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Hello community, after a few days a little sick I returned, this time to report the 4% increase in the hive price, something very gratifying for the people who saved with the bearish price a few days ago, this thanks to btc the colossal at last It moved up to 70k, taking eth with it with 3,789k, tell me what you thought of this market rise.#hive #inleo #crypto

I can't be really happy when $HIVE is getting lower and lower compared to $BTC!

Thread Day #72

Terça-feira chegou e hoje já começa a ser definido os primeiros classificados para as oitavas de final da Copa do Brasil.

Vocês acompanham futebol?


Hard dayyyyyyyy

Patrão com o chicote, shift sem sorte kkkk

kkkkkkkkkkkkk vc tem que fazer um post com as "rimas do lincemarrom" auhhuahuahau

Boa ideia kkkk

Mandar uns freestyle kkk

Sexta feira fui embora com 1 chamado pra resolver, cheguei ontem tinha 14 huahuahuahu, agora ta indo pra 8 to cansadao

Minha nossa

Os maluco desenterra coisa pra fazer, não pode me ver parado 1 segundo que começa a aparecer coisa do nada pra fazer

a magia da multiplicacao é maravilhosa, sqn kkkkk

kkkk ta maluco, queria que meu dinheiro multiplicasse assim no lugar do trabalho kkk

Força, guerreiro

kkk valeu man, matando cada chamado com todas as forças hehe

Futebol para mim, é só amanhã!


Vai deixar saudades.

Bom dia

bom dia man

Faz 5 anos que não vejo uma partida de futebol por completo

O louco kkk, ta pior que eu

Mais um dia chegando e um threadday é ótimo para testar a nova interface #inleo que está indo muito bem! Vamos tensionar o máximo para ver até onde os desenvolvedores chegaram desta vez!

Mano até o momento tá blz, ta super usavel, só uns gargalo na questão de carregar as paginas mesmo, mas o resto ta de boa

futebol ja desisti de acompanhar faz tempo, no maximo acompanho a copa do mundo pra passar raiva no jogo do brasil

Eu nem isso vejo mais. Acho que a última que acompanhei mesmo foi a de 2006. 2010 eu assisti alguns jogos, mas nem vi os do Brasil

bem faz vc, pq normalmente so da pra passar raiva assistindo eles

Hum, parece que resolveram o erro de não carregar as threadas de resposta... "parece", ainda testando... se tiver arrumado aleluia \o/

Por aqui às vezes eu ainda preciso apelar pro zoom in zoom out pra funcionar.

eu to surpreso que nao fiquei no login eterno hj aqui na inleo, que tem uns dias que é so tristeza

Hoje ta bom, realmente bom, tudo funcionando de boa, so uma demora no load de alguns comentários e alguns outros lugares de ruim, o resto ta de boa

dificil acreditar, mas está bom mesmo kkkk

Nossa, verdade! Parece que deu uma melhorada boa nessa parte

Aqui até o momento ta perfeito, nem acredito, já melhorou 200%, essa parte do zoom era um saco

Nossa, demais!
Talvez ainda exista esperança hahaha

kkkk esperança é a ultima que morre kkk

Da última vez que eu vi, Khal tinha resolvido uns 25 bugs na plataforma.

É muita coisa... Mas parece que está sendo bem melhor agora mesmo.

Realmente, bastante coisa foi resolvida, hoje deu gosto mexer, achei bem melhor e muito mais estável, espero que continue assim rs

Até as polls voltaram. 🙌🏻

Eita sabia dessa não kkk

Vi uma thread de Task. Ainda não criei nenhuma. Mas acredito que voltou hahahaha...

Futebol ou formação de quadrilha que atua em diversos tipos de setores? 🤔

Os sites de apostas parecem que tem alguns envolvimentos, mas nao acompanho muito mais, não sei como está ou deixa estar essa relação. Mas, sendo o Brasil tudo é possível kkk

Até onde eu sei, é compra de resultados, envolvimento em jogos de apostas, corrupção entre os árbitros... Nem lembro do resto, haha!

Credo, Brasil sendo Brasil kk

Complicado... o que tem de bandido nas instituições do futebol (clubes, federações) não tá escrito

Máfia pesadíssima!

Bom dia povo


Hoje em dia só acompanho os resultados(as vezes). Não faz mais sentido pra mim isso.

Eu tmb quase nao assisto, ate os jogos do brasil ta foda assistir kkk

Helloooo!! Everything is fine?

Alright sir 👍👍👍, I hope the threadcast is going smoothly? ☺️☺️

Yes, everything is fine! It's been great working on inleo today, they've fixed a few bugs that have made the user experience much better and more stable.

Hey bro

Good day to you sir, how is your day going?

Can't complain!

All thanks to Jah...


Solta o raio tempestadeeeeeeeeeeee


Futebol? Conhecem a política do pão e circo?


Mas não sei o que dizer, pois não entendi o contexto.

É isso. Uma forma de controlar a sociedade com pão e circo. Ao longo do tempo as duas coisas vem se adaptando ao povo, mas sempre estão presentes. No caso do brasil é cerveja e futebol.

Não amigo, o lance do pão e circo estou ciente sim rsrsrs...

É que vc disse sobre futebol e não tinha entendido ainda onde estava a conversa. Mas sim, o futebol pode estar incluído nesse tipo de "controle".

Bom dia, brazucas.

É triste quando mesmo sendo usuário premium InLeo, à sua foto do perfil não aparece (mas em todos os outros front-ends sim).

Enfim, parece que o destino dessa plataforma é viver com erros.

Tenta subir a sua imagem pelo front aqui da inleo mesmo, talvez resolva

Valeu pela dica, mas no momento, preguiça de tentar resolver isso. 🤣

Talvez depois eu tente consertar.

kkkkk tranquilo

to usando a, parece que está estavel, mas ainda continua meio lento as requisições

Cara, pior que todas as outras aparecem normal para mim.... é perseguição contigo hahaha

pior que agora é só a sua que não tá aparecendo mais... enfim bugleo sempre bugado

Preguiça de tentar consertar isso, haha! Enquanto tudo tiver de boa nos outros front-ends, tá massa.

