am not sure if I will be using it. it however has some interesting features, like adding a custom domain name, social media links, even analytics and tracking code...
We ll see 😊 Just trying things out, to find all potential options for users
I ll also wait for the new LeoFinance interface!!!! 😊🥳

They seem to have rebranded, 'dblog' is new, I don't remember that from a couple of months ago when I checked it out, I will have to look into it!


Posted Using LeoFinance

I read one of their recent replies and there were some health issues that kept them away for sometime. I suppose that they will update us soon..

Oh well that's a bummer, hope whoever it is is back on track with their health as soon as they can be!

Posted Using LeoFinance

#posh ed ..

Redd'ed ..
~~~ embed:LeoFinance/comments/hxiitl/engrave_hive_based_blokchain_blog/ reddit metadata:fExlb0ZpbmFuY2V8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL0xlb0ZpbmFuY2UvY29tbWVudHMvaHhpaXRsL2VuZ3JhdmVfaGl2ZV9iYXNlZF9ibG9rY2hhaW5fYmxvZy98 ~~~

Posted Using LeoFinance