There are 4 pages

New week for me on the road starts tomorrow...

I'm going to High Level, Alberta.

Google that. lol Dang near the Arctic Circle lol

Sounds fun :) Enjoy the adventure. Let me check that on the map 😅

By the way, this is unrelated but I want to ask you about Starlink as I know you're using it. Is the network still good even when its foggy or on dreary days? Thank you.

It's usually fine. If it gets to be super stormy, it'll have bad connections. But overcast and rain doesnt seem to slow it down.

Thank you and good to know how it is for you. Guess we will be pushing with the order soon.

Does it get cold in the truck when the engine is off?

Nah, they all run APU's which keep the heater / a/c running all night when the truck is off.


Yeah man, it's up there lol

It's a very beautiful place. I seen some pictures of Alberta location.
Enjoy there very much and keep sharing the beautiful scenario.

The mountains are awesome, i'm not going near them unfortunately lol

Sounds like it is going to be freezing.

Enjoy your time there tho.

Nah, summer here. No snow for another few months at least lol

I know you would miss this new post of mine...

I wrote about how I see Hive and Leo Thread as a club membership.


Just discovering all that Hive has to offer and I find it amazing.

First thread 🙌.

Welcome to threads. Glad you made your way here.

Thread away. This is general content so thread about what moves you.

That is what was explained to me. The threads are about any topic in general but the long posts are only about finance. It makes sense because Leo Finance.

I'm a hairstylist, so I'm moved by my work 💇‍♀️💈.

Thank you for the welcome.

So cool to hear. Welcome to the fun :)

Thanks for your welcome.

So far I have seen Ecency (an app on my phone), PeakD, Liketu and now LeoFinance.

I'm sticking with Liketu and Leo for now.

You found threads!

I think so 🤭

Glad we are connected by the thread.

I like having a place where I can write what I think, and that doesn't involve a long-format post.

Sometimes I just don't have time to write.

Live by revelation and not by reason. #gmfrens #sps

What are the top 3 things missing from right now that you want added this week?


Leave some #feedback in the replies below and your suggestions might just make it into this week's update!

Please add live quotes for:

  1. $SPS
  2. $DEC
  3. $GLX

This would be nice DEC most likely wouldn't be needed since it should be holding steady at $0.001 soon. SPS and GLX would be nice additions though being they are governance tokens.

Working mobile photo uploads!

This should be fixed tomorrow! We're integrating Imgur. Turns out to be an issue with images

But I can upload images to no problem, but if I try on threads it just sits there and does nothing, it was even crashing keychain for a while for me. IMO imgur isn't the solution but if that's the easy fix then it is what it is

  1. Support for HTML/Markdown same as it was on April 30th (or better)
  2. Settings Page
  3. EDIT for long form posts


#1 is in Alpha, we should have it rolled out to very soon

#2 also working on this and a lot more settings

#3 is already live, click the 3 dots to edit your post

Scratch Number 3!

I think post scheduling works, but the front-end throws me an error message about a missing signature. Is there a workaround for this? Where is the signature field to be filled?

i just wants you to fix pics upload for mobile users in threads.

Many users are complaining about it, i have also this issue, pics are not uploading on threads. Kindly do a fix. Thanks

This is an issue with atm, we're working on our own image hosting. Should be fixed soon

Delegated LP don't show in profile. I want to see it like I can see the delegated HP.

We'll add this soon! Thanks for the suggestion

This is something I also want, and it's being worked on atm!

  1. Support for HTML/Markdown in editor
  2. Showing the post image on social media
  3. Faster indexing of edits

#1 is in alpha, it will release to soon

#2 also working on this, thanks for the suggestion

#3 - can you elaborate on this a bit more for me @rtonline?

Thanks for the reply.

It takes more than 10 minutes for the update to appear after editing the thread and post.

Thanks for the reply.

It takes more than 10 minutes for the update to appear after editing the thread and post.

HTML ten times, the biggest missing feature on Leo atm. I know it's being worked on btw

The FreeCompliments Community included as part of the communities under LeoFinance's umbrella! While small and new, we were among the first to support using Threads. 😊

wdym by this, it's under the /communities page!

Ability for communities to have their own thread section.

We've got this feature in alpha testing already! We're about to release it ;)

Ad revenue

lol not a feature, try again

  1. Ad revenue
  2. Ad Revenue

Airdrops 🫣

Some users have asked for the ability to filter top level threads (hiding replies and replies to replies) and all threads when browsing their profile and in other feeds.