Só queria ficar de boa na lagoa

Não pode, hoje ainda é terça-feira.

kkkk infelizmente =/

Ansioso pela sexta feira

Parece que o estádio do Inter vai estar pronto para uso bem antes que o do Grêmio. Existe um mundo onde os dois jogariam no mesmo lugar?

Boa semana galera, to meio sumido aqui!

Boa semana pra vc tbm. ✌🏼

boa semana para nós man, tá sumido mas sempre presente! Quem sabe sabe kkk

Boa terça para todos! Que hoje seja um dia bem legal pra vc.

Valeu mano, para todos nós, hoje a comunidade se animou bastante em participar da thread, isso é top demais!

Tbm fico feliz por isso. Que seja sempre nessa pegada. Todos ganhamos com isso.

Isso ai, vamos continuar trabalhando e interagindo bastante para melhorar sempre!

Depois de um bom tempo, passamos uma threads dos 100 coments

só os tops raiados ^^

boa tarde lindoesss

meu sonho um dia isso aqui fluir direito igual o X, finado twitter. Eu passo horas lá e não me irrito como em minutos aqui.

será top quando isso acontecer

e ainda por cima ganhamos em cima

por enquanto, nos resta sonhar hahah

Se ficar igual ao X e ainda ganhar uma cascalho em cima disso, vai ser louco demais kkkk

Com certeza, se ficar com a mesma estabilidade e velocidade de processamento, será incrível! Vamos torcer que um dia chegará neste nível!

Thread Day chegando quase aos 100 comentários? 🤔 Será que os dias de glória estão voltando? 🤣

Espero que a plataforma continue estável... talvez ajude a galera retomar a atividade

Pois é, também espero por isso.

Com certeza isso é uma vdd

pisquei e 90 comentários

Eu percebi isso, demorou mas depois de um tempo finalmente passamos pelos 100 comentários

Sinal de bons tempos.

Depois de muito tempo finalmente consegui voltar ao inbox zero no trabalho

Isso reflete imensamente na minha performance

Alguém viu aquela série do Prime "Jury Duty"? Acho que o nome em português é Na Mira do Juri.


é boa? to precisando pegar alguma serie pra assistir, mas to com preguiça de escolher aleatoriamente, pq com minha sorte provavelmente iria escolher algo que nao vou gostar e acabar ficando sem assistir nada por um tempo por conta da raiva

É interessante. Vou te dar uma sinopse que não é spoiler porque eles falam isso nos primeiros segundos da série:

A série é um documentário sobre como funciona o sistema jurídico americano e a idéia é acompanhar o julgamento de um caso.

O plot twist disso é que o caso em questão é falso e todas as pessoas envolvidas são atores com a exceção de um cara, que não sabe de nada.

Aí as coisas mais absurdas vão acontecendo e a série vai mostrando a reação do maluco.

Lembra muito The Office hahah

caramba, parece da hora, vou ver se pego pra assistir, vlw

Nunca ouvi falar.

É nova? Tipo... Só uma temporada?

É relativamente nova.. foi filmada tem um tempo já, mas foi lançada no ano passado

Só tem uma temporada. Não sei se terão outra porque é uma parada meio única... talvez tentem fazer algum tipo de spinoff mas acho que seria outro tema

Hum... Fiquei curioso rsrsrs... Vou pesquisar mais.

Tive uma conversa com meu chefe agora sobre um monte de ineficiência que o pessoal de Operações fica impondo nos processos... entendo a necessidade, mas tem jeito melhor de fazer as coisas... espero que a gente consiga convencer a galera

O povo aí tá precisando de motivação

Hoje em dia eu acompanho só o Corinthians e ainda assim menos do que antes... os outros times eu só sei das coisas muito noticiadas.... Futebol europeu eu desprezo e nunca acompanhei

Bora dar um gás galera

Precisamos enraiar

Boraaaaaaaaaaa chegayyyyyy


CoinMarketCap Gate and MEXC Listings

$LTC + $DOGE + $BEL Merged Mining

$NOOK / $BEL Market

and 1st $BEL Halving at 129,600 blocks.

it's all just a matter of time

UPDATE: 97.55% of the total $NOOK supply has been minted

📊 Top 5 NFT Marketplaces By 24hr Vol :

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  2. Magic Eden : $6.8M
  3. OpenSea : $4.4M
  4. OKX NFT Marketplace : $1.9M
  5. MOOAR : $1.3M

#leofinance #nft

The INLEO AMA goes live in 45 minutes (Noon EST). Here’s the official #threadcast

We’ll be talking #web3, social media, cross-chain DEXes and I’m sure a few $ETH ETF mentions

Join us! 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

Great AMA it was.

I have 40K HP delegated to @leo.voter, and I can say that it is really worth it. So far, it has been awesome!

Simple math would prove that point. It is a good way to go.


Is Leodex only for premium users?

No. Anyone can use LeoDex.

It is no different than Uniswap.

Okay boss, thanks for the response

all that hive power and hive above $1 is going to be insane time to witness and be alive.

Who cares about the rep score? It's the actual reputation you have around here - people who read your posts, engage... That's what counts.

it's useful for quick verification. i can make a goldflsh account, take your profile picture, pay for premium, but faking 74 reputation is not easy and faking register date is impossible.

ETH and ETF are the poster boy and poster girl of crypto domain these days.

Tequila will fix that....tends to create other problems.

Unless you are Mexican, then you use it with your Corn Flakes.

Being premium, gets all the features in INLEO

The orange checkmark is enough in my opinion.

I think so, too. More than that would go overboard, I think.

Investing in Startups is really risky, though... Most startups aren't prepared to the stress, and a lot overpromise.


Is Khal still doing his squats so he keep his gluts tight?

Asking for Nifty.

LeoDex needs to build synthetics into the platform to allow the investment in derivatives of some of this stuff.

That would be sick!

