Crypto Contest September 23: Moreal

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Moreal (Bittrex: MORUSDT) has broken out of the triangle pattern in the four-hour chart.

(Chart courtesy of scale))

Elliott Wave Analysis

In Elliott Wave terms, MOR began a red wave one advance on September 13. The red wave one (blue sub-waves i-ii-iii-iv-v) peaked on September 14 and the red wave two (blue sub-waves a-b-c) correction ended on September 14. If this wave count is correct, MOR should be heading next towards the September 14 peak in the red wave three.

(Chart courtesy of scale))


Moreal is a Klaytn-based blockchain gaming project. You can find their token distribution here.


How Will Moreal Trade?

Moreal (Bittrex: MORUSDT) four-hour chart by Tradingview.

(Chart courtesy of scale))


I will be giving upvotes to the correct answers (posts only).


This poll will expire in one week. Only one vote per person.

Which one will happen first?

Please select one of the three choices and comment below.

MOR will takeout the September 14 peak

MOR will drop below the September 13 low

MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30


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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations, @maarnio You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINEX With @eii.
You Earned 0.100 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/2 Successful Calls.


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WINEX Current Market Price : 0.136

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@maarnio, sorry! You need more $BBH to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 1000.0 BBH balance.

More $BBH is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30

MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@maarnio(2/5) tipped @eii (x1)
funnel tipped maarnio (x1)
maarnio tipped funnel (x1)
eii tipped maarnio (x1)

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MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

MOR will drop below the September 13 low

MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30

MOR will takeout the September 14 peak

MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30

MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

MOR will drop below the September 13 low

MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

MOR will drop below the September 13 low

MOR will takeout the September 14 peak

MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30

MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30

Thank you

You are welcome.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30

MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

MOR will takeout the September 14 peak

MOR will stay in a trading range between the September 13 low and the September 14 peak until October 30