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“I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.”

Power Up #hive every day, total today is 51.36

Good job, keep up powering up!

My hive stack is growing

$HIVE is on the comeback. Above 30 cents.

Good to see.

There is the perspective that with the HIVE price going up, it's becoming "less discounted"! 😆😅 !LUV

Hope it holds the 30 cent level.

That is great news. Let's see if it heads up more from here or not.

Now you cannot promote anything in discriminately on twitter or your account will be blocked

Crypto shills: 😭😭😭😭😭

oh so sad to hear are you 100% sure?

Yes, Elon Musk said so in a tweet.

Sunday here & this is a view elsewhere that I want to revisit.

#fun #gosh

Stark contrast to the flatness I am use to.

Flatness is okay too :)

Paradise on Earth

Glad you see it that way :) Thanks and Happy Father's day (in case you celebrate the occasion)

Happy Father's Day

And because it's Father's Day, I'd be mostly offline soon. Time to create some more memories away from the screen.

Happy Father's day to all Dads, Papas, Fathers out there!

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

How was your "healthy poop" today?

very good texture, almost zero smell, glided down nicely. Ill rate 6/10

ill take a photo next time if you interested sir.

Actually -no.
Unless it comes in all rainbow colors.

healthy poop means a healthy mood.

Today it was awesome.

Just like this one.


I started my day by taking a nice shat...💩

Haven't had any yet. Already drank water, hoping it will spring out any time 😂

Another #authoroftheweek from the #motherhood community

Voting ends monday 23.59pm!

Read all the nominees on our announcement post


Given that Binance Smart Chain only has 21 validators, and they are all appointed by Binance, is it feasible that the blockchain could be shutdown by a government order?

If not, than what's the point of having more than 21 validators?

It could. Having more than 21 doesn't matter unless they are decentralized. As of right now, the government can just target the 21 and BSC will be down forever.

What if there are non-validator nodes that hold the entire blockchain?

If the current 21 validators were forced to shutdown, couldn't the backup nodes replace them?

It could but I don't think Binance has set any backup nodes. I remember transactions being slow on BSC before because the some nodes were down.

Say CZ was compelled to shutdown the entire chain again, would it not be possible for external non-validator nodes (backup nodes) to replace the nodes that he shutdown?

A Saturday morning workout under the orange lights for OTF Coach #230 was a great way to start the weekend! #movetoearn #weekend

claimed 12 $HBD from HBD savings. feelsgoodman.jpg

That's my new project this month...Getting back into stacking $HBD

it's the best savings account that exists. gotta take advantage.

Yeah man, just blogged about it. Had to cash it out earlier, but thankfully, I can start rebuilding it again.

it happens, man. i always have to sell at the worst times.

wow, i tried to be funny with a typo...and couldn't even spell crypto right.

Gag me with a pitchfork!!!!!

doh!! might as well be stoned to death lol

It's my 'crpto'nite for sure lol

good thing we have a free edit button

Nice. The image isn't showing though

There's no image ser

UN should commemorate "International Poop Day" to spread awareness of healthy poop for overall well-being.


as the mom of a 4 year old who I have to fight for him to go to the bathroom i agree!

Healthy poop means healthy being

Let's gooooo! Poop Day!! I'm there for it!


Happy Poop Day:)

healthy pop ,healthy life


Hi Sir @yousafharoonkhan

Can we have a chat over Discord if U don't mind? May I have your Discord ID?

When I wake up this morning. I saw this banana blossom on our table outside. This is a morning blessing.

wow that thing is huge and looks really cool!

What would U do with it?

Hmmm I am thinking to make a banana blossom patties out of it.

That's definitely a healthy dish

Sad news for all of Leothreads.

The #mets lost today.

I know you are all distraught.

Ouch! Sorry to hear. It's a game after all. Some win, others lose.

Yeah and they suck anyway.

They deserve it then, lol!



Good morning people. Happy sunday! :) Beautiful weather here, time for a little bit of good mood music. :) #music #positive #raven

When you say things like "most people are poor by choice" a lot of people get offended but it is true. Most people are not willing to put in the work to better their lives. Most people see wealth is as a result of some dubious scheme.

Truth is offensive by default because it exposes lies, hypocrisy, laziness and every other negative aspect of human life. People are offended by what the mirror of truth shows them...

Then I will continue to offend them. 💀
I can't believe many people are missing out on little wins just because they want to earn big. That's just sad

Yep, human nature unfortunately. Most success takes place when people refuse the natural order of things and push beyond!

I heard people think that LEO is too expensive to buy now. This sounds to be bullshit. Leo price is still under value. I will keep buying with the flow. Slow and steady will increase my leo power.
#leo #threads

If this is low, what do people consider a good price?

It is only too expensive if it goes down in price.

If it goes up, people will kick themselves for not buying. To me, I keep buying when I can.

With all that is taking place, people are taking a risk looking for lower levels. It might come but then it might not.

What pays 50+ and hr>?

Drug dealing.

Only Fans

when the OF bots get a hold of #threads then we know we made it

Bar jobs in Australia.

When everything in #Splinterlands is sold for a $DEC burn, indirectly it will mean every new asset ever created in Splinterlands will need to burn some SPS to exist.

Everything will be made of burned $SPS.

lol Southpark is fucking great

I never really got into that.