Yeah imagine being able to buy any stock with a token. It isnt the stock per se but a token that tracks the price of the stock.

if you wanna moon faster you gotta get premium, use leodex, spread the word, mentor new users... (And I know some are already

Great point. It makes total sense to have your reputation score deteriorate when you're an account is not active. It would also help identify accounts that have been abandoned.

Something wrong with Erics mic, he is speaking with an accent.

LOL....all the non NYers think I'm speaking with an accent too

Especially in Florida.

Flatter than an Olsen twin chest.

invitation will extended to my friends in Hive ecosystem to join ad engage with others. @luchyl, @herculead, @marajah, @uzoma24, @fokusnow for the show

When AdultLeo?

Nifty is asking

Another sausage filled platform lmaoo

Beef...its whats for dinner.

Would bring a lot of creators, paying 20%of your income before tax as a comission to the site is harsh. If inleo takes only 5-10% they will come here.

It would certainly get attention. Sex sells as we all know.

This is gonna be mind blowing, haha!

Cool, you still like my name creation 💪🏽😎👍🏽 WenSoonShow 🚀🌕👍🏽


I have been trying to pay for gass fee in the LeoDex, but is not working..

Does the leaderboard space on threads counts on earning?

OMG I remember during the Big zealy campaign we also said happy birthday to the cat hahaha @scaredycatguide Happy birthday!!! haha I'll always remember that it's from you I got the "Sunseeker" nick xD

There's been a nice improvement!

Now I get an error screen around 2 times per day, it was 5 times some weeks ago.

LeoDex keep being built up and improved for more transactions and exchange

YouTube should also be allowed on Leo engagement to gain more publicity.

And we can gradually grow our YouTube with Leo engagement to gain more followers

Have you already considered Brazil to host an edition of Hive Fest?

It'd be great, for sure!

Have they lifted the COVID injection obligation for foreigners traveling to Brazil? With the current government, we can expect anything, lol.

I would be a premium user soon, am waiting on it. I want to do it in a way that the subscription would Pay for the recurrent subscriptions to come.

What are some of the ideas of benefits features being fed into Leo Premium that you put out a thread about?

There is no mark-to-market with startups unless they go for a new round of funding.

With crypto, it is there for everyone to see which doesnt reflect the value of the project.

Build Build Build Build

That is how to base a new initiative. Ignore the market nonsense and hype. That doesnt last.

Business approach is the key,

Question: Will INLEO AI make use of GPT-4o? I've been trying it the last couple of days and it's amazing. (At least compared to 3.5, I'm on the Free plan.)

Sometimes these new startup projects are risky.

Youtube is the 2nd most popular Search Engine if I remember correctly. (If not, maybe 3rd?)

Sometimes I get pissed off because of bugs but I hang on because I still believe that Rome wasn't built in a day, we would get there soon.

any plans for the anniversary?

Gotta bring back that last year 1st may vibes.

I was surprised when I read Robbins book Money Master the Game. It was quite good.

Favourite classic of mine!

Love that book

I just gave it this week to my college age son who is majoring in finance. I bet he likes it better than any of the technical texts he reads in school :-)

A setup where anyone can access the markets and at anytime is an amazing development in the crypto space.

still ugly backgrounds 😉 @anomadsoul didn‘t you want to DM me for the fresh backgrounds? Khal still hasn‘t reacted to them, but i guess his inboxes are overflowing on every channel! Anyway, i have to change the name now and put wensoonshow back in as you all seem to still love it … 💪🏽😎👍🏽


Concerning Leodex how do I provide liquidity on it and how do I track it?

Okay boss, I would have to check that out.

I hope we have a awesome line up of updates!

I can finally see you on Youtube!!

It's not yet started but there are lots of people that are listening and waiting which means that this will be worth it.

May I drop my latest article here? It's related to the AMA 😀.

"An innovations journey from Bancor to #thorchain & #leodex: «Impermanent Loss» Protection Mechanisms in #decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges".

Part 1 of the trilogy I dedicated to that topic has been released! Where we start that odissey by examining the mechanisms that Uniswap, Balancer & Bancor have come up with, their strengths and weaknesses.

Splinterlands DAO was a big mistake. I wish they would be more centralized in a way of decision making it would be much better if the company could just build without the dao interferring.

I had a hard time wrapping my head on how Liquid Pools worked, but I think i have a close to good enough idea now. It wasn't easy...

It's so odd that the ones who criticize seem to forget the cyclical nature of crypto markets, thus projects.

Truly, the crypto spaces is very volatility and dynamics. It's very difficult to build in the space. Because of its ups and downs.

There is a lot of value and gains in crypto but still there are losses too.

crypto is all-time business trading and investment. It's 24/7 business time. No resting time ever

So, it was different before than we use today.

Markets are driven by fear and greed which means insanity.

Ignore the markets and build.

All startups are actually startdowns for more than 50% of their lifetime.

We are still hoping for positive increase in the price and value of tokens like BTC, Ethereum and allcoin

Indeed crypto is such a crazy thing but rewarding

It is pretty hard to upvote threads because they are coming in so fast. I wish that would be a thing also when there is no threadcast

Any crypto project that lasted more than 2 years is doing well, comparatively...

Would love to add to my LEO/CACAO pool in the future, any $LEO upvote will get to that and the Premium sub.

Crypto offer a valuable platform for rich people like Khal to keep getting bigger.

Starlink is operational in Nigeria with a pretty much dollars for its purchase

Just like Memecoins, we never knew that it will pump rapidly any time.

I think proportionate investment is the best, invest based on value and how the project is.

it's better to DYOR before investing and follow credible sources to get the best

Looking forward to the integration of AI into INLEO and if we can have the best GPT-4o, it'll be ana amazing delivery. I can imagine how it can be useful in trading and other things beyond social activities.

btw. the mandatory …

Wen $LEO 🚀🌕👍🏽 ?

Given that start-ups usually keep losing money until the lucky ones got acquired by large companies, that's perhaps rather good ;)

it's better to invest in startup and crypto investment platform to enjoy its benefits. Getting involved is best approach

We can invest in crypto, sometimes it will get downtrend sometimes it will go up.