Sounds useful imo

A couple more users have had issues posting, they hit 'publish' and the post disappears and never reaches the chain. This can be disheartening and discouraging if they don't have a draft saved somewhere else.

  1. Being able to compose threadstorms and then publish them all at once (like on Twitter).

  2. Eliminating the 3-second (sometimes more) wait for threads to appear after they're published.

Able to switch the order of comments. Not a biggie but would be great when following a threadcast.

The odd post is still showing errors for some reason. 1st post earlier this evening went through fine but second one had an error. Same last night and why using Peakd for the occasional post.

Love this quote

Makes sense.

Has an indepth meaning to it.

Hello Lions! Your daily dose of beauty is here 💙 #hivegarden #silverbloggers #aliveandthriving

GM well that is true I just looked in the mirror 🤣

Enjoy your Monday Monika

Have a good one too Eddie 💙

What did the Buddhist say at the sandwich shop?
Make me one with everything.

Credit: reddit
@tengolotodo.leo, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of fantagira

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

I spot a bee. Adorable.

Haha, there is a bee 🐝 They love my oregano plant

@wongi! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @fantagira. (7/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

That is really nice

hemlo, beaaaaaaautiful click!

Thanks mate!

Beautiful and wow, there's a bee too!

Yay! They love my oregano plant 🌱 💙

I hate being Bi-polar. Its awesome?

I hope my eyes aren't deceiving me.

Was $28k two days ago. Been creeping up steadily. Still WAAAAAY DOWN though.

I think you still in a good spot. that's like 30x more than what i have

I'll be in a good spot if it gets back to anywhere close to what I spent on them 😂

haha. I still think it's good now. I just saw you are also in tier 3 brawls. maybe we will get to battle each other one of these days :)

New day New week!

Have a great one!

What is your #sanr ranking?

I haven’t tried this yet, but you’re doinng great Eddie 😁

It is a great bit of fun Monika and a great way to get a curated post by writing a review on it!

Support the Leo Trading Club

I shall check it out one day. Have it opened in my browser, but never enough time to do everything.

I'm way down, lol!

Oh nice, looks who's on 2nd place :P

One trade wonder Eric 🤣

For those who know … 😉


Hmm 🧐 so you say the cat is alive then?! 👀

Unknown. Would have to check.

I never heard of Schrödinger before.

Let's have some afternoon snacks. Milo, milk and bread with honey.

I think I'll turn out to be a glutton anytime soon with the look of things. Great meal here

wow nice you have milo too!

but i want to be ok. i dont want to be tired angry or sad :P

then you are already there 😀 excellent for you.


@shawnnft! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (4/50)

Im not there yet. I'm waiting for you to take us there

it is ok not to be ok but we must keep moving forward



@dwayne16! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (5/50)

I decided not to be ok yesterday and slept all day and today I feel even worse 🙈😅

hopefully you will come around. You did make it to threads. 😀


@fantagira! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (3/50)


WOW. Thank you Sally.

Short quote but powerful words.

Never give up!

I believe!


I could almost say I do this everyday. lol. Close to it anyway. I put forth the attitude of Positivity all the time. But let me tell you in all honesty that most days, at least by the end of the day,


I am not OK, I am tired, I am angry and I am sad.


Life is not easy. Things get to you. Negative people get to you. Things out of your control get to you.


But when I wake up in the morning I start to reflect. Reflect on the good in my life. The fact that I made the decission to be Positive. I put my attitude in check and I rise like a Phoenix once more.


It is a daily challenge. But a challenge that is worth it.

Be the Phoenix!


If you enjoyed this motivaton please visit the post:

End of Storm.



Technology is changing everything. We saw the altering of content distribution. This was due to the internet which brought us the YouTube, streaming, and a few other options.

2/ If we see the same thing in content creation, this is a major shift. We know that, compared to 20 years ago, how we view content was forever altered.

3/ The challenge is the domain of the major studios is now under attack. For every minute someone spends on YouTube, that is removed from broadcast television.

4/ The strikes by the writers and actors is interesting because they might be obsolete. Their fight might be against being completely out of job.

Technology is really making life easier but I think it's also causing mental and physical laziness.

5/ Of course, the deal struck could end up helping to sing the studios as things go downhill.

Q: At what time those BOOM's come out?

A: There is NO specific time of Boom's. It's random. PURE LUCK.

Bets tactics?
Be on threads 24/7 😀

I'm mostly on threads but the booms usually come out when I take my eyes off the screen, lol!

Not this time.


Yay! Guess today is my lucky day 😅 Thank you lots!

