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#GMfrens how is everyone doing? I will be sending 1000 $CCD to 3 winners! Follow @cryptocompany and leave a comment on their threadstorm! Link your comment as a reply to this thread! Winners drawn in 24h!
#cryptocompany #cryptocompanyceo

Oh, that awesome, some giveaway coming here

Yes! Make sure to follow all the steps to be able to win!

Definitely on course for a productive rewards

Not sure what this $CCD is but thanks for the contest!

$CCD is the official currency of @cryptocompany and its first usecase is that you can buy $CCDPACK with it. In it you will find 7 NFTs that all will be gold foil.
Find out all about #cryptocompany on the website

Hello, thanks for this great opportunity, I have left my house read and left my comment as well. The link to that is shared below here; #cryptocompany #cryptocompanyceo

Got an early start to my day. Stores in the city open at 7am. Buy. Lol. The garden centers don't open til 9am.

What a shame. Home Depot opens that late? :)

Don't have one, gotna Walmart, Canadian Tire and Kent.

9 am it is, then.

Lol. Only 6 minutes to go.

Hmm they do open early there unlike at my area lol

What time do they open there?

10am from then, only few open earlier than that

Greed here I guess

Lol I actually think it's laziness here 😅 your people over there are just being hardworking

Now, that is the way to put a positive perspective on it.

Dont you work or are you full time threads now?

I keep telling you, I am on holidays. Lol. Wish I was threads full time. I would be popping out a lot more.

I dont think you deserve holiday. That is earned. You are a slacker to the nth degree.

You need to work harder.

Absolutely. I need to straighten myself out. Thanks for reminding me.

I am surprised your wife didnt volunteer for the job. Or did she give up?

She have up.

And good morning

Hehe, how do you date two guys and they both have the same birthdays. Mehn, this seems like mission impossible but she has been doing it for 3 years.

THis other gender can be very smart at times, anything is possible anyway, since guys to do the same

Yep very smart indeed. But am not surprised cause I've heard more insane stories.

Omg! That is one hell of a gist lol

How did she do it? Me thinking she played different scenes to each of the guys

Well she is smart na. she is still doing it. One is poor and one is rich. she has been with the poor one much longer but you know money stop all nonsense hehe.

Oh so sad, she can play the cards well since she must have known the poor one well enough to know how to play him 🤦‍♀️

Yep and ironically she’s saying this now cause the poor guy has gotten some coins(in her words) and he wants to celebrate his birthday too this year😂. She’s looking for a way not to miss her yearly trip with the rich guy.

Unbelievable, how did she manage it?

Well she managed to hide it and is still doing it. The one she has been with for 4 years has no money and the one she has been with for 3 years has money. She manages to celebrate the rich ones birthday cause the poor one won't celebrate.

HaHaHaHaHa!!!! That is a good one. Have a nice day.

oh wow! what is the context here?

Well from her story one is poor ad one is rich.She has been with the poor one for 4 years but the rich one for 3 years. Because the poor one has no money she goes on yearly birthday trips with the rich one cause the poor won't celebrate.

I guess it high time we can some cruise on threads now, since am back fully.

Give your account balance a name.

Mine : God Abeg


Always good to be back on threads.

Thanks I couldn't slay the boss last week, due to sickness, but am doing good and threading back now.

Keep adding to what is taking place. I am glad you are feeling better.

Hope health is fully back.

Definitely, back and better, I hope I don't go back anytime soon too

Being sick sucks.

Honestly and that stop me from slaying you people last week

Good you're back :)

I'm curious with the name? I mean why God Abeg?

That's like a slang mate and it is used for some expression

Do you know what pidgin English is?

Aah, that's interesting.

Yes. So that is a Nigerian pidgin then

Definitely, I guess you're are interested in learning tthat


Middle of the week! Yesterday was not so productive, hoping for some better energy today. Off to a good start with a coffee and an egg wrap (and a small chunk of a cookie 😁)

Coffee, egg and threads.

Breakfast of champions.

