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Good morning threaders #gmfrens

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Debating myself between going back to bed or staying at the desk, I feel tired but if I don’t get shit done right now I probably won’t be able to during the day. You know, family Sunday and all that normie stuff, either way #gmfrens

Yeah we just still have to balance them which is necessary

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Tomorrow if I post on Hive will be my 1400th straight day.

Consistency is key Great to see it.

It is. Thanks my friend 😀


@taskmaster4450le! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (16/50)

Wow congrats 🎉 that's really a long journey Sir 💓

Thanks. Seems like yesterday 😉


@ismartboy! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (12/50)

That's a great achievement. Amazing.

Thanks my friend 😀


Always good to know about one of the longest streaks

@rmsadkri! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (14/50)

That is just fluffing mental, I often struggle to post daily let along 1400 in a row!

That is the spirit, showing us what to do :)

Make it part of your life 😀


@tengolotodo.leo! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (15/50)

Mañana iniciamos nuestra semana de webinars, dedicada al Decanato de Ciencias y Tecnología de la UCLA.
#spanish #threadstorm 1/?

Este evento vendrá acompañado con el proceso de on-boarding de los asistentes.


Cada sesión será impartida por diferentes usuarios de Hive con reconocida experiencia en el área. Hablarán de sus proyectos y los casos de uso, así como las oportunidades existentes

Estarán participando entre 25 y 50 personas, incluyendo estudiantes y profesores del decanato.

El equipo de Barquisimeto está haciendo un gran trabajo. Mis mejores deseos para ustedes.

Upvoted even though I have no idea what it says but I love what you are all doing in VZ and welcome you to threads.

Keep threading.

Thank you very much!
Tomorrow we start our Webinar Week for the Science and Tech students and teachers we visited one week ago. It will be focused on blockchain development on Hive. We will have Hive developers, one for each topic.

The tag "threads" is still number 4 on trending but at least it seems there are fewer threads with that tag. Hopefully people are starting to realize it's absolutely pointless to use that tag

Amen my Brazilian brother.

Preach on.

There will always be a learning curve. Users will figure out right things to do :)

Yea. I think it's pointless to use it because we are on threads

Gosh still being used pointlessly too

Is it? I don't pay a lot of attention to that one but given that it's ranking number two, I'd say you are right. Too bad people don't really know how to use it properly

I hope you're all accumulating $hive ? It's time for bullish


I am always stacking Hive. This is something that I believe will pay off in a big way in the end.

I am doing the same with $LEO too.

I love you spirit, it good steps and I know your future will thanks you

Yeah I am also looking forward to accumulate $


Welcome to leothreads. Dive right in and start threading away.

This is general topic so share whatever is on your mind.

This is such a great idea!!!

Thank you. Nobody wanted to listen to me so I'm starting it on my own. Hopefully, I can find someone to eventually code something to automate the process. Until then, it's just me.

Totally get you, and I hope you find someone to help you. I tagged you in one of my posts to get more eyes in your project ;) Let me know if I can tag you every week in that post

I didn't see the tag.

Is there any health and fitness related community on Hive

actifit is the biggest

It's like actifit is more generalized to daily activities

Other than @actifit, I am not sure there is. We have nutrition on here I believe.

I've just checked actifit. I think it's generalized for all daily activities.

I remember following someone a while back and voted their posts, and left comments too. after I saw her poor engagement I stopped voting her. 3 weeks of not getting the votes againshe unfollowed me. Pretty privilege is a big problem

Lool naija babe?

One Abuja based yellow girl like that 🤣🤣🤣

haba you need to be nicer to the ladies

Loool our woman for here think say na their yansh the world dey revolve around

People are free to do what they want but I do agree that it does seem petty. I wouldn't complain at all if people did not vote.

I was surprised as to the unfollow wen she never even engaged with me for once.

Yea. I think it was for the better. If she doesn't want to engage with you for real, then it's better that way.

Hahaha, well I guess so too.

Agree to with you mate some people are looking for just votes than to build relationship and connection via strong engagement. I'm following you :) and looking for some inspiring and active people in my following list.