I got it


Thank you

Same for me and when you come back, the slots have already been taken 😭

I think, it's the best time to receive a BOOM 💥. Keep on #threading

My lucky day :)

The only thing I do 24/7 is breathe 🤣

You're funny. Change your package for BOOM

We thread, thread and just thread. Its what we do all day - everyday!

Thats a good one. Keep it up. But have you ever receive a #BOOM

Boom don't have specific time tho sometimes it comes in the evening

Meaning that you must have received#boom many times. Please what's the biggest#boom you received on #thread?

I've so missed out on #boom but I hope to get lucky soon.

Wow, so what do you think is the reason why you've missed #boom? What are your plans to bounce back?

I'm curious. What is boom really about?

Oh, I thought you know.

Here's what it is @onealfa.leo posts a random thread with a #boom image. If you are lucky to comment on the thread on time, you will get huge upvote from him.
So always be on the lookout, it can come anytime 😂

oh this is amazing. I'd be on the lookout then. I hope I do not miss it.

That would be great

Is the gentleman the only guy that can give #boom?

It's great to see BOOM. 😀

One of the regulars here, have being a beneficiary too.

You can never miss out, lol 😂

wondeeeeeeeeeee ooooo

Boom boom boom
Always on the lookout 24/7

Just keep threading. No special time of Boom, it can come at any time

BOOM is a visitor base on pure luck. Thanks for the advice. #threads247 is the secret. Am back to thread. Maybe, one day, I will be lucky, BOOM will visit me and am promising to welcome it wholeheartedly. Lolz

pure luck indeed. Always on thread 24/7

This much BNB have been committed during the first 2.5 hours of the subscription period for the ARKM token sale on Binance Launchpad.

Sadly I don’t think this is available for uk users anymore, which is a shame

Sorry to hear but there are other opportunities out there hehe.

There sure are, but I’m too lazy to find and learn new things these days 😅

Can relate with that😅

That's pretty hectic for 2.5 hours!

Looks like more are committing :)

Good stuff!

What Hive mobile wallets do you know?

I want to be able to do Hive and HBD operations from mobile, but don't know of the wallets I can use...

Hivekeychain is best wallet you can use imo.


I use Hive Keychain for those stuff when on mobile.

I also use Hivekeychain for my android phone and ipad. Easy to use and fast connection.
And it's also high security with the finger print to log in.
Hope it helps!

packing and shipping product to the warehouse is always fun

You mean not fun right? My sarcasm meter ain't what it use to be. 🤣

Enjoy your Time Sir

I'm glad that #threads has a word limit because I may as well have just been writing 400+ words here, hehehe. This is because we are all about the genuine and heartfelt comments on #DREEMpORT.

#dreemerforlife #liotes

hehe enjoy the marathon this week and GM wee wongi!

i definitely will. Have a lovely Monday :)


Thank ye kindly 😀

This world is filled with difficulties that had made it difficult to retain self-respect because of some financial challenges.

Have you ever denied yourself respect and love because of money?

Money can actually make someone loose some respect especially if they are begging for help from people. Expect them not to respect you so much. Someone stopped taking my calls many years ago because i asked for financial asisstance.

Am telling you and this is Soo bad when you are in serious need, at that point you won't mind what anyone will say because you just need that help.
But do you think there is any way we can avoid such embarrassment

I Can't say no because I know for sure that the world is govern by money. Money can turn you upside

when you don't have money, it's hard for people to respect you in our society today. A poor man has less friends.

And when one don't have money and you are begging others for it, be ready for your respect to be denied

Honestly, I hate begging for financial help to avoid insult especially from my younger one. I hate insult

Well if it's possible I will oh cause this user is tired lol.....I have not been in such situation sha

My dear sister, I hate insult. To avoid that, it's best and better to manage whatever I have instead of loosing my self-respect because I need help.

AI has a REALLY hard time with body parts like arms and legs and how physics works for some reason...

and facts. They lie about everything.

Yeah, hope next gen ai figures that out somehow.

That means AI needs some polishing :)

At least AI able to make robot which can walk but to perform hand and leg like human still a difficult one for AI but there exist good possibility AI will be able to do it in the future.


Nice and sunny >10k morningwalk … Done! 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼

That’s a nice morning walk! GM

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

#Bitcoin is a very exciting development, it might lead to a world currency." - Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group. #liotes #gmfrens

I've met Richard Branson once. I was peeing next to him in a hotel bathroom.

Looks like they've bought the bags..