Successfully created employment agreements and NDAs for my business with the help of AI. Just submitted them to be reviewed. I'm expecting minor adjustments because even though I don't really have legal experience, the docs looked solid

Good for you. I wanted to start using AI, but not gotten around it so far.

Amazing the information and ability that is available to us. #technology

Imagine what that does to the legal professions, sucking money out of it.

For meme thiefs 😅

Yes, threads have such kind of power.

It does 😂

That's why we should be careful how to use this power. 🤣😂

I agree.
Threading is our super power

LOL awesome. This one is a keeper.

Yup 😂😂

I want to take my place as the meme god around here 😌

Not a lot consistently doing that. It would be great to see people consistently posting them and having some creativity.

Keep doing it and hopefully others share on social media.

Will do
Thank you for the encouragement

No problem. I am not good at that stuff so I enjoy seeing people who can.

Memes are powerful. We need more of them created and shared about threads.

Anyone else here crazy about airport alert type documentaries?!😅🤣

I dont know what they are.

Never heard of them...

Can you please explain about it

yes!!! I made a thread about it....

📍-2 "Airport Alert" is a documentary series that was broadcast on the National Geographic Channel. The series follows the daily operations of security agents at some of the world's largest airports.

📍-3 Some of the scenarios are: Miami International Airport, Los Angeles International Airport and Schiphol International Airport in Amsterdam, Charles de Gaulle Airport, among others....

📍-4 Sow security agents in action, conducting security checks on passengers, identifying and detaining people attempting to smuggle drugs or weapons, and dealing with emergency situations, such as bomb threats or aggressive passengers.

📍-5 The series is a fascinating window into what goes on behind the scenes at the world's largest airports and how security officers work to keep passengers and crew safe.

We are eating boiled cassava right now. A late merienda or an early dinner? Let's eat.

I love it. It's heavy.

Hope it doesn't make you go to the restroom sooner than you want to! 🤗😅


It could be.


Being a waiter may not be a very glamorous job
But at least it puts food on the table.

Credit: reddit
@savvytester, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @rzc24-nftbbg



I know of some people who still eat heavy food late at night even if they know they will likely need to go to the restroom when they already need to sleep, just because the food was very delicious. 😅

Looks like your previous comment is an effect of temptation which is probably a member of the Mind Problem family! 😆😅



@savvytester passed you the virtual joint!
If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP

No it's not, hehehe

@rzc24-nftbbg might have a different appetite and different stomach, so we can't be sure about that! 😆😅

Have some !PIZZA with !LOLZ! 😁

What did the tie say to the hat?
I'll hang around here while you go on ahead.

Credit: reddit
@jenthoughts, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @savvytester

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

An atom walks into a bar and says I think I lost an electron in here
Bartender: Are you positive?

Credit: theabsolute
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @savvytester

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

Yes it can be your healthy dinner.

Bon appetite!
It looks so yum.

Yes it is even we didn't add salt nor sugar. The original taste is better too.

Interesting, I don't think I ever had that before

Hopefully you can have it soon.

WOW! Those boiled cassava slices are looking so delicious, never ate this dish in my life thou as it's not available in here :(

Cassava? Not available in your place? Oh if you can visit places with cassava, try to have some and cook and eat.

Ledger Has Paused Key Recovery Service

Do you trust them anymore after turning their cold wallet into a hot wallet defeating the very purpose of a hardware wallet?

I think there’s a little trust. Maybe just a little. There are options for people to use a hot wallet but they chose to use a cold wallet so i wonder why ledger is trying to change that.

Hello everyone do you know that when one door of happiness closes, another one opens
#gmfrens #alive #aliveandthriving #gosh #

Definitely, that one of the philosophy of life, when one doir closes, another opens too, but the level of effort put in by us too matter's most in getting new doors opened

That's right. The ability to understand this and move on is the key. Thank you for stopping by.

Sure, God knows how to open even the window for you to be happy

That's right. Thank you for stopping by.

Of course, and it's usually the best doors that opens up. Every disappointment is a blessing, though in disguise

#threads247 #hivenaija #pidgin

You've said it all. Every disappointment is a blessing

Thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. If you would like to receive your GM tokens, please register your WAX wallet on our site, unclaimed tokens are burned. You can find the site in our profile on @gmfrens.

