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RE: Who uses Lassecash?

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Earth is flat, we have MANY proofs, look up Eric Dubay's book "200 Proofs Earth Is Not a Spinning Ball" and here I will give you some proofs for free:

Balloon versus 3D model:

Here is another proof, using the small and local sun:

And here are a documentary of 1 hour full of related REAL information: (click the photo)

Thank me later... the day you wake up, you better donate 10000-100000$ as a thank you for all the free work I did so far!


You are either stupid or malicious, but most likely both.
And if that's just stupidity, it's really impressive.

Basic level of intelligence and education that one can get from an elementary school in developed countries is enough to know that you are full of bullshit just stupid.

(* - sorry, bullshit could be useful)

I disagree.

LOL, exactly.

Exactly what? If your elementary school teacher was at all qualified then maybe you would be able to argue a point.

There's no point. Just a waste.