Come watch, it's been fun

Appreciate it man, thanks for hanging out!

This is an important week

Earning reports of stocks will give quite some volatility so keep an eyes on that will share those #news here.

Looking forward :) I've not been reading news as of late 😉

Gotta bring it on threads to make it ease for us!

Even though I'm all about Hive I must admit that when it comes to writing blog posts, the tesxt editor on Medium is by far the best.

#blogging #hive

Haven't tried medium yet.. we have HTML on hive, what about medium?

It's different there. There's a '+' -sign and by using that you just add things.

Also, adding links is done by just "painting" the word and copying the link.

Very intuitive.

Oh, that's Nice!!

Yeah, it's pretty great. I'm mainly posting on Hive but sometimes share my posts there. Check it out! j

I have no idea how the editor is on Medium. You can put it as a feedback here :)


Good morning! How was your weekend? We played "Too Many Bones" yesterday. Awesome board game! #games #boardgames #gaming #toomanybones #raven


Ain't gonna say Monday is here and that laziness on first day of the week.

Everyday is same > no off > gotta stay disciplined.

That's the spirit. Every day is a new day to do better than we did yesterday.

Sometimes it’s hard though. I slept all day yesterday 😅

tru, sometimes but making it routine not good haha.

I slept for 8

8h is healthy amount ☺️

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Upvote button not working for me in comments on posts. #feedback

Browser : Chrome v.114.0.5735.199

The same with me. It started some 2-3 days ago when the most recent updates on the UI happened.

I've had this problem for a few days, so I have to use other interfaces.

Hope they find a fix to it.

I think they will fix it soon. Maybe they don't know so I used the feedback tag. 😆

That's good. I also threaded about it before with the feedback tag. Some also mentioned they have the same issue.

I hope we are helping.

is broken for anyone else? It loads up and then the screen immediately turns white.

I had the same issue since yesterday :(

It's working for me at the moment but I am not logged in.

Interesting. yesterday I found a few accounts that worked and my hunch is they are accounts with less activity. Can you try to look at mine and see if it works? Just change the URL to @imno

Works fine with your account too, all customs jsons are loading fine and same with pending rewards and stats.

I am using Brave as a browser on Ubuntu, no problems at all to load, it even faster then I remembered.

Thanks. I've tried 4 different browsers (phone and computer) and they are all broken for me. So weird.



My estimated value in HP and LP is now almost equal. Hive is Hive, LEO 2 X.

For more precise data, according to your page in #HiveStats right now, your Estimated Account Value (excluding #HiveEngine and #Honeycomb tokens) is about $4,150 while your LEO tokens are about $3,984. 🤓 That means your Leo Power is already worth about 96% of your Hive Power. 😏

Have some !PIZZA with !LOLZ! 😁

Have you heard about the guy who said he had the heart of a lion?
He was banned from the zoo.

Credit: reddit
@cryptothesis, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of savvytester


I wonder why after buying 1.4M $SPORTS, I could not find my username in the LeoDex Richlist. Is this because of some delay in updating the data? I now have 2,898,408 $SPORTS Power and I delegated 1.5M to my wife's account.

I found you at the 16,886th rank on the #HiveExplorer SPORTS richlist. 🤓

The website appears buggy though, with the total SPORTS tokens on the richlist sometimes displayed below negative 100 million. 🤯😅

Woah! 16,866 rank! 🤣

It took me some time to find you on the SPORTS richlist because of your rank! 😆😅


That's a high rank. Why you have difficulty to find it? 🤣



We all need to learn to live with our mistakes.
Which is why I still live with my parents.

Credit: reddit
@savvytester, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Do you mean that your son's account with the name of the coffee brand that is 29th on the CENT richlist should be harder to find because it is lower in rank? 🤣😂



Oh, I didn't know that he is the 29th. I thought just like my rank in $SPORTS richlist. 🤣



@savvytester passed you the virtual joint!
If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP

@rzc24-nftbbg, @savvytester(3/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

Hive General chat | Type ! help (no space) to get help on Hive. Info

Made with LUV by crrdlx

I just can't believe I forgot to go to the Gym again yesterday.
That's six years in a row now.

Credit: reddit
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of savvytester

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Depends on the rich list version you are using,but I am sure some will ignore the delegation so that would not count.

Even if I deduct the 1.5M I delegated to my wife's account, I cannot see my name even with those who hold 1.3M stakes.

Found you and your SPORTS:


That can't be real. 🤣 My wife's account is in the 203rd.

The doesn't correspond to other sorted columns.. Is anything real?