Alright, thanks.

Un entrenamiento en #spanish desde bien temprano. Brazos explosivos, pura flexión. #hive #posh #gosh #threads @leofinance

esos ejercicios se ven bien complicados en el video, creo que es necesaria mucha practica para tomar la resistencia necesaria para hacer las repeticiones. mis respetos a los que si hacen siempre estos ejercicios, un saludo

Gracias por sus palabras, y claro que con práctica usted podrá ir logrando superar cada uno de ellos. Saludos mi estimado.

@mightyrocklee did you leave the curation

don't think so, why? is it only one trail at the time? i set it up at 90%, so i do it at better pace.

Okay. Just wondering. Seen a couple posts without your vote. So you might have been below the 90 percent at that time.

Was set up at 70 but was staying all the time at 70. So took a while to build back to 90.

Tips that keep me sane and help me boost my mental health amidst those challenges, and situations that seem unbearable.

#gosh #hive #hivelearners #thread

Awesome, will definitely be checking this out for proper

I should give this a read 😃

You may have seen this but let me just share some snaps of the process that went through prior to this.

#threadstorm #doodling


Hey girl, I did not know you were so talented! Which program did you use?
!LUV it!

Oh, thank you :D

I used the sketchapp

it looks so cute! thanks! you gave me an idea on how to do the mane

Thank you and glad you got something from it. Enjoy your sketching.

thanks :)

You’re an art genius 👏🏻..even the way you explained the steps you took shows you know what you’re doing. It’s a lovely piece, well done.😊

That's so very kind of you but I'm no art genius :D

Thank you anyway.

Smile’s, you’re welcome.

This is nice, very nice. I saw your other drawing the last time. I tried using sketch app but then how to trace is difficult for me. How do you do it?

It is quite challenging indeed. Do you use desktop? I use a pen tablet this time so it's a little easier. It was like drawing or sketching on paper.

Oh ok. Then I will try it with my phone. For the other one I used a pc and it was really challenging hehe. I think I couldn’t even find the tracing tool. How do you find it.

It must be more difficult on phone but will be interesting if you can do it there.

There is no tracing tool per se. I used the Pencil.

Mehn this is gonna be hard. But lets see what I can come up with. Ill try my best. Thanks for the guidance.

You sure can do it :) All the best to you

Enlighten me how?

Beautiful post. Nicely explained, Looks motivating to have a go at it. Thank you

Thank you and go for it :) It can be fun hehe

The fun part makes it worth going.

Amazing to know you hold such an awesome talent as a digital painter ifarmgirl! This is probably the best Leo art I have seen! Can't believe you draw the sketch so perfectly!

Thank you. I am no digital artist but did try hard on this one. What challenged me most is painting them with colors.

This is so good. You are so talented

Thank you, but I was just trying :D

Oh if this is trying, then I wonder what you will do when you are actually doing somethin serious

This is awesome, good to see another level of creativity from you mate.,I guess an accolades should be given on this, nice design

Thank you for your kind words. I tried hehe :D

It started with the idea of a happy lion after doing and LPUD.


The lion is very happy. Which lion will not be after Leo power up day

Indeed. Good to do LPUD :)

Then adding the wallet view on the tablet screen. Plus editing the cub's hand and claws.


Where the Leo is stacked. A good idea

Yes, only on Hive Engine wallet

Then giving it some colors. This is hard for me because my imagination isn't that healthy, lol!


The color you choose is great

Thank you girl, you're kind.

Well, it's looking like a cub ain't it? LOL! Yeah, yeah...


Yes, a new Cub

Gave the head and all some retouching. Then colored her body yellow!


How happy the lion is now

Very happy :D

Given it more edits, changed body to a dark tone. Can't decide what to do with the hand so I just kept it white.


You did great work. Which app did you use in designing this

Thank you. It's sketchpad

More edits, posted then edited again to add the #ladiesofhive logo and of LeoFinance. And that's how my 3rd art practice was thanks to Zealy!