I have been waiting for more than 10 years for an early investment in a biotech startup with nothing to show so far.

My crypto startup in LEO has outpaced that by many orders of magnitude so far :-)

Great ti to be around here at $LEO being as cheap as $0.01. I hope we can have airdrop functions like Telegram wallets on INLEO as we see in the case of NOTcoin. It can bring more users.

Crypto has improved a lot of things and there is room for more improvements.

Trusting and learning more about the team behind the crypto projects will be one of reason of long term investment

I think it isn't just about investing, it has more to see the future and value of a project before investing on it.

Tokenized Real World Asset is on our lips now

Is it posssible for users to come learn about a skill on INLEO? I mean a curated feed for #tutorials. creators for the feed should be whitelisted.

Last week , I wrote about AI apocalypse and we are drawing closer to this, it is important that we improve our learning everyday. It is good that Inleo is a place of learning.

I think NFTs on Inleo would be a smart addition. It is possible.

@scaredycatguide Here in El Salvador, the buidling of a first hotel is being tokenized (on the "Liquid" Bitcoin sidechain).

The future of the web3 will be on socialfi and GameFi projects

Wen LeoTok?

I want this too!

If I could get a 100% upvote from inleo every day for my content I actually could pay my rent and food in Europe only using the liquid $HBD not touching the HP rewards

Keep expanding LeoDex to capture more people and offer more services.

NFTs on LEO should have some kind of utility that people will actually want to have, and I can't think of any that's not already on Premium.

any progress on stuff like Leoshorts and NFTs?


Will RWA tokens simply be swallowed by the CBDC & digital assets pilot chain that the MIT has been building with the US Federal State? A key aspect there is to make those tokens tradeable without KYC, to escape from the "Great Reset" matrix.

Question: I researched this a bit, but "How does Liquidity Pools never run of either token?" Will be nice question to answer for MAYA beginners like me.

#question aren't you afraid that #leodex depends on somebody elses solution and will to innovate? It's merely a front end / access point, isn't it?

Wow. RWA incorporated and improved the financial world around us soon

I believe in thorchain I foresee so many good things related to Inleo coming soon.

tokenization of RWA WOULD be huge opportunity

Inleo have brought many positive impact on Hive ecosystem. I'm really pleased to be here. Happy to be hearing these e


A long time ago Khal mentioned that he would like to build a new reputation system that takes in consideration a lot more than just upvotes. Is that still on the table?

When Leopalooza?

WEN task decides to host it in FL ;-)

I am a lousy host. Im a jerk. I do better telling people to fuck off than welcoming them.

I loved that name, haha!

I think that it's not just knowing about web3 but positioning on something better like good projects to get a better of it.

Thanks for smoking the hell off the bugs, now they should be in heaven. lol


That's a huge weed. lol

Metamask and splinterland being incorporated with LeoDex is a welcoming development

Looks like someone is doubting the future o inleo, it's nice but one needs to be enlightened on somethings which explains everything all.

If you want to reach out to YT audience, you shall have an user-friendly way to upload vids on Inleo.

The imbed works on INLEO. I embed videos from YT on posts, on threads you need to be a premium user so there is enough character limit.

LeoDEX is doing great and more volume is expected

Building and depending on something isn't just the whole thing, look at what is being built.

Most people in my country (who use Internet) have Facebook accounts... This fact is really strong when you consider it as a market.

A good input about YouTube in there, nice one , thanks for that.

I love you spirit Khal, you never get tired of developing..

Many old accounts with high scores that do NOTHING for the ecosystem.

Rep. Score? I don't think this is SO important at all.

When Transactions history for $LEO wallet ?

Waoo,the reputation thing is something else, let's go, through this I think engagement level would increase


When will this reputation system release?


What's the engagement protocol in inleo, could there be a way that engagement would be more directional such that we make the thread space more entertaining?

Oh, that's a great idea for the Reputation for engagements.

that‘s not really a „reputation“ score …

Oh, yeah... The LEO-specific reputation system...


it took me about 3 years to get over 70 reputation

That new reputation algorithm should be designed to be bots & AI-proof.

Youtubers self-censoring created many hilarious phrases, like "Unalive yourself!"

YouTube is still very strong, but it needs to review concepts of free speech.

They will on the day they cease to exist, lol.

That's why I rather use Invidious, Odysee, etc.

YouTube is an engine to censor searches, just like Google.

Reputation system? is that for the voter?

Apple users, report on the tag feedback if InLeo works for you correctly or not

Khal was a bid bot user which skewed his score.

80 just means retired for some 😜

It's actually their age 😜.



If the reputation grading is integrated, is there any rewards to those with high reputation level?

My premium has expired, I forgot to save some LP before the last power up day..
🤣🤣🤣🤣, now I can't embed musics from YouTube. 😭😭😭, just waiting till I accumulate more HBD so that I can go back to work...

Yep, I have the same problem. Waiting for funds to get liquid

Keep waiting 🤗 🤗


Are you guys going to the Hive Fest? I've seen the short list of first confirmed speakers and there's nobody to present Inleo, or is there?

Once a premium lion. Always a premium lion. 🦁

Haven't encountered any bug today so I guess INLEO is doing well.

So, now BUGS will be based on rarity

hahaha the more you get, you get a

We need no bugs, we should have Bugs! 😜


99% bug free in May, we are in it, that will be supercool.

We all know that "bug free" is not possible, but improvement always is. The team is working, and things are better.

Polls still not showing up.

Polls have turned into pulls.

No more new features, it just makes sense to work on bugs and make it all function properly.

Noticed now there's no bug that I used to encounter before.

Wow, only 18 left?!! 40 already done?!!! Nice

Even though I expect bugs to be in there, I think clearing of bug is a collective work from us all, just use a feedback hashtags like #feedback

Eventually when things stabilize ya'll should go to a time to bug fix performance metric instead of number of bugs present.

btw. who‘s @leogrowth? what about my april lpud random premium win? nag nag nag 😉

Concerning the anniversary, could it be streamed, I want to watch it from here too.

