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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: What can you share about different blockchains? (09/19/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Here is another edition of our daily @leomarkettalk.

We are moving towards the end of the month. To reach our goal, we need to kick things up a bit more. It is tough since we are now on the weekend.

One item of Note: NO POLITICS.

Lets keep this place friendly and clean and politics tends to bring out a lot of anger and disruption. We are here to attract people not turn them away because we get into a pissing contest about our political beliefs.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Isn't it super disappointing no one can have a educated discussion around politics anymore. It's always so negative trash talky and what's even more sad is that people you might have been friends with for years for some reason if they find out you voted for the other guy they go crazy and defriend you. So weird.

I lost many friends because I am conservative christian and politics comes in a way. In fact few of my cousins I last saw in 2009 and we never see eye to eye in any family gatherings anymore. Here in Asia, not being liberal and woke is kind of like inviting predators in corporate and social settings. Not being liberal and left would cost me my interactions with any future nephew and niece too I am afraid. I avoid talking about being conservative on hive too because you never know people may start with downvotes vendetta.

For most of my life I would have been defined as an ultra-conservative Evanglical Christian. After leaving the Christian faith, I now adhere to the Noachide philosophy (white-boy wanna be Jew as I describe it).

I am still fairly conservative in some of my views but have been called a liberal Jew by some. Fine with me. I heard that Jesus fella was also considered a liberal Jew by his peers in his day. I take the term that others use as a slur as a badge of honor!😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can understand that. Most of my family is conservative Christian and it was hard for me to interact with some of them because of our very different views on politics, economy and society.

Fortunately we were able to find common ground and focus on the things we agree on rather than on the things we disagree on so now we have a much better relationship

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Relatable. Lost friendships over politics. It's not worth it at all!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

These days we're dealing with SORE WINNERS.

It's not enough enough to come out victorious in any discussion connected to politics in any way. These SORE WINNERS want to send the losers to oblivion in every possible way and even some impossible ways.

We don't need to change anyone's minds. We just need to state our cases and let th chips fall where they may. In the end, the truth will come out. That's the best revenge.

New Jersey Devils' team captain Scott Stevens hoisting the Stanley Cup in June 2000
Source: Bleacher Report

Professional ice hockey-- specifically the game in the Naional Hockey League-- is know to be a game riddled with fights and brawls. Not so much these days, but it was that way for decades well into the 1980s. When the playoffs take place to determine who ets to raise the Stanley Cup, the fights go down yet the brutality increases. For as long as a series is played, the 2 teams beat each other to a pulp. When the series ends and the winner advances to the next round-- or gets to raise the Stanley Cup over their heads-- both teams line up on the ice and everyone shakes everyone else's hands. The team which executed its game plan better beat the team which didn't.

Max Rockatansky-- Mad Max, the Road Warrior-- fighting for his life in Bartertown's Thunderdome

Politics had been that way until the 21st Century. These days, instead of playing for the Stanley Cup we're fighting in Thunderdome ("Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves!!").

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hehe as a big hockey fan that was a very nice analogy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was thinking of using the comment as a springboard for a post, only I'm not sure which domain gets to declare its version as canonical. The topic came up in LeoFinance, but LeoFinance is not a politically-oriented place except in how politics affects the financial markets are cryptocurrency. Proof of Brain would be the best place if it's not LeoFinance.

I would write the post in the most detached way I can, but I can't promise that comments will be just as detached.

If I publish it at PoB, I'll tag LeoFinance as well plus other communities. We are affected by this even if it's not as we would like.

So which domain should declare its version as canonical? Given the topic of the post, I didn't want to post it here if it's a mistake to do so, which is why I'm asking before I proceed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would definitely have to agree that its become so tribal and toxic that I just want to tune out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea, it's sad really. Some people will go a long way to defend politician A or B and are completely blind to the fact that most of them are equally bad

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is what politics has always been:


These days, it actually feels like we're dealing with Aliens/Xenomorphs and Predators. Whatever we believe (or even don't believe), we need to unite to remove the political people who pit us against each other. Our trouble is not with each other: it's with them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's very accurate. They are supposed to work for the people who elected them but they actually just do enough to get the votes they need

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My vote is not for the people who do bad POLITICS for purely selfish reasons.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta do you sift through the politicians when most of them are just horrible?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

NOTA until they find a better one for us. That's the only thing I can do.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You don't.

Legitimizing a corrupt process just allows the illegitimacy to continue.

The only votes which matter are those done with your wallet or by your feet. No one should ever be forced to vote for something he or she doesn't want.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Throw out the trash politicians till they change...but unfortunately most people don't agree with me because they believe the lesser of two evils.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

2 quick points:

  • The lesser of 2 evils is still evil;
  • Don't hate the player,hate the game.