A very valuable lesson you bring up here. And you were correct in your assessment in my opinion. When people do nothing to engage with their users, and are not on her, no point in supporting them.

#risingstar pack opening was okay... 60 packs opened and only 1 Epic but I got some cards with higher-than-average fan count so it wasn't bad

I hope you have better luck next time opening packs

after scrolling all the way down if a thought pops up in my head I have to scroll all the way back up to thread it and sometimes forget the thought.

That is why I always have a couple tabs open.

So I can answer notis and thread too. Got to catch those ideas when they are there.

If not, they slip away.

hmmn thoughtful. Thanks for this

what’s happening at the moment with all these discord hack? Stay frosty out there mate!

Is there another one again?

not with the hive chain tho, but some other crypto projects within the crypto space!

I donot know what's happening. I think the team is rebuilding the channels and the pages.

Who else got hacked other than Leofinance? Was there another?

none within the hive chain! Just outside it, saw thei disclaimer post on discord.

Ah okay. So others outside of Hive were hacked. Not good.

No idea. Perhaps the security settings on discord were changed.

perhaps mate!

How do you like the new notification section?

Great besides when you actully click the reply button it loads a popup reply I'd rather it just take you to the thread as well (more ad exposure this way as well)

Did you provide that as feedback?

I agree we should have pages open up in tabs as much as possible.

Not sure how that will look on mobile though.

Kind of via a hash tag but maybe a support ticket would be better if that's still a thing on discord?

I know Khal does monitor the feedback tag.

As for discord, I am the wrong one to ask about that lol

lol I pretty much don't touch discord anymore. It's more of a notification system for projects more than anything else.

Absolutely loved it!

Looks good, but I can't seem to clear the notifications, I keep having the same number. Does it show all and not just unread?

its smooth and nice waiting for the mobile app to be fully functional on andriod

Mobile is not going to get a ton of attention. Best off using the website through something like Keychains browser or whatever you prefer.

alot of persons here in my country are mobile users only a few can afforda system and they prefer apps to web, my observation from the little persons i tried onboarding

That is true. The problem with apps is we are under google and apple's control. We see how Apple hasnt even approved the Leofinance app. The future is going to break away from this. Many devs are now building sites with this in mind.

There some apps u can download from their websites that are not on playstore that functions well, i think having your app on stores is for monetizationand at least ecency was approved ,

Time to make some coffee to start the day. Gonna be a chill day but I do have some important things to do on the blockchain

What important things do you have to do?

Gotta do some threading, invest some Starbits that are lying around, do my weekly portfolio assessment and just engage with others in general. I think that sums it up

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

It working for you?

Is what working?

Gettin' that coffee and cranking out the works.

Ahh yea. Working so far. I'm taking it easy because it's still a Sunday but yes, I'm getting some stuff done

I'm working on this @Ecency Exchange concept. You familiar with the Ecency points system?

I know about the points system but I don't know all the details about it. I pretty much only use LeoFinance so I don't really know all that is going on with other frontends

Does anybody know of a decentralized token\project for digital publications?
Something like Audius so to speak but for books.
I think Hive too would be great for something like this.

#crypto #nft #investment

Hive is great for a lot of things. Unfortunately few actually build and utilize the Hive database.

Instead they either talk about it or leave it to others.

A lot that can be done here.

Yes absolutely but to have something properly done it's a huge work. It's at least a part time job.
You can't privately undertake something which would look amateurish at best. It'd would work for 20 people who shill one another.

1/ Still very haphazard at the moment. But you understand the secret. The YouTube circle jerk is very powerful. Find any genre and the content creators all end up on each other's channels. In other words, they support each other.

1/ I get what you mean. I think the mindset here is a bit weird. People are not willing to build up cent after cent but they are ready to dump and have others buying without patience.

I get what you mean. I think the mindset here is a bit weird. People are not willing to build up cent after cent but they are ready to dump and have others buying without patience.

2/ Cent after cent is not accepted but breadcrumbs from avid tech giants are fine.

2/ It is how they leverage each others use for more (total) gain.

Hive has not learned that yet.

Does Hive have some people working in engagement? (if not sales.....)