If Inleo can be 100% bug free, I will enjoy using it than other regular Site. I love Inleo site style

Remember to add the feature of hosting #Ama live here

Don‘t be that user! Examine and report! 💪🏽😎👍🏽

we'd love to hear about which one of the bug was most disturbing one to fix.

18 LOG BUGS left, from 40+ last week I think if I remember correctly.

have to admit, image takes like a second to upload it just instant. Haven't seen this fast in other hive front ends.

Took long to solve this bug, the way it came out is impressive. Hats off!

Yeah, the image topic …

Please Please get rid of the thin line around PNGs!

That completely spoiles the transparency option of that image format!

Pay attention to SPAMS too. They're fuck!ng ANNOYING!

Bugs no bugs we would be here, we believe in the brightness of inleo projects

Oh I see that Images is one of the most annoying bugs.

New users don't care about the functions if they are repelled by bugs in the first place.

I guess a lot of us, especially ones who have Premium, are very tolerant for bugs/shortcomings because we see the vision of what INLEO would be in 2 years.

Most people won't be that lenient!

yep, it‘s hard sometimes, but what to do if you‘re an addict 👉🏽🤪👈🏽

One practical question. How to edit lists?

You can edit lists from the lists page

If you do it in person do it in Malta or something hahaha I wanna go, but visa

Awesome, Sounds Great.

Will be looking forward to joining that!!

By the way, let me say: The platform (as a whole) is much faster.

This is what happens to a premium user... lol..

Wait, CACAO and RUNE outperforming ETHEREUM?! That's a bold statement!! I like it!!!!!

The quality of the images has improved considerably.

leodex is very easy to use and every hiver must give it try.. you will like it

Is the images the longest bug that you have?

I will love Inleo to have a space for draft post. Where we can save post we plant to upload in the future.

this already exists! Go to the three dots on the editoe

ok thank you 😊

Bugs will be bugs, but fighting them is an ongoing work.


Please concerning image uploads in here, why does the link of the image uploaded on threads add as the characters per thread space.

To make people subscribe premium.

It is necessary to highlight the team's work in relation to bugs and improvement of the platform. You guys are working like dogs. 😅

Premium??? Hmmm a big blow to us that aren't premium users right, I will get there soon

Maybe a simple frame around the Premium members' messages.

how about a different colour slide when a premium user comments in thread cast?

A Lot of us want this "1 Year Subscription Option" more so if it had a Discount!!

4.7m hive delegation to Leo.voter!!!, that's insanel

Yeah I might have to add a bit more.

I already know you sir, u are the boss.

Maybe change the outline color of threads of premiums …

I am going to add a bit more to the Leo:Cacao LP in the next couple days.

Keep it growing.

Nice, keep building your position there! Rewards coming soon

I just have to get around to it. Added to the delegation to Leovoter.

1. bugs bugs bugs

2. features features features

3. repeat 💪🏽😎👍🏽


I've used the Threads search functionality based on 2 unfrequent words from one month old Threads (its was: "impermanent loss"), and it has fed me with many Threads without those words in them. Is it a bug, or a search algorithm limitation?

-20% discount would be good enough like 20% hbd Apr lol.

There should be a 3 month and 6month subscription also, because of people Capabilities

just an idea… Would it be possible, to earn our premium subscription through hive delegation?

I don't know if this is possible, but it's a really great idea.

"I just one you to fix all bugs" OMG it has happen, the GODS do hear me, yes yes yes this is the focus, the platform is great as it is right now, just need to feed those basic functions to new users and make it stable so they stay, awesome job ✌️

The team is killing!

Launch the year subscription, users are waiting and screaming.

Discount (a nice one, by the way 😅) for those who subscribe to premium for one year is essential.

9gag, yes I remember that back in my college years

just a subtle outline and then give it a nice background gradient …

Also, if you use the feedback tag, remember to do it on the main feed... they wont find it if you do it on threadcasts or sub threads

how about the threads have a different background on the thread.

For example a regular user has the regular white or dark background but premium has a blue or orange background on their threadss.

I have a suggest

If there can be a chat channel where new users can meet Old users and also chat and make friends with them on Hive. This can be helpful and will also standout from other sites

Or you can just make the non-premium threads ultimately annoying. Blinking in different shades of a rainbow or so. Something that would look like a unicorn throwing up.

if the world understood how cool it is on INLEO / HIVE, we would be overrun ...

LeoPremium has to be seen as a MUST for everyone.

#question speaking about premium, do you collect feedback from people who do not prolong their subscriptions? There are plenty of them.

Being able to say premium covers at least inflation would be nice.

Third image, the rest of ChatGPT answer. I like the "Change Frame" idea:

Just to put it out there, re threading is also curating, tbh and not that I feel affected but some times feel like only few users...I do it all the time, upvote other users users, specially new, upvote, re thread, repeat

Probably one of the things the team needs to promote with the Premium is the Dashboard, that brings the the gamify to the platform, there is ppl who get trigger by goals and metrics, the Dashboard does that for them

Focus on DASHBOARD, team! This is great for marketing!

Second image with the rest of ChatGPT's suggestions:

I asked ChatGPT about this. The answer is what one would expect, though.

1k Premium = $120K per year all going into Maya LP.

That would add up over a few years.

This is really inspiring!

Yep. It is something that can be very beneficial.

We need to keep pushing more in there.

Anyone who is not yet a premium subscriber is missing out on a lot of things.

Just got into the space. Oh! I missed the first hour.

Maybe make a TESTIFY users page for the PREMIUM users

What about changing the Purple (In a Threadcast) Outline and Icon to another color to signify this user is a Premium user?

Have you considered lowering the subscription price to try to get a mass membership (even if just momentarily for a month)?

That would be insanely funny, haha!

Hell. I'll take a discount, but if there isn't one I'll still buy it just to not have to think about it.


Would Leo premium pay for itself in subsequent subscription

if you create enough threads it does for sure. But I have a lot of people voting my regular content as well. so maybe not the best measurement

Waooo, how did u get that please ?

