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I just did my part in #lpud.

#hivebr #growing

wow that's a lot of $LEO

Thank you for regularly participating in $LPUD and also congrats on the #zealy win

A true Lion Legend

Thank you very much, I was very happy to achieve this!

The goal now is to keep growing day by day at Leofinance xD

LFG! 🚀

Let's go to the moon!

Ohhh my #gosh😲

I am blown away!

Nice one. Congrats on your win

Ta voando mano, parabéns por fortalecer a sua conta o que tras também evolução para todos da comunidade brasileira!

Participando en mi primer #LPUD, estoy preparando una publicación. #leofinance

qué bien!! Felicidades!!!!

Great thread on the potential of $LEO on this glorious #LPUD!

2100 Leo Power vote worth is zero LEO???

Is it?

I am surprised that a full upvote with 2100 LP yields zero value.

Hmmm, maybe it's been delegated to another? Or a bug perhaps?

I am delegated in with 2000 LP, and my own LP is 134, yet the upvote value is zero with 100% weight. Surprising!

I have voted with 100% weight, kindly check how much the vote value yields.

Oh. It's not zero. It is showing 0.054 LEO

Congrats on your delegation, yay!

Wow, thank God, the value reflects now.

Thank you.

Great! Enjoy :)

All the reasons to get more ;)

1/ 🎉 It's the 1-year anniversary of #LPUD, and what a ride it's been! We've tripled our userbase and powered up millions of #LEO tokens. With a tight float of LEO, we're seeing an exciting increase in its value

If you want to get a deeper look into #leoads, #lpud and the future of $LEO, read the full blog post:

5/ In the LeoVerse, we value evergreen content. Your posts have value beyond the typical 7-day window on Hive. Whether it's engagement or evergreen content, everything drives value to the #LEO token. Next? View counter on long-form content

3/ Soon, you'll be able to deploy your own ad on the Leo UI via the LeoAds Portal. Set your budget in LEO, HIVE, HBD, BTC or USDT, get your ad approved thru a community poll & voila, ur ad is live! It's a brave new world for advertisers. 🦁

2/ Introducing #LeoAds! It's been in the works for a while. We're ready to push the smart contract live. Adsense support? Check. Multiple Ad partners? Check. This isn't just a revenue boost, it's a decentralization and resilience strategy

4/ The future of LEO lies in our ad program. The integration of the view counter, approximating ad revenue generated per thread, is a breakthrough innovation. And guess what? It's about to be deployed to long-form posts too!

6/ The key is engagement and evergreen content. Imagine the possibilities if we keep this up every day! More optimizations, view counters on long-form content, and the LeoAds smart contract release are around the corner

7/ Today's takeaway? Keep engaging, create evergreen content, and keep an eye out for the exciting developments in #LeoFinance. Happy #LPUD, everyone! Here's to another year of growth and innovation. 🎉🦁🚀

Happy #lpud to all the #lions out there keep roaring🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

Happy 1st anniversary, good to see you guys pushing Leo upward. So much is happening. Excited for when can we deploy our firstad.

We're only halfway through 2023, and it's already a historic year for LeoFinance


Reading this post is extremely important for everyone who cares about the long term and wants to know whether or not to invest in $LEO



Think of it this way.

@khaleelkazi knows what the development team is working on. He has some idea about the potential of things discussed such as LeoCache and what it can do. He is also stacking $LEO.

When Leo marketcap will reach millions, we will be rich

It is at a million right now. We can see much higher for the future.

so much to be digested from this threadstorm, there is a future about $LEO untold to many . Thanks for this update, my perspective about leo has changed.

It can. Of course, many of us were touting it for years. But most ignore the early opportunities. Seems like we are still mega early which is good for those here now; not so good for those who left.

Yes you are right on this, it only take one that has an eagle eye about an opportunist chance , invested in it at the juvenile that enjoys it when it matures, thanks for this update.

People understand things when they do. For most, it is not until it is glaring. That is not when the big money is made. It is when it is the hidden gem, something most cannot find.