I don't know of such a platform. But it has a lot of potential indeed.

have you tried out


What do you bring to this platform?

Are you an extractor and taking only?

Think hard about that.

most of us are takers cos we have litte or nothing to offer except increasing the number in traffic

Why do you think you have nothing to offer?

Do you not have a wealth of experiences that are different from others? Have you not lived and learned different things?

All of that has values.

i have alot but some of the skill required like coding i dont have it, have alot of ideals will love to integrate on hive but since i cant code most of the ideals are obsolete

Very few of us are actually coders. You don't need to be one to add value to the platform. There are many ways you can add value to the blockchain that don't require a single line of code

#true but the value i would love to add requires coding, one way or the other i will get it done it will only take time

Do you know why it is so important to keep your $HIVE and your $LEO in stake? Read this #threadstorm as I will share with you the main benefits of doing stake!

#investment #hivebr


By having $HIVE or $LEO in stake you can vote on other users and distribute income to the content creators you like best, plus you also earn a great APR by always using your voting power.


Second important point. Helping everyone to grow

The primary benefit is to take the tokens out of circulation, this will result in decreasing the circulating supply and consequently help maintain the price and make it easier for it to go up.


I think that'sthe number one reason. All if us want the price to go up. Holding for a long time will do it.

To move up we all need to do our part, and that is Stake!

For a project to last for years there needs to be a sustainable Tokenomics, which is why it is so important that all investors are aware of Stake and its long-term impacts on projects.

Make Stake and be happy!

#threadstorm end.

All that you said is the fact. Invest and hold

Staking is a sign that you have confidence in the project for the long term, so by doing this you will show other users that you believe in these projects and may encourage them to do the same!


You are right. How can you tell me that something is good when you don't like it. Is not possible.

I really love to do that because of the positive price action like you mentioned. If we have a project whose coin value is going up, its great for marketing. And for investors, its some amazing attraction.

For more people to buy the token it is necessary that those who already have it are not continuously dumping it on the market as this shows some problem in the project

It's clear to you. Keeping the stake is a great help to keep the price afloat, it also boosts our profits.

Personally I am very happy to have made 1000 $LEO during the last month.

I am also very happy with my investments and I intend to continue increasing my stakes throughout the year

I am ready to stake all my $HIVE and $LEO. I also transferred my $HBD to savings.

People who love investment will always share with you the important if it

I mean, the benefit of powering up and keep them in the bag is pretty obvious and endless. A surge in market price also benefits us so. Win win

I agree with the points you mentioned and I trust in both Hive and LEO. That is why I continue to increase my stake each month through HPUD and LPUD.

I do the same thing, I trust both tokens and I am tranquil in holding for long term

Put Hive and Leo in staking is like say that you are in a long term in this project.

Thanks for this reminder Underlock. Wasn’t aware it helps this much

There's always something new to learn so I'm grateful to have come across your threadstorm about this

This is a great reminder to all Hive users. Staking is indeed the best way to make $HIVE and $LEO more powerful. Thanks for sharing!


There is no way to vote on comments in our notifications without opening it up. Is there a way to add that so we can vote from the main notifications page?

I just noticed that. Yea that would be great indeed

your right, that‘s missing. work in progress …

I think my Dad is learning what it is like to launch a project and have all the excitement in the beginning and then things start to quiet down. He is a little frustrated. #ctp

That is so typical for any new project :P Ask Jongo

Right! We talk about that quite a bit in the CTP community.
It's hard for my Dad to get his head around it. But he'll learn.
Have a great day, @rmsadkri😆

@rmsadkri! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (2/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Good Morning and Thank you, @youarealive! Enjoy your day.😀

We all have been there... Bite on the lip and go through it.

Exactly right, @chaosmagic23! The only way out is through.
Have a great day😆

@chaosmagic23! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (2/50)

Good Morning and Thank you, @bbhbot! Enjoy your day.😀

@chaosmagic23! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (3/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Good Morning and Thank you, @youarealive! Enjoy your day.😀

What you think of the new bbh logo?

I really like it, Bradley! Very sharp!