I am on chain for 3 years now and I have been constantly networking and making conctacts and new friends.

That's cool. Do you know about liquidity

It has for me so far. YMMV

I stopped delegating my HIVE, but I'll #fundtheflywheel in other ways like the LEO/CACAO pool.

Oh, now I know that it needed to have a premium to get 16% APR

Question: Is there a percentage of @leo.voter's votes dedicated to Threads opposed to Long-form content?

The intuitive interface of leodex makes it super easy to use

what‘s the actual APR/APY of the LEO/CACAO pool? Wen statistic showing on LeoDex?


Let‘s break the 400!!!

The HP for leo.voter double in after 2 months and that means people trusted INLEO

Oh no! Got locked out of my X account few minutes ago but luckily still in the space, funny.
This is the second time this is happening and now I wish we had our space on INLEO.

I haven't really understood the liquidity process on Leodex, I need help on this

#question who picked the name - Cacao? It sounds rather scammy to me.

By the way, ask AI to generate you a "Leo-Cacao Pool".

Check out the mayachain design … it‘s all about mayans and they loved cacao … another token over there is Mayan GOLD 🖖🏼👁🤙🏼

I think doing Collab with other projects on ARB, Maya to make leodex known in their ecosystem will also be a good thing.

Thats true, when you see things getting fix use feedback too, the team has done a great job getting the platform stable 💪 day and night from how it started this year


As $Dogecoin will most probably be X's "upvote" coin in a not-so-far future, could LeoDex, when the whole array of THORChain tokens will be ntegrated in it, be promoted on X as THE place to easily obtain Doge, and to get feet wet on an X-like decentralized platform like Threads?

LP growing is hard for me I am paying all my bills from crypto right now so liquidity is low...

You'll see more Liquidity from me over time... Probably not as much as the Liquidity Provided by Premium users, though.

My LP growth has been incredible. Nothing to complain about it.

I've learned another knowledge about INLEO now. That's a sweet information.

four heads with fresh backgrounds 👍🏽

Thanks, @khaleelkazi for the space.

Happy birthday, @scaredycatguide, blessings all the way. 🎂🍰🥂

Getting ready 🦁 for the Show

Yeah! 405 comments 💪🏼🥳👍🏼

Not when, but why didn't you get premium?

Bookmark wow , I think I will need to learn that also

Build enough use cases and suddenly you realize there arent enough tokens out there.

Indeed. It's "crazy".


@cpol! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pirulito.zoado. (2/50)



Greetings from the Virtual World Community. We send you Hueso token to support your work.
Click on this banner, to be directed to the Virtual World Discord and learn more about the curation project.

Uses: 5/6

@pirulito.zoado! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @cpol. (1/50)


As $Dogecoin will most probably be X's "upvote" coin in a not-so-far future, could LeoDex, when the whole array of THORChain tokens will be ntegrated in it, be promoted on X as THE place to easily obtain Doge, and to get feet wet on an X-like decentralized platform like Threads?

set a reminder - ~~~ embed:1792937468590735633?s=46&t=f3qY2xxYIegwgxWlYwko8g twitter metadata:a2hhbGthenx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9raGFsa2F6L3N0YXR1cy8xNzkyOTM3NDY4NTkwNzM1NjMzfA== ~~~

Letsgoo I am in for this one!

Ready, thanks for the warning. I will be attentive.

Interesting themes there for today's discussions. We need to really foster the understanding of the power of web3 socialmedia.

Which account would be hosting the show on X? Yours or INLEO?

Here is the link to the X Space show:


A bit off topic, but I cannot help myself. How's the AI doing? I'm really looking forward to the auto-summarizing Premium tool, it would save time. it's been announced a while ago.

Good evening all. Been a long time I attended Inleo AMA. let's go...


Are you guys going to the Hive Fest? I've seen the short list of first confirmed speakers and there's nobody to present Inleo, or is there?

all the way''''

🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🐞🐛🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️Still some bugs to squish! 10 Days to go 💪🏽😎👍🏽

who is going with us?

I'm ready for some podcast and I'm here to listen.

Did is start yet? Don't see you on Youtube.


Its another time of the week, a super #AMA, Who is in?

I Have logged in on space but can't hear anything at the moment. Who else can hear?

Me neither, they haven't started.


no juhtuh tuhdeh? 👀

wow. Nice to being available for today's show. Will get to know more about #web3 and social media. I am ready

The future of Web3 is indeed in our hands.

Maybe more bugs fixed, I can now see my threads published.

Crypto has opened a lot of space for many things.

LeoDex 🔥


the confusion on the reputation system on Hive ecosystem is a lot. On Inleo, the value is different from and other front-ends. Which one is really correct?

80 rep score is too old haha

The show is at 1 pm on Friday.

Join the show.

I can do more than 80 rep easily I mean pushup reps.

I think many people place too much value on the score, it shouldn't be so important.

The bug boxer on Inleo is doing a good job, from here i can see the evident of the works because i see so bugs not repeating itself.

Bug free is utopia. Never gonna happen on any product.
Just look at Excel.... literally decades of development, huge budget and still lots of bugs... its just how things are

Another day, another Bug 🐞 Squashed!!

there is no 100% in anything human, the universe in it‘s entirety is the only thing 100%

I'm looking forward on the BUG FREE UI in #INLEO

Bug Free!

Agree that there is nothing like 100% Bugfree but 99% is great, which would make LEO awesome. Thanks for answering the question Khal

The quality of images was really bad before. Glad that was fixed.


Can you explain what's the functional connection between the INLEO images hoster, the INLEO Node, the Hive chain & AWS storage?

change the color of the mark when it will expire tomorrow or maybe three days.

liquidity becoming thin but price is still same or declined in recent time..

Since focus is "premium" it shouldn't neglect "one increasing stake" or else we already have so many dumpers waiting in line...


I noted Leovoter upvoting threads of just a few words to up to $4. Was that on purpose or by accident?

#feedback tag is really important for the team to see it.