Wow isn't this soooo cute. You really nailed it. Kudos.

I don't even know how to draw

Which app did you use?

I used sketchapp

OK, thanks.

Thank you. I have never drawn before too but now, Zealy is making me, lol!

Seems, I will try it out. Hope I can use the app in mobile?

Try it :)

I have not tried on mobile so I'm not sure how it works there.

Wow it is looking great

Many thanks again :)

Am interested in learning the process

You can try, you might be surprised heeh

You can you tell me the app you used in drawing it.

Oh, though I've shared in one of your replies :)

It's Sketchpad

Thank you

Dear @ifarmgirl-leo, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @ijelady.

It was very cool on you, I thought it was advertising for a game on the platform or something like that, I think that after performing power up many of us have come up with productive ideas.

Good job, unfortunately drawing is not one of my talents. I'm more of an AI person

Wow... Such a great piece of art, I really love the clear step by step detailed representation... You did amazingly well!

Thank you. It was a hard try but was quite fun. Hope to be able to do the next one. All the best to you on the quest :)

beautiful flowers, looking amazing

#pawfectwednesday with a pawfect baby Rico

Indeed a perfect one here, so much love having pet, but yet to finally owned one.

board (2).gif

I played with Black

#chess #chesslovers

Bold game, I liked the video! How was it retrieved? Is this a gif posted here?

There is an option on, you can download it as an animated gif.

It is a #pawfectwednesday. My son and family has been here all week and the brought their dog. I have a cat. They are slowly starting to get along. It is pawfect. lol.

😅 cat and dogs getting along? That’s new

Slow but sure. Lol

hehe that’s great improvement

Oh, I forgot about calendar threading.

Get it done 😉

Grandpa is actually enjoying the presence of families around, aawesome

It is fracking awesome. Thanks

U welcome sir

Cat and dog! They are surely going to make your day a #pawfectwednesday. Rock on!

Thank you. My grandson wanted to sleep with his Nanny last night. So slept with the dog lol

Good swap :)

I thought so, I caught a bug from the family so all for the good.

that's so nice I thought that they only got along if they grew up together

Given enough time together they will

that's really good to know :)

It really looks like threading is slowing down.

It did. I slowed down myself. Got a little busier :D

Oh, perhaps you already surpassed the 3k mark.

I did. But the other quests are taking time too.

Oh yes, I now remember I posted last night that 10 threaders already completed the Final Boss Quest.

It has since the weekend. Need to get more top line threads. That is what gets engagement going.

I just observe it while looking for threads where I can reply. I observe that after an hour, not many threads have been made unlike a few days ago.

The frenzy died down from the weekend, that is for sure.

Yes we each need to focus upon adding more at the top line. If there arent any there, add a few. Just pull interesting facts from the web and post it.

Yes, thinking of adding two more threadstorm.

They are a great way to convey info in my opinion. A nice middle of the road between short and long form.

One to three sentences are easier to understand.

Here it is, guys. Don't be late.


Although I saw it late, I still believe I can earn something


Waiting for it, dropped a content this morning too, hope I got visited

For those who been living under the rock:
#boom1me : I post this picture twice/day. 1st comment under it gets my 100% boom. Up to 5th spots count.

This is wesome

 last year  Reveal Comment

AI knows everything.

hey cool! I was looking at perplexity a few days ago but did not have the opportunity to check it yet. Are you thinking of using ONE KEY?

I need to save this.

FOr me I honestly think this project was built to reduce human effort or to even make it not valid anymore, though have not being using it at all, and I just don't see myself using it anytime soon , not until am convinced enough

OneKey is gaining popularity in no time. But what makes it stand out and unique?

We support everything that Ledger supports and everything that Ledger doesn't.

That means OneKey should already be supporting $HIVE Thank you for the recommendation. I was thinking of finding a Ledger alternative and OneKey looks great!

AI as they say is super human

AI does know a lot. Which AI is this. I can’t seem to recognise it.


Oh ok thanks. Bookmarked for later use.