That is true, there is much wisdom in this and am a living testimony to that though in an odd side but have learnt my lessons.

There are a lot of things that are unfolding and learning about them can be helpful.

There are few tokens which have huge potential and Leo is 100% one of them.

That's why it's part of my monthly goals. The other two tokens are ctp and hive.


$LEO is not the only game in town. I cant speak to a lot of projects but there are some that have development. To me, that is key.

Always lead from the front

Just make sure you arent leading pussies because they will shoot you in the back.

Brave warriors will face you and then slit your throat.

Carry on with your regularly scheduled program.

Lions are like viking warriors, no cowardice in sight

We execute anyone who tries to retreat.

5/ The best part is we are building #web3. Do you see how we all benefit from the simplest of activity? Are you realizing how it is a numbers game and the network effect will make this worth a ton?

@khaleelkazi It's great to hear that you're leading and investing in the team's future. Your insights on LeoCache sound promising, and I am eager to witness how it will shape the landscape. Keep pushing the boundaries! 🚀 #LEO

2/ What does that tell you? Are you following his lead?

Do you think he believes LEO will have a market cap of a couple million dollars? Or do you believe he is looking at things from a much larger perspective?

3/ There is a rollout plan, much of it based upon the ideas from the community. Thus, in essence, we are designed a social media platform that we think is best. We get the features we feel important.

4/ He spoke about LeoAds for more than 18 months. And now, others are finally excited about it. There are other things that gets khal's juices flowing. Do you think that could be as equally exciting?

Getting super excited about all things Leofinance team has done recently.
Just hoping that more people from Hive actually jumps onboard!

Yeah. We need more development to achieve that. The payout on the ad revenue should help. A lot that needs to be done.

Just keep pushing to higher levels and larger numbers.

6/ The great thing is that the numbers do not have to be all that large. What does $50K in buying of $LEO do to the price? Do you think that outrageous monthly? It is only $600K per year; a nothing on a relative scale.

7/ This is going to really foster in a new era with #hive. We are seeing a layer 2 community has value. The push is on to add things that turn this into an economy, something that is massive.

8/ Or are you shortsighted and just feel it is a place to scalp a few tokens and sell for something else.

Welcome to Leofinance, hope you are enjoying it.

Thank you 🙏

anjá!!!! has sido abducido 🤣

Algo así 🤣

Hello people! =)Hope you have a great day! New events scheduled for the weekend! #pizza #events #music #raven #gosh #gmfrens

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Seguimos en #spanish marcando la pauta con la criptoadopcion. Los pagos en #hbd continúan en ascenso. @hivesucre se fortalece y genera valor a #hive #gosh #posh @leofinance #threads

Because it's LPUD and the first anniversary at that, we're celebrating by adding more to our LEO stakes.

1🧵 #lpud #anniversary #threadstorm

Another 150 Powered up!

Congratulations sis. Happy #lpud

One year ago today, my staked LEO was only 1,799. And because of consistent power ups, it has now grown to nearly 10x.


Wow 10x on your $LEO stake. Awesome work in such a short period of time. That's truly incredible 🚀

Thank you. I credit the Zealy campaign for the push :)

After some hours of Photoshop another #leofinance QRCode

I guess I'm addicted to QRCodes lol


I just Powered Up 231 $LEO on my first ever #lpud

Happy #LPUD! :)

Ohh, it’s a great #lpud 😉

Congrats man! It's a great feeling to have Leo Power.

Now I know. Thanks fren!

No problem fren 😊

Great job. Congrats. Good to see it @wealthwess.

It’s such a great feelings. Hopefully I’d get to my goals of 1,500 plus by December. thank you 😊

Hard work continues..

You are well on your way. You keep threading and the votes will keep coming your way.

Yeah. That’s the simple truth.

Must say, like to be served ads in my native langue. Olds ads was usually gambling crypto sites.

Get those night club dance vibes in with tonight! #music

Nice melody.. great for Four-twenty

I have made 6000 comments so far, happy to achieve this milestone.