I don't know.


Good morning to all the threaders in Leoverse and beyond.

Have a nice start of the week.

“Progress has little to do with speed, but much to do with direction.” — Unknown


have a nice day and a wonderful week too.

Great quote

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

#pepe #pepegame random thought idea #4269 #game, no rules, in line with #hive #blockchain, comments, votes, blog(s), #threads, shares, tags, #meme's, #ppud? #crypto (jack)pot/(prize)pool: X PEPE (+? #leo?) #community engagement LOVE

I got really confused and couldn't comprehend the random idea you were trying to share. 😅

It's a brainstorm, or a brainfart. In early thought without rules. So that can happen. Maybe throw some #pepe tokens at your wallet at random at some random time.

Oh! What a thought. I must be thinking too much, lol!

You mean like some sort of game, mining pool or something completely different?

Some sort of game. Maybe. Maybe more of an interaction game. Really depends what type of game people want to play and will play. #pepegame

My account has been created more than a year ago, but it was only a week ago that I made my first publication.

If you want to know me a little more I invite you to read my first post.

Link below 👇

Here is my first post, not only on Hive, but on the whole #web3 in general:

Well written thread!

Welcome :)

Thank you, I am just learning and getting to know all this.

FreeCompliments Community Rewards:

  • 1 HSBI / month of membership
  • 1 HSBI / 10 compliments with #freecompliments tag
  • 1 HSBI / post
  • 1 HSBI / 10 comments
  • 2 HSBI / referral to the community
  • Extra HSBI for high quality content


Another beautiful day to send #freecompliments and make people happy :)

Exactly! Wonderfully expressed. 😊 #freecompliments

There are now more benefits to sending compliments on #threads with the #freecompliments tag. Be genuine, make people happy, and you'll get rewarded!


Good morning lions and cubs! I've been waiting for my video to be completely uploaded on 3Speak last night. Finally, it is done this morning.


#outreach #threadstorm #gmfrens

Good morning to you. Guess it is a great start of the day.

Have an amazing Monday😊


Yeah, great to start this day and this week. 😊

Enjoy the rest of the day.

Thanks! You too, enjoy a great day!

Whoa, it really takes that long for videos to upload on 3 Speak.

Yeah, it took more than one hour until I retired to bed, still the upload was not completed.

I also read from someone it took him the whole night

Yeah, that's why I left it. Good to see that the upload has been completed this morning.

It would be a bummer if it encountered an error, lol! Glad it didn't

Thinking of having a break today in video creation. I still have to complete my research paper.

This video is about the shifting stance on CBDC, Bitcoin ETF, and update on XRP.



#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():


➽ Returns MIN value based on qualifying DB criteria

‼️👂 DB▶️ Database

‼️👂 F▶️ Field in DB

‼️👂 CRITERIA▶️ Limiting factors

🔊 Numeric data

#spreadsheets #xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

🎁 Below▶️ (A1:D2=Criteria section) & (A4:D22=Database)

⋱   A   B   C   D   E
1   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓
3   ▓   ▓   ▓   ▓   ▓
4   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓
5   26  S   BF  1576   26  S   DH  127   25  S   BF  161

#xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

A   B   C   D   E
⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞
4   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓
⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞
8   25  A   UT  189   25  A   DH  1210  25  A   DU  1011  25  A   PO  3512  24  F   BF  16713  24  F   DH  1214  23  H   BF  173

#xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

A   B   C   D   E
⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞
4   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓
⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞
15  23  H   DH  1216  22  W   BF  18117  22  W   DH  1118  22  W   DU  1119  21  T   BF  18820  20  M   BF  19421  20  M   BR  43

#xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

A   B   C   D   ▓
⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞
4   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓
⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞   ⁞
22  20  M   DH  11

💬 Row 2 is used for defining Criteria
💬 Row 3 separates Criteria from DB

#spreadsheet #spreadsheets #xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

🎁db=$A$4:$D$22; criteria=$A$1:$E$2; date=$A$1:$A$2; day=$B$1:$B$2; from=$C$1:$C$2, hive=$D$1:$D$2 💬Named ranges

🎁ndate=1; nday=2; nfrom=3, nhive=4 💬Names

#spreadsheet #spreadsheets #xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

💬 Based on above 🎁s, these formulas are equivalent:
♦️ DMIN(A4:D22,4,A1:E2)
♦️ DMIN(db,4,criteria)
♦️ DMIN(db,nhive,criteria)
♦️ DMIN(A1:D22,nhive,A1:E2)
♦️ DMIN(db,,A1:E2)