Which one single feature of ONEKEY is the most important?
And makes 100% worth all the buzz about it? Post your comment.
If your opinion matches to what I think - it will get a BOOM
Your comment can be as short as 2 words.

100% Open source

How many other solid hardware wallets with OPEN SOURCE you can name? :)

I know of Trezor and Coolwallet

Coolwallet? Open source? Where exactly did you find this info?
AFAIK neither the micro controller nor their firmware is open source.


Am sure of Trezor, but I only second guess for Coolwallet, but will definitely check the link you shared for more insight

I just learnt about #onekey now, guess this isn't my lucky day 😢

I'm going to stick with open source. Even if you have all the other features, if it is not open sourced; a central party can be trusted and that central point can be take over or influenced by governments and special interests.

Your cryptos, in your hands.

#gmfrens very productive day yesterday. I hope I can keep it up today

Good morning. We will have a more productive day today :)

Count me in, bro.

Great! =) I love productive days. :)

Good morning. Keep up, and you will be kept up.

#gmfren, yesterday was not so good one for me. Hope to have a good one today. Have a nice day.

Definitely, it's possible also

You can, because you want to

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

To Whom it may concern ⬇️

The IOS users

3Speak mobile app is available in the store.

The android app is also there!

Way to go!!

#alive #gosh

It's time to leave a review.

Go ahead.

I don't have an apple phone. I am all Samsung!


It's great that they already have a mobile app.

Fantastic work
I have installed the android version but not tried it

I did the same but now have uninstalled it again. I will try later.

#gmfrens! Starting the day way early. I got up an hour ago and it was already sunny, I was supposed to sleep until 7:30 at least but the sun had other plans. However, the race continue an I'm already working!

Good morning. happy hump day.

Have a very bright day!

Awesome, I guess this is early to work right

Lol the weather always have it's own plan... Hope you rested well enough for the race hehe

Good Morning.

By the way which race, I could not get it.

The whole campaign, still going. Don't worry, there is no specific race you are missing xD

I see.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Another great day on the blockchain. How many threads can we get going today?

It sure is. GM to you.

Would be good to do more threads but sleep is calling. I did a little over 100 today. Not the best but will play catch up soon.

I am going to get some done myself. I just did a threadstorm. So we will see where things go.

The morning session is done with roughly 75 threads, the Evening session another 100, then I will call it a day.

That is amazing. Great see see so many going up. You are a super user of Leothreads.

Thanks. Although I am not a super user, I just want to make a habit with decent consistency.

Doing over 150 threads in a day does make you a super user. Look at the numbers.

That would be 4500 for the month. Near the top of the list.

True. Let's see how I plot that contour.

I hope we can get more than 5K today.

That only requires a bunch of us engaging in threads. It is rather simple. We have to push 100 apiece.

Aiming for 50+

That is a good number. Be sure to pack some information into it.

Today I am going to share top 20 important information about Cryptocurrency


  1. Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security.

he first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was created in 2009 by an unknown person or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

i remember then how bitcoin was very cheap and affordable but we refused to give into it because of fear

  1. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not controlled by any central authority or government.

That makes them unique and more powerful

  1. They operate on a peer-to-peer network, with transactions being conducted directly between users without intermediaries.
  1. Cryptocurrencies can be used to buy goods and services or traded for other currencies or assets.
  1. The total market value of all cryptocurrencies combined is over $2 trillion.
  1. Bitcoin remains the largest cryptocurrency by market cap, followed by Ethereum, Binance Coin, and Cardano.
  1. Cryptocurrencies have a limited supply, with many having a maximum cap on the number of coins that can be produced.
  1. The process of creating new units of cryptocurrency is called mining, which involves solving complex mathematical problems to validate transactions.
  1. Mining is typically done by specialized computers known as miners.
  1. Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on a public ledger known as the blockchain.
  1. The blockchain is a distributed, decentralized digital ledger containing a record of all transactions across a network.
  1. The blockchain allows for transparent and tam per-proof records of transactions.
  1. Cryptocurrencies can experience significant price fluctuations due to market demand and supply.
  1. Many countries have yet to adopt a clear regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies, leading to legal uncertainty in some areas.
  1. Some countries, such as El Salvador, have recently adopted Bitcoin as legal tender.
  1. Cryptocurrencies can be stored in digital wallets, which can be accessed through private keys.
  1. Private keys are long, randomly-generated strings of characters that are used to access cryptocurrency holdings.
  1. Private keys must be kept secure, as they can grant access to cryptocurrency holdings.
  1. The loss of private keys can result in the permanent loss of cryptocurrency holdings.