That is terrific. Threads is a great way to get it adding up. We are seeing more activity which is good.

It is fun too.

#gmfrens looks like today is going to be a productive day

What's the plan for today? Except spamming threads with @taskmaster4450le ;)

That's pretty much it I guess.... it's what I live for hahaha

No but actually I have a lot of work to get done and also do groceries

Haha that's good we need the numbers! :D
Cool, what do you work with?

Good morning! Have a wonderful day.

@lacasitahive is about to start its second day of talks at the Modesto Silva high school in the city of Cumaná, Sucre State, Venezuela.

Cool! GOod luck with that!!

Thank you #lacasitahive keep educating to achieve the massification of the hive ecosystem in our state Sucre-Venezuela.
Hive changes lives

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Some new caching implementations were pushed to the UI. Do you notice any speed improvements / less app errors?


I was doing some research last night and read that having an edit button can make a site 14.7% faster on average.

Just thought I would forward the info.

Damn really? Maybe I'll add it soon

I believe so. It was late and my eyes were weary so the numbers might be a bit off.

But we can use it as a baseline if you want.

Smart idea, I'll get right on it

I've only been using it for half an hour and so far no errors, browsing speed seems to have improved too! Evolution never stops!

Great, glad to hear that! We've got some more optimizations on the way too 🦁

Yes, I noticed the smoothness of the site, but o buy, the waiting last night was heartbreaking. I was writing a post when the site crashed on me.

We're making it better and better!

Just had problem to login with Keychain this morning, but guess that not's related to this poll!

Is it still a problem for you or is it resolved?

Used another login method and it worked. Can try again tomorrow

The speed is obvious enough, wanted commenting on that later on as am enjoying the new Interface much more now than ever before.

LeoCache will completely change the Threads experience

True algorithms for sorting content. Coming to #hive for the first time... ever

Leofinance produce alot of "first time ever" events for $HIVE! Keep up the awesome work!

It is the key. Massive feature sets and things that make the experience completely different.

All on Hive should celebrate since it feeds back to Hive in several ways. It should be the same with all projects!

Hive has an interesting way of what it celebrates.

Sometimes I feel like the community is to busy fighting one another rather than focus on improvement. One of the problem with decentralization I guess when you have a lot of people with videly different goals with the platform!

That is true and what people do. However, we need to get passed that. This comes from developing.

wen ser?

You had to be the asshole today?

Cool. That save me from being it. LOL

We can take turns so none of us end up looking too much of a pain lol

That is true.

Yeah, like the Hogwarts sorting Hat, but much much smarter :-)

Looking forward to that.

This is gonna be quite an experience. Boss @khaleelkazi, You won't cease to amaze me with your top notch ideas. Kudos boss


Solidly behind you boss, following your lead.

Might not be relevant here either, but have to ask since you talked about this a little on the AMA. Is threads gonna me a saas that you can sell to other communties or do you just want more communities to be under your umbrella?

I've thought about something like a SaaS product that burns LEO

But I think we're going to focus on Community Pages first. With pages, any Hive community (or even non-hive community) can have their own threads feed with moderators

Cool, so might see something like then in the soon-i-verse :)

Could we see a flippening in 6 months? $LEO making moves... $HIVE under $0.30! #leofinance #hive #crypto #web3 #leo

I think we ll be gone a looong way in 6 months :)

Yeah, hopefully so!

How would that be a flippening?

That tends to apply to market cap which Hive is much bigger. That is like saying #tsla flipped #appl since it has a higher per share price.

You should have read the article.😉 I made it clear that this was in terms of price & not a traditional flippening, which is market cap. Drawing further att: to Hive being over $100 million.

1/ Sorry. there was not a link to the article. Just looked like a thread posted.

There are a lot who make the claim which seems to foster more resentment towards Leo that is why a responded how I did.

2/ I actually thought it odd coming from you.

No worries mate! I was actually going to say... I am surprised you would think that after reading my stuff.