Yeah, the third tier

I noticed that #feedback is lower on the Trending tags list than it was before, shows how good the interface became since yesterday.

The hashtag feedback is the easiest way to reach out to khal

Question: Shall we post #feedback about LeoDex as well in the #feedback tag?

Yes definitely post it there!

I have a bugs folder 😂

I was here thinking what if it could be a prize not per month but annually and if people decided to opt for the annual one there would be a discount package

Keep up the great work!

for sure yes!

I'm listening to yesterday's INLEO AMA recording. It's amazing catching the details of the discussions we made. Incredible!
This Time, I could take notes.


This is my first post on Hive.
I'm very excited and proud of this new journey. Let's goooo

Welcome aboard :)


@arnoldodeke! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (8/50)

Always nice to see a new name in the feed. Welcome!

thanks for the warm welcome 😊❤️...............

good afternoon house 🥰 this'll my first time, hope am welcome 😊😊😊. I hope to make new friends here and learn about the platform as fast as I can. Cheers!

Welcome to Threads. Any questions feel free to ask. I am sure someone will answer. :)


@sonia2323! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (7/50)

thanks Love I really appreciate ❤️🥰

thanks 😊

Your welcome.

Welcome to threads Sonia. Am sure you would love it here! Happy to meet you. Feel free to share your activities and engage with others. Welcome!!!!

you’re welcome. Hope you’re able to navigate easily

yes love 🥰

Welcome Fren!
Nice having you on board. I hope you have a fun ride here.

You're welcome Sonia

Welcome to Hive and inleo and continue to learn as the medium has a lot of interesting things to know about.

Welcome Once again @sonia2323

thanks 😊

welcome @sonia I’m also a newbie too
So we both have a long way to go I guess!

Let’s grow together

#feedback Still having that issue of threads not showing up in my latest feed, mainly longer ones with images. > Recent no show <

And what about the formatting issues? Will centering be back or do you plan to cut out parsing html in threads completely? I know the center tag is officially deprecated, but we could still use the style tag since there‘s no way of centering stuff with markup (which would make life so much easier :)! What about a solution that restricts the input to certain html tags only, is there any? 🧐

Huh, despite it‘s definitely in there the #feedback tag isn‘t showing … btw. i‘m on Safari/iPad right now

#feedback Just checked and it's the same on desktop safari/brave ... and here's evidence that the tag is definitely there in the top thread :)

#newsonleo #politics #economy #wef Klaus Schwab is reportedly stepping down from the post of executive chairman of World Economic Forum. 1/

2/ Schwab has been at the helm of the organisation since its founding in 1971 (as European Management Forum). During more than five decades, WEF (renamed in 1987) has grown into one of the world's most influential organisations.

3/ Much of WEF influence was built on regular conferences in Davos, Switzerland that began to attract top business, political and government leaders of the world, which gained the nickname "Davos people" or "Davos set".

4/ Schwab, however, recently became object of criticism and controversy, when WEF's ambitious agenda known as "Great Reset", promoted in June 2020 during COVID-19 crisis, began to be viewed as totalitarian, oppressive and anti-human.

5/ Schwab didn't help his cause by doubling down on his controversial proposals and even mimic physical appearance of Bond villain, thus adding fuel to conspiracy theories.

Things are good here and I hope it's same at your end.

It is, indeed.

WE are shaking hands 🤣🤣🤣

Very nice.

Are you running for mayor of the #partytime? 😂😂😂


HAhah, 🤣🤣 you just talked about. Shaking 🤝🤝..

@caleb-marvel! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ beststart. (6/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

@caleb-marvel! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart. (6/50)

shaking like always hehehe...

Hello friends👋👋, Let's Let the music play!!! with M.C Black "@caleb-marvel" host, in collaboration with @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @sandymeyer @misterc @beststart @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @winanda @oldmans. The party is yours!!!

Listening to some cool music while I work tonight.

yo yo yo friends... i came to the party 😎

Hello friends, it's a lovely Tuesday, let's Get Down On It!!!

Feel free to share your meme, jokes, GIF and music in the party room tonight 🥂🥂🥂.

#feedback can you add a file size limit language to the upload screen for images. So people don’t think it is not working.


Startin' early today

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Can you mention anything you know that has an advantage and doesn't have any disadvantage.
Apart from intimate and good relationship with God, I don't know any. Do you know any?


Impossibilities. Limitations. Barriers. Hindrances. Do these words and words such as these still exist in your Dictionary? If they do, can you just expunge them now? The sky will be your limit if you do. Do you believe that?


#movies #cinema Film from times when Hollywood messed with history and culture for commercial, rather than "woke" reasons. (link in reply)

Food, Service, Ambiance. These are my non-negotiables when I choose for a coffee shop and Starbucks has it all. They serve food and drinks with quality ingredients (definitely NOT artificially flavored) and of reasonable amount. Their staff is knowledgeable and fast. The wooden walls and tables, warm glow of lighting and earthy colors around make me feel the silence of the library and sets my mood for work.

#freecompliments #starbucks #foodie #coffee

Starbucks is too costly for me. I prefer coffee from the machine in the office 😅

This place is looking really nice, what country is it located in?

Back to Inleo After two days...

Went to two day trip to Nainital, Uttarakhand....

It's great that he's back here, where you have to get active again.

whenever I say I prefer using a laptop over a phone my friends don’t seem to understand. First of all I love a big screen.

I hear you. I love the bigger screen too.

finally someone like me.

work day can't end fast enough

depends on the work ;)

This is actually my first time to join the platform...I'm very much happy!!

Hello my friend!
Be very welcome!

I would like to offer you the opportunity to join the FreeCompliments community, the most welcoming community on Hive. We also have a manual curation program and a rewards program for
use of threads, anyway... many things!

Find us through the links on your current frontend:

InLeo | Ecency | Peakd


I really appreciate, thank you!

Welcome to Hive. Great to have you around. I am happy you have taken this great step. You would love the Hive opportunity. Network, engage and share content as much as you can. Welcome!!!!

thanks, I appreciate

I'm very much happy to be here

Welcome Sammie42. You will enjoy being on then hive platform and you will find many interest friends and opportunities.