Awesome, thanks 😊

You're very welcome, Bradley! 😆
Enjoy your day😆

@bradleyarrow! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (4/50)

Good Morning and Thank you, @bbhbot! Enjoy your day.😀

@bradleyarrow! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (5/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Good Morning and Thank you, @youarealive! Enjoy your day.😀

Welcome him to the club. 😉


LOL! Right?! He is very anxious about being able to break even with the money he invested. Let alone make a profit.
Aren't we all? Have a great day, Bradley!

Hahahahaha. For sure.


@lisamgentile1961! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (12/50)

👍😂😆 Yup!
Happy Tuesday, Bradley

@bradleyarrow! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (3/50)

Good Morning and Thank you, @bbhbot! Enjoy your day.😀

@bradleyarrow! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (4/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Good Morning and Thank you, @youarealive! Enjoy your day.😀

@lisamgentile1961! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (9/50)

I just did my Intro to Leo Finance post!😍🦁✏️

Also in #spanish #leofinance #intro


This gas station only accepts on-chain Bitcoin, no lightning payments.

A $3 fee isn't worth it for $5 worth of snacks.

#ElSalvador #Bitcoin #Adoption

High fee's without lightning that's where #bitcoin doesn't fit well in adoption aspect locally.

And this is why there are multiple coins and divided community who says we're the real Bitcoin.

The more it makes me think we're heading into a multi-polar, decentralized world, with a variety of cryptocurrencies being adopted in different geographic regions.

Yeah exactly true!

Wishing that $LEO or $HIVE could moon soon so I can go to Mexico to HiveFest lolol

Hopefully it will just for you 😀

May your wishes come true

Building long term value for #PEPT via #CTPX for #CTP tokens and more. Follow my lead to success. #ShowMyURL

Good morning everyone. It's Sunday so I plan on relaxing today. I hope everyone has a nice day


GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

If #ctp would come up with a #zealy campaing, what sort of quests would be fun to have?

Also, what prizes would you like to see if we had a contest for the best quester(s)?

Engagement contest too will be great, via the CTP community page only

Do like the Leo, stake 100, 200, 500, 1000, 10000. What ever amounts. And Get points.

Today, is going to be difficult to post an Actifit Activity post like I usually do, because of time constraints, so I will pivot to doing it in a #threadstorm instead. My wife Tiffany and I worked out at OTF UCF today for Coach Arnoldo 1/🧵

Nice that you are doing the actactiactivities thing in another style . At least you are doing something

@jesus-son absolutely, thank you and Happy Sunday Funday !CTP

Same to you sir.

2/🧵 - this Sunday Funday workout was a Row focused row / run with unilateral movements on the floor. I went with 12, 20, 25 and 35 pound dumbbells for the (weighted) exercises, hit 393 watts of power on the row with a 12.5mph rowing speed

3/🧵 - Row / Tread block - 23 minutes: 1000 meter row, every 250 meters do 10 squats/check time/⁠Transition to treadmill/Run a total of half the time it took to do the 1000 meter row until the 400 meter row round My run speed hit 10.1mph.

4/🧵 - Floor Block 1 - 6.75 minutes: 2 rounds work & rest unilateral ⁠• ⁠30 sec of single leg single arm shoulder press (L) ⁠• ⁠15 sec rest ⁠• ⁠30 sec of single leg single arm shoulder press

5/🧵 - (R) ⁠• ⁠15 sec rest• ⁠2 rounds work & rest unilateral ⁠• ⁠30 sec of split squat with rotation (L) ⁠• ⁠15 sec rest ⁠• ⁠30 sec of split squat with rotation (R) ⁠• ⁠15 sec rest ⁠• ⁠30 sec of split squat with rotation• ⁠

6/🧵 - Buy-out: 45 seconds of high plank alternating shoulder taps to hip taps

7/🧵 - Floor Block 2 - 6.75 minutes• ⁠2 rounds work & rest unilateral ⁠• ⁠30 sec of half kneeling single arm lateral raise (L) ⁠• ⁠15 sec rest ⁠• ⁠30 sec of half kneeling single arm lateral raise