If we could run our countries as well as we run the environment containing Hive, the world would be a better place. But we don't, so it isn't.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As long as big money continues to be in politics, corruption will continue to run rampant. Unfortunately, the only people who can get rid of the big money are the only people benefitting from it.

It's become a rigged system. First thing that needs to happen is term limits. Then they need to get rid of "former" government officials becoming lobbyists, or consultants. It's just one big circle-jerk.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Rather than try to fix the political system as it is, why don't we just hand it over to these people. We give it up and let them have it to love and honor and cherish.

What about us? When we let those people have that system, we withdraw our consent from it. As we do that, we simply set up our own systems where we interact with each other as originally intended. Should any people have trouble with this, they are free to form their own system.

We decentralize from politics, and we make as many hard forks as necessary in order to ensure peace with everyone else. I think this would be better than forcing everyone to accept a system where they don't want to be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It should have been easier to list "None of the above" (NOTA) instead of all those "Not U's".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LMAO. That's true! But then we wouldn't have this cool GIF :(

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's true. It's just that in real life it wouldn't look like that on the ballot. Besides, few if any places actually list NOTA as an option.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We do have NOTA as an option. Not many people use it because elections are rigged, either by the ruling party or the opposition. 👻

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

NOTA doesn't exist where I live. If it did, it would be the winner in every election by far!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

To reach our goal, we need to kick things up a bit more.

How many comments are done till date since Sept 1? Do we have that data yet?

It would help us to align ourselves towards the goal.

I think we need to have a new "min. comments per day" count to reach 10k.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We might have to ask @amr008 but we only got 200 comments yesterday. So according to my estimate, we are probably 200-300 comments behind that we need before we are on track with 333 per day. I could be wrong though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea, I think we need a good 500 or 600 day to make up for the days we slacked off.

I'm to blame because I wans't around much last week so I'll try to be better this week

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Okay it is your fault.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well...all of us takes some blame but we will do what we can to help.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it's more than 300 comments. Let's see if he publishes the totals.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes that is my presumption but I have nothing to back it up.

We can start the process of fixing that right now.

Let us make sure today, a Sunday, is over 300. That should be the minimum. We still have more than 4 hours left.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are closing in on 300 so I think we will reach it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What impact would comments made after each 24-hour period have? It feels as if these Hour-25+ comments number around 20. I'm just guessing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm pretty sure we're going to get well over 400 today...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Is that all?

I would have figured we would be further in the hole. But then I havent paid attention since early in the month so I honestly have no idea.

It just "feels" like we are failing to keep pace.

We simply will need a big week.

You ready for a 1,000 comment week?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You mean 1,000 comments in a week? That is worst than what we have now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea politics is not a nice topic. It did bring engagement but too much drama involved so I haven't bothered bring in anything.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No we dont need the drama. We want to be an education center as well as a resource for information.

Politics simply turns people against each other.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I get that it is polarizing, but the fact is that it SHOULD be talked about BECAUSE it's polarizing. Politics is supposed to be about ideas and vetting those ideas against each other. You're supposed to be able to talk about them so you can get both sides, or better yet, ALL sides of the issue. Then you can come together and decide what the best solutions are for all involved.

This bullshit about not talking about it because it might offend somebody is what's causing all the problems in the first place. We just play into the politicians hands by listening to "our" side's views of what's happening and dismissing the other.

There is no way you can tell me that every Democrat is a Marxist and a moron or that every Republican is a greedy redneck who wants to kill grandma and destroy the planet. Yet that's what our media wants us to believe. Almost every single one of us holds values from both sides but we aren't allowed to even express our opinions without the cancel culture and WOKE individuals shouting us down.

THIS is what's wrong with America, and the world at large. Until we can start talking to each other again, it's only going to get worse. How do you think the Facebooks and the Twitters and the YouTubes of the world are getting away with all this censorship and banning people?!? Because nobody wants to put themselves in the crosshairs by calling them out. They're too powerful.

THIS is where we SHOULD be having these discussions. This place represents freedom from those people and should be an open forum for the discussion of ideas. If you disagree with something, call it out. But back up your opinion with reasoning. Don't just say "you're an idiot".

We constantly preach the mantra Do your own research about everything in crypto. Well that should go double...triple when you are throwing out opinions about huge issues like healthcare and welfare and abortion and gun rights, etc.

Rant over. Chalk up another 1 comment for dagger. :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't like talking about politics anyway so it's fine by me!

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