Bitcoin paved the way

Interesting thread on cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is the best reference #bitcoin

Thank you @cyclopshive for sharing this very interesting information about cryptocurrency. I think every person related to crypto should be familiar with this information.

#crypto #information

Their are lot of things I really want to express myself on, but no amount of English can help it.

Have you ever find yourself too in that position.

#cruise #threads

Well my great plant hunt was a failure. To early in the season here I guess.

What was this about?

Looking for plants for my flower beds.

I don ready to love, wetin my parent tell me today , touch me.


Let me guess?
in summary
something like stop whoring around settle down

Maybe aand maybe not

Say no more!!

This year just they run, please someone should catch it oooo, cause some of us never even buy one snicker


Although I don't like taking animals in my car, this one looked cute

It looks cute indeed.

Indeed he is very very cute.

Thank you. Might get one myself

prince prince, Good morning from my side

Good morning, how are you doing this beautiful morning

Doing great here. Hoping something great at the end of the day

Hey he is super cute! What a look and smile!

Captured at the right moment 🙃

Bros Bros, see as you and the doggie dey do laughter junction 🤣🤣
Una cap wella

#threads247 #hivenaija #pidgin

This one wey nearly bite me 🤣

Hahahaha, you no gee am bone chop?
#threads247 #petlovers #pidgin

Definitely, strong man is here

Yeah, his cuteness will definitely make you change your mind 😂

Is he yours or why don't you like taking him in your car?

Its not mine. I picked up someone who had him with them. They went to get something while I took pictures with their dog

Hmm so the dog is theirs? Not sure I got you correctly, you said it's yours then said it's theirs 😅

Sorry that was a typo. I meant the dog is not mine.

Oh okay, it's clear now


Anyone here is using it?

Impressions? Comments?

#onekey #wallets

Sorry, this is my first time hearing about it..

nope, I am not, what’s it all about?

go to

okay, let me check that out theb

I have never heard about it before.

I's been over a year since I tested my last new hardware wallet. Going to order it, and see is it worth all the buzz about it.


I did know it was a hard-wallet didn’t want to embarrass myself 👀


Never used this wallet, but I will definitely take a look at it.

As I wrote last night, Leothreads is an open, decentralized database that can feed machine learning engines. Nobody owns it. Instead of feeding corporations like Twitter and FB, we can create open data for anyone to use.

that’s the cool thing about decentralization

Permissionless and decentralized.

A lot of talk of #ai being centralized. One keep is getting decentralized data out there.

Hive does this.

i think #ai is another issue, i believe it's dangerous and we should be aware of it despite how important it is.
at the same time and in all issues decentralization is the solution

One of the keys is to make sure that gov'ts and mega tech companies arent the only ones with it. Having an accessible database helps with #ai. We need to get more into Hive to ensure that ML engines have access to what we are creating.

We are already building that repository. Leofinance as a frontend will need algorithm to sample the data in an exotic way.

Leofinance or other projects. It will be completely available to all.

Each time we hit thread, we add to the database.

It is a good idea for everyone to do a couple threadstorms today.

They are helpful for getting some information on this decentralized database.

Aye aye captain

I am also going to create one

They are powerful tools on Leothreads. It is something that everyone should do at least on each day.

Do You Know About Open Assistant?

Many #ai integrations are coming for @leofinance and picking the #opensource option is the best path forward IMHO.

I had no idea they are working on such a high level in the backend! The AI assistance update will certainly help us make SEO-friendly content to become visible to a larger audience!