8/🧵 - R) ⁠• ⁠15 sec rest• ⁠2 rounds work & rest unilateral ⁠• ⁠30 sec of single arm chest fly (L) ⁠• ⁠15 sec rest ⁠• ⁠30 sec of single arm chest fly (R) ⁠• ⁠15 sec rest

I didn’t number the sequence correctly. I went 7 to 9 🤪 but the workout looks like it’s all covered albeit condor fit the #threadstorm

10/🧵 - Floor Block 3 - 6.75 minutes• ⁠2 rounds work & rest unilateral ⁠• ⁠30 sec of split stance high row to low row (L) ⁠• ⁠15 sec rest ⁠• ⁠30 sec of split stance high row to low row

11/🧵 - (R) ⁠• ⁠15 sec rest• ⁠2 rounds work & rest unilateral ⁠• ⁠30 sec of single arm lateral lunge (L) ⁠• ⁠15 sec rest ⁠• ⁠30 sec of single arm lateral lunge (R) ⁠• ⁠15 sec rest ⁠• ⁠30 sec of single arm lateral lunge

12/🧵 - FINISHER: 45 seconds of high plank alternating shoulder taps to hip taps. It was an added treat to workout for one of our favorite Orangetheory Fitness Coaches and Humans- Coach Arnoldo #fitness #weekend

Happy Sunday Threads!

Beautiful day here in Alberta, Canada....Working on the garden today and making sure the kids don't break anything.

Hope you have an epic Sunday!

I sure would love to have kids breaking my things hahaha. The imagination of an unmarried man here.

Happy Sunday

ha ha ha ha 5 years old and 4 years old. It's the perfect ages to get into trouble.

Well that isn't fun, still I want to know how it feels haha

Happy Sunday Jongo 🤝have an amazing day and get some rest too

Appreciate it, thank you!

Sounds like fun! Sunny day here too 😁

Happy Sunday. I hope you have a nice time with the kids.



"The world is not drien by greed; it is driven by envy." - Charlie Munger

2/ This is so true. Because of the media, we are constantly bombarded with negativity. The reality is the world is getting better by most metrics. Yet, the focus is only upon what the media wants to stress which is negative.

3/ The world is improving by most metrics but the majority have a negative view of things due mostly to the misleading of the media. The reality is that the average person has more than the wealthy had a century ago.

4/ So what do people do? They complain. They look at someone else who has "more" and are envious. People want the lavish cars, homes, and whatever, not realizing that 300 yrs ago, most of the population was starving.

5/ This feeds into consumerism, something that corporations love. People's inability to control their emotions creates "retal therapy" where people spend money on things trying to find happiness.

6/ Of course, this only feeds the desire for more. That hold never can be fulfilled. There is always something newer, bigger, and more expensive. Unless you are at the top of the billionaire list, there will always be someone with more.

7/ We see it on Hive and throughout the internet. People bitching because someone has more. In fact, people want to take it away. The fact that people are creating entirely new forms of wealth for everyone, few can see it.

8/ The smartphone made computing cheap for most everyone. A $25 or $50 phone has more processing than what NASA had 50 years ago. It also provides access to all of humanity's info. Do people appreciate this?

8/ This is the true cancer of society. We have people who are conditioned to want so much they are mentally ill. These people do not produce but just want to take. Unfortunately, they are always upset and angry because they never get it.

Well I think there are people who never wants others to be bigger than them, but in reality, like you've said. Unless one is on top of tnr world's wealthiest list, there'll always one who has more. It's an aspect of reality we can't change

Indeed! It's true

HM! this is strong. I agree with you man. It is envy that brings about the greed

I think greed and envy go hand in hand feeding on each other. The solution is for us to go within ourselves and find inner peace & completeness.

#wearealivetribe is #alive and fracking awesome 👌


@flaxz! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (25/50)


@bradleyarrow! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @flaxz. (11/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Ducks had some loud fights while we were chilling at my friend’s #hivegarden yesterday #nature #garden

Ups, ducks 🦆 didn’t show up on the previous picture #hivegarden

NO full picture yet.

quack quack Monika, your friends have a bloody great big pond in their garden?