Thank you

Hello and welcome! Enjoy the journey :)

thanks!, I appreciate

Welcome Fren!
You're going to enjoy your stay, I assure you.

Good to have you here Sammie, Explore, discover, write and earn. There are numerous opportunities to earn on Hive, being consistent and engaging with friends is a good way to grow.

Thank you very much!. I'm happy to join the platform.

Welcome bro.

I really hope to see you around.

Thanks rejoice!. I'm happy to be here

Does InLeo need more curators?

Floor members like me will not know.
Team leaders will know.

lol I understand


maybe there should be an application board

the more the better 😎

I would say yes.

Sé práctico y generoso con tus ideas. Mantén tus ojos en las estrellas pero recuerda mantener los pies en el suelo.

Theodore Roosevelt.


Wealth and riches without peace and love or peace and love with little riches and wealth. Which one would you choose?


I prefer peace and love.

We are on the same page. Thank you beauty197

#outreach #threadstorm

Dollar cost averaging makes cryptocurrency investment easier for anyone who is interested because you will be investing small amount but consistently, it also gives more people the opportunity to participate in cryptocurrency market also dollar cost averaging offers flexibility because an investor can decide to adjust on the process if there is any change.


When an investor employs dollar cost averaging becomes for long-term growth because short-term price movement will not affect the investor, dollar cost averaging also have some psychological benefits which cannot be overstated.


Dollar cost averaging reduces anxiety that comes with investing huge amount of money once with the fear of losing


Despite the challenges dollar cost averaging is the best investment strategy that helps both new investor, old investors, business to get long-term growth with little risk.

Whatever your wildest dream is, go after that this week.
#Threads #life #motivation

Great motivation 💪 💪 💪

Are the photo uploads not working again? #photography #feedback

I havent tried it today but it worked yesterday

thanks. cause yesterday night it did not work for me. and I just tried and I was never able to do it again! :D

are you on mobile or pc

there is a file size limit.

  • Dell leaked information on 4 years of future laptop chips.
  • iPhone update restores photos deleted many years ago.
  • Sony showcased their new Xperia lineup with great improvements to the camera.
  • ARM chips for Windows are surpritingly cheap and provides incredible price to performance ratio.

More news in the thread below🧵⏬

Photo not uploading on mobile logged in with #hivekeycain


Yeah, its working on pc with a very good internet

"Quality time off, leads to quality time on." —Max Klein

Powered Up 117.4 #hive

#gmfrens Trying to get back into the groove after a 3 day weekend.


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

There was a day my 10,000BBH went up to $6, I wanted to swap to hbd then back to bbh to get more bbh. I waited a few hours to see if it would increase but it went back to $2. I guess my greed got the best of me

It happens to the best of us :)


@fashtioluwa! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (6/50)

I like this cycle of features and bug fixes to continue.

  1. Release cool feature
  2. Fix bugs and make a smoother UX
  3. Rinse and repeat

getting on the plane to Vegas for the Licensing expo. Is anyone one from the community in Vegas. Drinks?

I wish! But have fun man

#gmfrens This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for May 21st, 2024. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added. All members answering the roll call below will get curated.

Use this pinned post to post links in case the InLeo Ul isn't working well for you: @freecompliments/a-bimonthly-post-for-our-mental-health-ambassadors-to-post-links-to-distressed-users-592024 Google Docs action flowsheet:

All well here, hope you all are good too!

Wonderful, happy Tuesday!


@solymi! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (11/50)

Mental Health Ambassador Team: @alessandrawhite @bitcoinman @caleb-marvel @ckole @crazyphantombr @fantagira7 @fashtioluwa @FoneStreet @goingcrossroads @gregscloud @ibbtammy @jongolson @juva @laurapalmerr @lorennys @luchyl @manclar @pepetoken @solymi @thebighigg @wongi Answer this daily roll call to get curation! Check the comment above for our public flowsheet and pinned post, to which you can add suggestions/links.

GoodMorning yo

Good morning, Freddy, you're 1st today!


@fonestreet! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (7/50)

Coming in 2 today!BBH

@freecompliments! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman. (23/50)

You're 2 right!


@bitcoinman! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (8/50)

Inleo is doing great! The interface is great!
Let's work guys!

Yes, they're truly fixing things up!


@crazyphantombr! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (9/50)

Hey Frens, what are we having for Taco Tuesday? 😂

Not having tacos today, haha! Maybe next week though... I haven't had tacos for a while!


@luchyl! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (10/50)

Oh, that cool then.

@freecompliments! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @luchyl. (2/20)

Greetings my beloved friends..

Almost forgot to reply, yikes! Happy Tuesday, Caleb.


@caleb-marvel! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (4/50)

Many of this people dont sleep, I have proof😪😪😪 especially @luchyl

Good morning!

@freecompliments! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (1/50)

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Drop all links, we are here to help

#gmfrens it's like a Monday for me we had a holiday in Canada yesterday so I was home with the kids

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Working hard. 🦁 🧑‍🔧

better work smart ;)

I usually do both.

Working hardly, document evrything.


Just arrived home after giving today's exam.

It's too hot out here..even the air is hot and anyone can feel it. Also have to walk a lot since ain't have bike yet, so finding shadow is hard.

Need more tree's.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

get a bike hopefully soon

Looking for one

Binance Labs has invested in Aevo, a decentralized derivative exchange.

Ineresting move 🤔

#crypto #investment

A society where individuals are easily influenced by the wrong use of "smart phone" which is smarter than many teenagers,alduts...but shouldn't be that way. What do you think?

Its quite unfortunate how some youths abuse their smart phones especially when in public. One nearly bumped into me the other day on the street because his eyes were fixed on the phone.

What an act of stupidity, lol.

#wordofthedayonleo - neophyte

What It Means

A neophyte is a person who has just started learning or doing something.

//As an acting neophyte, Femi took a while to adjust to his newfound Hollywood fame.


I am a neophyte in hunting airdrops!

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

There are 5 pages