It's a bit all over the place I guess but for some reason I really like it

Well it helps you probably had a few cocktails in your by the time you started watching. LOL

that's accurate LOL

LOL percentages were on my side on that one...especially after the #mets lost.

are they still making new episodes? I've been on an it's always sunny kick lately

Yes, there was a new season earlier this year, although it only had like 6 episodes

✅ Long
Entry zone : 0.58212_0.59400
Targets : 0.59814_0.60998_0.62182_0.63367_0.64551_0.65736_0.66920_0.68105
Stop loss :0.55242
Leverage: 5x_10x

NOT financial advisor. Just for sharing my invest.

#gmfrens , just did my delegations prizes! See ya next month on #lpud #trumpman

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Jhal Murhi is famous in Odisha, Bengal, Bihar, and Jharkhand.

Got time? Listen to this Gem


no se reproduce


Total banger. Young is a genius

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Article coming up with some rough estimates about LeoAds and what it will look like with 100K threads per day.

This is totally within the community's hands.

I think we need more people threading to hit

Engage engage engage

This is how we build $LEO to $100M market cap over the next decade

It is pretty clear. On top of that, adding more programs like LeoAds will only feed into the buying. It is very powerful.

Just have to kick off the network effect.

looking forward to read it!

Good morning and happy Sunday in a Boombastic way.

#milkthewhale #boom1me

Good Morning.

Wishing U a Boombastic fantastic romantic day!

Ad revenue generated from the ads views on the platform will be used to buy leo tokens from the market. This Leo will then be distributed to Leo power holders accordingly.
Click an ad today

#hodlcontest #leocontest

Pizza and stuffed jalapeños 🍕 #food

Looking delicious! Enjoy every bite :)

I love Pizza

yummy, Delcious. hehehehe


Looks delicious. I haven't eaten dinner yet.

That is looking very fresh and delicious.

Ups and downs are part of life, dont lose hope. Stay strong through the bad times, Good times will definitely come.

It's easy to underestimate this fact. Thanks for the reminder

I am inclined to powering up Hive and LEO with equal value.

That sounds fun :)

I tend to just power up what I can on LPUD and HPUD to get my goals

Good good sir

Do you mean that you will Power Up the same quantity of HIVE and LEO tokens, or the same worth of those tokens? 🤔😅

Have some !PGM with !LUV! 😁

We had a short Hive pump today. Does that mean that we can expect a big pump in the coming days?

#hive #market

A little pump for $HIVE would be most welcome

I didn't notice such a pump, not until I stumbled upon your post.

It would be cool when such happens :)

A 10% pump is definitely not out of the question...

taskmaster's post How Would $1 LEO Change Your Life?

At this stage not much... but in a year or two... another story!

I mean, I'd be pretty much the same lad as I am only just starting to gather stake but still 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

Let me know about your first LPUD event. I joined my first LPUD in September 2022.

Nov '22 here. I'd preferred to have participated earlier, but forgot/missed the first two. Had been powering up LEO before the events started though

I missed participating earlier too. But still, it is good.

I first joined in June 2022 via my main a/c.

You are older than me

Yes. I met LeoFinance UI around end of March 2022

I don't remember when it was but it may have been a year ago. I joined in when they first announced LPUD.

I am also confused between August and September.

Did you have to power down? :(

Following the no power down policy for now. :D

Ah never mind, I thought you powered down to zero, but it seems that the Threads UI just doesn't show delegations ;)

Several clubs are interested in Benfica's centre back Tomás Araújo. #transfernews

does this appear on PeakD? a test

It will appear under "Comments"

Yes. 🤓 It also appears on #Ecency (, #HiveBlog (, and even on Hive tribes such as #Actifit ( 😏 Basically, it would appear on (almost) every Hive frontend. 😅

Have some !LOLZ with !LUV! 😁

tried to increase my Hive Power delegation to @leo.voter and ended up lowering it. oops lol. how long does it take before i can delegate again? 5 days?

thank is great idea to delegate to @leo.voter , hp is future

well thats a big oopsie. ya itll take a few days to undelegate then u can delegate back

I think it takes 5 days but I am not sure.

Dammit. That's a 5 days oopsie.

taskmaster's post 100K Threads Per Day And What It Means To Add Revenue

Not to be missed.

Love that you promote the post of others on #threads.

I am looking for useful posts as materials for my next post. Threads is a great tool for this.

That is a great idea, also this way people find higher quality posts. Win win for everyone, also for the chain.

It's quite possible... just need to see more #threaders... and existing #threaders doing more.

Kai Havertz has been very clear with all parties involved in the deal: he wants to play for Arsenal. #transfernews

Soooo good post! Had to share it on Twitter too, hopefully, people there will wake up some day.

not keen because I don't want LEO to pump so fast. I need time to DCA

🙂 I hear you, to think of it, I also need to stack up much more while it's still cheap

We will cross over 200K pageviews tomorrow. That is since the analytics went live again.

Good to know. Great to see the numbers growing.

I will look forward to that tomorrow.

Good move, that's a positive one.

realized any delegation isn’t viewable in wallet like prior to update. Is this a bug? Or on purpose and viewable elsewhere?
I can see from votes I indeed did receive my delegation prize but had not realized it because it wasn’t showing up

Example ⬇️


41275 LEO

Did you hear this was the Super Bad Luck #sbl prize size for June, in the last #lpud ?

That's awesome, congratulations to the winner

Wow, that's quite the hefty Super Bad Luck #sbl prize for June! Still, fortune swings both ways, just as the pendulum does.

Isn't this awesome. Wow, what a boom.
Congratulations to the winner.

One day it's gonna be me receiving the congratutions.

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