
@melbourneswest I might funnel some of my CUB harvests back into Leo Power next month, we will see how it goes.

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Thats my plan to do in the next few weeks. Cake was cheap atm though so wanted to pick up some more.

I chose to compound in the kingdom this week. No sell CUB only BUY!


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Thats my plan aswell. I just need to get a bigger amount of Cubs before its worth it xD

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$0.36 more and I am harvesting my crop of CUBs. Then I could sell for bLEO or keep stacking in the Kingdom... decisions decisons...

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Why 0.36$ more? xD Is it so you don't pay more fees than what you earn? :p

Ye, its a hard decision, I always choose Kingdoms at the moment, but I also don't have a lot of Cub.

P.s awesome illutration buddy haha :D

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Just to get an even number. You don't want to wait too long but I think it is getting close to optimal. Is the Cub Kingdom outperforming CUB-BUSD?

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Ohh okay :D

I don't have much BNB, so I wait for it to be like 2 Cub or something before I harvest.

But you don't have to harvest with Cub's Kingdom, its automatic.

Isn't the Farms and Dens discontinued?

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Dens yea but some farms. I still have 1 farm spitting cubs.

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