Reached Rank 107 today. I wonder if there's any chance I'll reach the Top 100 before the end of the campaign.

Others can catch up and surpass me after all.

#threads #gmfrens #alive

I don't think it's impossible but I think it's unlikely. The threads quests gave a lot of points but that ended in May

Good luck @ahmedmanga you can do

Thanks, I hope so.

Do you love big BOOMs?

Then learn what SVS has to offer.
As they say:

Nothing else comes close.

Some of those speakers are quite expensive, I have no doubt the quality will be outrageously good

I have purchased my first SVS sub abt 20 years ago, directly from SVS USA. It was a challenge to mail that hvy 100+ pound beast. After ~4-5 years I blew up the amplifier, & SVS shipped me a complete amplifier board FOC. Incredible service

SVS must've been really good. Online shopping here is a mess

I asked AI for you. See what it have replied:

Definitely , it's is always awesome

It's amazing how that we now use AI to check if our content looks like what is written by the same AI. We now use robot to check 8f we are humans. Funny world

Sunday is almost done and I am panicking. These evenings are never easy :D


Why are you panic

That I have to go work early morning tomorrow :)

Me to. Alarm will be set forn5:45am. That way I can get some Hive and Leo work done before I go to my day job.

My first try at a Lion

pretty up there with my standards lol

Lol. Thanks. Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha 🤣 😂


@bitcoinflood! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (21/50)

It's about what I expect mine to be. My drawing skills suck

Lol. That means you are telling me mine sucks?


Well, in a way I guess. It's about as bad as something I could draw. mines would be like stick figures

Hey, that start out as a stick figure. Lol. As you can tell by the tail.

@jfang003! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (19/50)

Lmao, looks like I finally got the competition. Hqhqhq

You do. Lmfao

The #sundayfunday morning starts with a walk

Nize walk fren 😁

Thank you. IT was a nice walk.

Wish you have great #sunday. Morning walk has uncountable health benefits. Keep it up

dang you don't want to fall down that...

I did not and reached home safe :P

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I need that mute button asap. I don't like some of you (and I hope the feeling is mutual).

lmao you grinch

Would that include me?

Nah, you are a good man. I have no issues with you

Thanks 👌 nice to know.

Good day, threads friends.

Another nice day here with a high of around 90.
Our #sundayfunday will be in the pool.


Kids love it. Nice shot

@beststart Thank you so much for your kind words! I appreciate it.

@beststart! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @globetrottergcc. (5/50)

Oh man after mowing the grass right now in the blistering sun I'd so jump in lol. Have a great day.

Awesome. Love it. Rain and cold in #Newfoundland.


@beststart! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (20/50)

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I want to thank @adedayoolumide for the time spent, putting up with all feedback for changes tonthe new BBH logo. He won/earned 10,000 BBH.

Wow, nice token! Congratulations to @adedayoolumide. Enjoy your earnings.

Thank you friend

Good morning, @adedayoolumide!
You're very welcome and enjoy your day😆

@adedayoolumide! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (5/50)

Good Morning and Thank you, @bbhbot! Enjoy your day.😀

@adedayoolumide! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (6/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Good Morning and Thank you, @youarealive! Enjoy your day.😀

@bradleyarrow! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (13/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Good Morning and Thank you, @youarealive! Enjoy your day.😀

@bradleyarrow! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (13/50)

Good Morning and Thank you, @bbhbot! Enjoy your day.😀

Congratulations to him. Value begat value.

Absolutely 😀


@josediccus! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (10/50)

Thank you it good to be part of this


You are so welcome 🙏


@adedayoolumide! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (17/50)

Nice new logo.

Thanks 👌


Look at it again. Lol

@jfang003! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (11/50)

#gmfrens - Hope you are putting some Funday into your Sunday no matter what you are doing! My wife and I started the day with another great workout under the orange lights and coincidentally outside of the fitness studio it’s beaming 🌞

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Ohhhm, it's night again. I will soon retire for the day. Wow, am happy!!. I will soon sleep hahaha #threads247 #liotes #alive #aliveandthriving

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