I had no idea; it sounds interesting. #leofinance has all the surprises for us worth exploring.

My next DIY project.
Can I make it better? And ( perhaps) 5x times cheaper...

excuse my ignorance but What could this be?

Ha ha.

Make a guess. If your answer is perfect - it will get my 100% BOOM

A circuit tester. ?

Am i even close?

Satokey OneKey KeyTag - Crypto Seed Backup (2pcs with Punch Tool), Support 24-Word Recovery Seed Phrase, Titanium Plate, Compatible with Ledger, Trezor, Safepal, Keepkey

Is this some sort of crypto key storage device?

Yes. It's "paper wallet". Made from Titanium

I have been considering getting something like this letter punch set and some stainless steel plates. I am just trying to find a total set with all-needed letters.
Damn ledger.

I don’t really know much about this but i believe if you really set your mind to it & put in efforts then yes you can.


In #Splinterlands, the #DAO Treasury is expected to increase with the unclaimed #airdropped #governance $SPS tokens. Power to the people!

Won't this just devalue the token further?

How and what would the DAO eventually allocate the funds to?

Indeed they could have burned it or put it in the #DAO Treasury. Thing is that funds on the DAO do not hit the market (at least yet), thus growing the #Treasury should benefit all $SPS holders on the long term.


What a day to be on #threads!

Who are you? Never seen you before!
Yes, this is an error that comes up sometimes but the action usually goes through anyways!

yes, it does sometimes it’s frustrating! Can’t really wait for the bug to be fixed.

I have couple ideas for my third drawing quest but it seems I don’t have the right tools yet. Can anyone suggest to me a digital drawing app?


I am not sure, but I am sure you are getting many responses. There may also be some new AI ones so I ll keep an eye and let you know
(saved this thread for future reference)

So far none. Hopefully I can get some ideas. Thanks

#gmfrens it’s good to be back after 3 plus days powering up my RC.
RC looking good and it backs to #threading for me. I hope everyone is doing good? 😊

Welcome back friend!

Oh, thanks for the warm welcome, I‘ve missed this honestly.

Are you still boosting other lions under the tweet or you have run away after claiming your XP?

Done and dusted, but it important we still keep on boasting too.

Yes. We should keep on visiting it frequently as new comments are added


Opps I didn’t see my country in that lolz

which country?

Hahahaha, same thought I had

#threads247 #hivenaija #pidgin

Those numbers are rising. Am thinking of hitting the gym soo though.

U r from which country?

Am from Ghana. Gyming is becoming quite popular here as well.

Finally done with my #afritunes entry after a long break from the community and I hope you go check it out. #music #cover

congrats comrade. Let me go and listen to beautiful angelic voice 😇

Haha thanks my Comrade, waiting for your comment then 😁

😂 how do you do my friend?

Oh I like this song soo much I have to check it out. I’ve been meaning to hear it from a females voice

Lol I hope I don't disappoint you, I'm not too female 🤣

Oh come on 😂, you did amazing as usual. I liked how you started the song. But then how did you know kingleyy didn’t watch😂?

Lol he was the first to leave a comment and I still didn't see any view on my video 😂 I wouldn't have caught him if two persons commented immediately and I checked to see only one view was there 🤣

lol sharp girl. You outsmarted him hehe.

Yeah, now I won't even believe he reads or views my video whenever I see his comments anymore... Good luck to him though 😅

hey hey hurry up and watch it

Who told you I've not watched it already.

I just know

Oh, will definitely check it out during my lunch time today

Yipeee, please do 😊

That was splendid, hehe, where do you usually get your sound from?

I get it downloaded from vidmate 🙂

Ohk, that's great then, enjoy

Yeah, thanks

In Estonia last days during the daytime 12pm to 5pm electricity is free. (Actually negative price 😀 ) Still have to pay for transfer fees tho. But it's because there's more solar energy generated that is used up. Pretty crazy actually.

What is a transfer fee?

You pay for the electricity lines maintenance or something.

Ah ok. That does make sense because you have to move the electricity.

here's the graph

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