This is spreading b.s that only creates more ignorance on Hive and divides even more.

Someone who took the time to read it would walk away more knowledgeable and have an actual understanding of what the term "flippening" means. Presumption is the mother of many sins...

I have read a couple of posts by Hivians on how their earnings have helped them take care of one financial needs or the other.
@mayt is one of them.


Can you remember what you spent your first withdrawal from Hive earnings on? Share with us. Read this content to know how the author spent hers.

Am new here haven't made any withdrawal yet , when I do I will share it in this platform

Oh, really? Will be glad to read your post on that.
I haven't made withdrawals too. I'm keeping them for rainy days. 😅


That's okey

Yeah, thanks for engaging

Its been a long time and I cant actually remember what I spent my first earnings on. But it must be something really worthwhile. I wish I could recall. Those kind of memories should be cherished.

Yeah, they should. It was so amazing reading how happy she felt that she could provide for her son from her Hive earnings., and her son too, was excited about it Hive is indeed a blessing.

Nothing feels better than being able to care for our loved ones. Its embarrassing to watch helpless as ones family members suffer. So I just imagine how excited she was.

This is so true. Family is everything and we should do our care for our loved ones whenever we can.

In her post she shared how her earnings helped her take care of her son's medical treatment and also bought a play pen for him.
Surprisingly the play pen looks exactly like the Hive logo and she was so excited about it.

I have not even withdraw any yet, but hopefully soon.

That's great. I hope you will also make a post about it like the author did

Sure definitely.

That's great. I hope you will make a post about it like the author did?

Finally, I am done writing my #LPUD article. It took me several hours to complete it. Except for the long meeting and the fact that today is our payroll, writing this piece requires time to contemplate.

Several hours for an LPUD article????

Yeah, due to meetings, payroll, and delay in a bank transaction.

The Adoption Campaign was a success, here are the winners:

We'll make a recap & results post soon, in the meantime check your wallets! We just sent all rewards!

Congratulations for winners.

That's great, I'm already with the $LEO and planning what my LPUD will look like!

Congratulations to all winners and may the next campaign be yet another huge success

Hello #lions I joined the #lpud for the first time today! I powered up 10 Leos the first time, I felt it was too small😂😂 I went back to power up again😄

See you all in July!!
#ladiesofhive #gosh #boom1me

Gratz on your power up. How much Leo did you power up the second time.

still 10, making it a total of 20😄

oh that’s great. Have you considered powering up at least 150 so you can qualify to win a delegation prize.

Hahahahahahahaha I don't have up to that😂

oh ok that’s fine. There are more lpuds to come and you can always stack up for them.

Yep i will do just that

Welcome to #LPUD! Thanks for participating in your first one! Glad to have you here 🦁

Do you make your own ice tea or buy from the store?

#foodie #dinks

Huffing, puffing, buying, borrowing, but finally I managed to collect 150 Leo for #lpud

Mmmm... I love prawns and shrimps!

Nothing quite like the taste of fresh prawns and shrimp, especially in a delicious seafood paella or a tangy shrimp cocktail. Delicious memories are just a bite away! 🍤

What is in the cup?

Something very delicious :)

lol OK, well I'm happy you got to enjoy it.

Believe and don't give up.


Very good attitude to have

#threadstorm #lpudaniversary

Just participated in my first #LPUD and it was exhilarating! Made a power-up of 160 $LEO tokens. Let's grow together


#LPUD is a monthly initiative where members power up at least 150 $LEO tokens. Today's LPUD is extra special as we celebrate its first anniversary and recently concluded adoption campaign. Exciting times for Leofinance!


With my power-up of 160 $LEO tokens, I'm taking a step towards growing my stake in Leofinance. Pledging to continue this in the upcoming LPUDs. Let's aim for over 1000 Leo power by the end of the year!


If you haven't joined this month's LPUD, what are you waiting for? Come be a part of the Leofinance community, power up your $LEO tokens, and let's roar together! Happy LPUD anniversary frens! 🦁🚀

it’s my first time as well, powered up 231 $LEO 😊. I like that word 👇🏻

Let’s grow together.