#spreadsheets #xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

💬 Scenario▶️ Find MIN value for Date
💬 Criteria section▶️Row 2 is blank

A   B   C   D   E
1   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓


#spreadsheet #spreadsheets #xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

💬 Scenario▶️ Find MIN value for Day
💬 Criteria section▶️Row 2 is blank

A   B   C   D   E
1   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓


#spreadsheet #spreadsheets #xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

💬 Scenario▶️ Find MIN value for From
💬 Criteria section▶️Row 2 is blank

A   B   C   D   E
1   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓


#spreadsheet #spreadsheets #xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

💬 Scenario▶️ Find MIN value for HIVE
💬 Criteria section▶️Row 2 is blank

A   B   C   D   E
1   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓


#spreadsheet #spreadsheets #xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

💬 Scenario▶️ Find MIN value of HIVE when Day=A
💬 Criteria section▶️B2="A"

A   B   C   D   E
1   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓
2       A


#spreadsheet #spreadsheets #xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

💬 Scenario▶️ Find MIN value of HIVE when Day=A & HIVE>10
💬 Criteria section▶️B2="A"; D2=">10"

A   B   C   D   E
1   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓
2       A       >10


#xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

💬 Scenario▶️ Find MIN value of HIVE when From starts with "D"
💬 Criteria section▶️C2="D"

A   B   C   D   E
1   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓
2           D       ▓


#spreadsheet #xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

💬 Scenario▶️ Find MIN value of HIVE when From=D*
💬 Criteria section▶️C2="D*"

A   B   C   D   E
1   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓
2           D*      ▓


#spreadsheets #spreadsheet #xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

💬 Scenario▶️ Find MIN value of HIVE when From=DU
💬 Criteria section▶️C2="DH"

A   B   C   D   E
1   Date    Day From    HIVE    ▓
2           DH      ▓


#spreadsheets #spreadsheet #xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

💬 Scenario▶️ HIVE when 15<HIVE<100
💬 Criteria section▶️D2=">15"; E2="<100"

A   B   C   D   E
1   Date    Day From    HIVE    HIVE
2               >15 <100


#spreadsheet #xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

💬 Scenario▶️ HIVE when 15<HIVE<100 or Day=M
💬 Criteria section▶️D2=">15";E2="<100";B3="M"

A   B   C   D   E
1   Date    Day From    HIVE    HIVE
2               >15 <100
3       M


#xls 👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

📝 DMIN() returns smallest value based on given criteria
📝 DMIN() returns 0 if
♦️ CRITERIA aren't met
♦️ F is a column of non-numeric data
📝 Inequality comparisons must be entered as text



#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

📝 If CRITERIA is left blank, entire DB is used by DMIN()
📝 AND logic is expressed within a row of CRITERIA
📝 OR logic is expressed w/ conditions in separate rows of CRITERIA

#spreadsheet #xls👉


#XLSref: #Excel Function DMIN():

📝 Wildcards can be used for text data in CRITERIA

#spreadsheet #spreadsheets #xls ⏹️

@nietokilll! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @flaxz. (1/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

@nietokilll! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @flaxz. (2/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

Awesome posts spotlighted from Alive and Hive communities. @heartbeatonhive collated, upvoted and reblogged these posts.


#hive #aliveandthriving #ctp

one of the spotlighted posts, @mypathtofire shared his updated savings of tokens to meets his targets and goals.

Thanks for the mention.

yoyu are welcome. Keep it up when will you host another quest?

Thanks. I'm not sure yet.

ok. Thanks for the prize. I really appreciate the experience and prize. Get me informed next time.


I appreciate your sharing this post 😉 happy new week ahead! 🎉


@sammyhive! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @iamraincrystal. (10/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

@sammyhive! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @iamraincrystal. (6/20)

Congratulations to @tydynrain, @olujose6, @jmis101, @alovely088, and @emjeak for the starbits prizes

Thanks buddy

thanks so much bro. You are the man

Thanks a lot @sammyhive

you are welcome sir

you are welcome boss

Thank you very much dear

you are welcome dear sister

Thank you again so much, Sammy! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

you are welcome buddy.

Margaret Qualley Kiss GIF by NEON

one of the spotlighted posts, @ironshield shared how sabbath was celebrated with his family

one of the spotlighted posts, @dailyspam shared some beautiful flower and houses as he walks

congratulations to @hafiz34, @jmis101, and @master-lamps for draw winnings.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

There are 4 pages