Let’s keep grinding.

Great one. We are not late in the adoption. The grind is on!


Financial goals are not final targets rather more like mile stones that we reach and move on towards new ones
#lpud #leo #leofinance #goals #thoughts


I am not sure all my votes are registering.

Are others finding the same thing. I looks like some threads I vote are not.

Sometimes happens to me too. Restarting the browser sometimes resolves it.

Check the console in developer tools and you might see an error there.

Happened on one of your threads just a few minutes ago. I know I voted for it and yet when I scrolled back through, it wasnt there.

I get 25vote most time per blog. I cant really tell

Do you have any links to thread examples of this?

Unfortunately no. I just noticed looking for a thread that I did with Nifty that it wasnt upvoted even though I know I voted it.

I will try to keep an eye on it.

Would actually be quite handy. For example, if some users are only focused on posting specific content(Splinterlands related for example) and I wanna keep up with their stuff - I make an SPL list & add those guys.

I am #aliveandthriving with all the little food i have got now and i am sure i will get there some day. That big farm, I am coming for you

I'm #aliveandthriving despite being ill. Our weekend host tested positive for covid. I'm praying to kick the bug fast. 🙏

It saddens me when I can't find my saves write-up in the draft #feedback

Draft saving and scheduling not working for now

This happens to me sometimes. The frequency is higher on ecency's front-end, so I usually leave drafts on both ecency and peakd (which has auto-save of drafts)

Thats the only way out, I really felt bad now honestly.

I imagine that drafts save us precious time to write and so we are free to do other things, but take it easy, everything is a learning experience.

It's best to copy it on a notepad or something. The UI is still being improved so there are chances of losing drafts.

Exactly what I will do now so as not to loss my writeup again.
Thank you so much.

That's good then. It's not fun when we lose drafts.

At all is not

🧵 1/3: Ripple releases hundreds of internal messages from SEC, which show SEC's unclear stance on regulating cryptocurrencies, in ongoing legal battle. #crypto

🧵 2/3: The documents are called "Hinman docs" and Ripple CEO, Brad Garlinghouse considers them "well worth the wait".

🧵 3/3: Ripple disputes SEC's allegations that XRP is a security. SEC previously argued that ETH isn't a security because it was 'sufficiently decentralized' from its creation.

I was just on twitter. What are lists? Does anyone know? I heard @khaleelkazi mentioned them in the past but didnt pay much attention.

You can add users to a list to basically create your own feed of content from those users

Planning on adding this to Threads soon after LeoCache goes live

So it is like a friend feed but only for threads?

Just like a "Following" feed but instead of all your followers, the people you've added to that list

Good deal. Do not let Elon get too far ahead.

🚨BREAKING: Sheikh Jassim has directly informed Sir Jim Ratcliffe that he won’t be allowed to visit Old Trafford for the next 20 years.
[@Reuters] #transfernews

Here’s to crushing all records set in May 🤞

Let's do it!


Lol I loved these as a kid!

haha, yes me too!
Don't know if they still sell those things

I have 50 liquid Leo ,need more 100 Leo to particiapte in LPUD. Will be buying in few minutes and the post will also be up.
#threads #

This is my LPUD stake after midnight last night:

#LPUD #lpud

152.467 $LEO, love that! Great work 🦁 #LPUD

Vote for the best writer on leofinance, psst vote me or else you'll find your name in my black book

badbitch of course 🤭

Wealthwess, votes by words only, name added to the black book for deception :).

👀 I tapped on your name though😭

Voted trumpman cause why not? 🙂

Taskmaster.. hands

Dave officially added to Black book, check 🙂

I been the black sheep so long that the book doesn't scare me.. tounge

Anyone know a platform that has a faily low payout where you can earn some little crypto? Want to add more to my $LEO stack but I'm currently a little broke, but don't wanna miss the rocket to the MOON!

#hustling #grinding

Its the #hustling hashtag for me😂

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