It's Hive moon time

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Screenshot 20211006 at 09.40.59.png

I never thought I would write a Hive post today, It's a happy moment for our global Hive community, So I'm writing this post.

Long-term thinkers tend to get “lucky.”

I have been focusing on becoming a better version of myself and soon I will be able to contribute more to Hive, Crypto, and decentralization.

See you next time!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This was indeed a pleasant surprise to see HIVE jump to over $1. Even though it's now 3 days later and HIVE is back to .84 it's still a step forward and a nice base line for future increases. I think Splinterlands has a lot to do with the increased popularity of HIVE . It's a great thing how communities complement each other and help the whole system to grow. It's nice to hear from you @nathanmars, looking forward to growing HIVE forward with you and all our friends.

Totally agree with you on how massively Splinterlands is contributing to Hive's success.

Likewise, It's nice seeing your comment and I'm very much looking forward to working alongside our Hive community after a 3-4 months break.

Good times! It's nice to wake up and see you got so much richer, but I know such gains are easily lost. I'm not selling anyway. I just hope this gives Hive more exposure.

Stay well mate!

I also want more exposure to Hive and the recent pump definitely gives much more attention to Hive as well as gives our existing community a massive boost.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You called it.

I was crazy about the $1 Hive for sure and finally, it's happening the second time in 2021.

Let's make sure Hive stays above $1 forever!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exciting times are ahead in Hive.. This morning was great with this price spike. Hope you are doing well brother.


The contrarian has started to move.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@tipu curate

Pump it!






@nathanmars, you've been given LUV from @solymi.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/4)

A great day for HIVE as it sets new high!
Keep well bro 👊

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good to see you Nation, Hive did have a nice pump

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hello @nathanmars… I have chosen your post about “-It's Hive moon time-” for my daily initiative to re-blog - vote and comment…
Let's keep working and supporting each other to grow at Hive!...

Thank you!

Yes. Let's keep working together and grow together with Hive!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your so called "witness node" is still missing blocks. Sort it out finally!

Thank you for making me aware of this.

I received a confirmation from Privex regarding the termination of my Hive Witness node in August this year. Assume there was a little delay from their side.

Looks like it has been disabled now!

It is not.
I've mistakenly assumed that you understand at least the very basics.
Please focus now.
The problem here is that your account: has still non-null signing key, which means that you are scheduled for production and you fail every time when your round comes.
To fix this, i.e. to disable your witness, you have to set your signing key to STM1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm
Use cli_wallet with a command like this:

update_witness nathanmars "" "STM1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm" {"account_creation_fee": "3.000 HIVE","maximum_block_size": 65536,"sbd_interest_rate": 0} true

Thank you for confirming my witness is not disabled yet and I appreciate your guide towards fixing this.

Could you kindly point me in the right direction where I can find updated info regarding how to set up a cli_wallet for Hive? I assume I don't need to have access to my old witness nodes (provided by Privex)

Sorry, I lack basic tec knowledge.

check out , login with keychain in the top right and use that to set your signing key to STM1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm
to disable your witness

Thank you for taking the time to guide me.

Could you please confirm that my witness is disabled now?

By the way, you have built such an amazing tool that saved my time!

Are you on Linux? You can use gtg's binary cli_wallet on Hive with this command:

./cli_wallet -s ws://

Set a password with set_password, import your active key with import_key key where key is your private active key, and then enter this command:

update_witness nathanmars "" "STM1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm" {"account_creation_fee":"3.000 HIVE","maximum_block_size":65536,"hbd_interest_rate":1000} true

That will disable your witness block scheduling.

This is what I can offer you as far as using local software. See @ausbitbank's comment for an easier way.

If you're not on Linux, and have Windows 10, you can install the Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu by:

Open Windows PowerShell as administrator (type windows powershell in start menu, right click, Run as administrator.
Enter wsl --install -d Ubuntu
Let it install.
Enter name and new password
Enter wget
Then chmod +x cli_wallet to make it executable
Then follow the instructions at the top to connect to ausbitbank's node and do the rest.

No, no access to old node needed, you can find cli_wallet here: (just use command provided earlier)
Or you can use transmitter.
I'm not sure which could be easier for you.

lol I just noticed! Trippy!

Hopefully, more and more people will notice Hive and become curious about it.

Good times are coming to Hive community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let the good times roll song, activated. 😁

We have chosen to support your post because you are one of the good promoters of Hive on Twitter based on our Hive Twitter Daily Report.

We appreciate your time and enthusiasm for promoting Hive!

Keep up the good job! 😍😍😍

This is done with the support of #theycallmedan and the #threespeak team.

Thank you.

I'm happy to be part of this truly amazing crypto community called Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When I waked up early morning today I saw price goes over $1.4
However exciting time for hivers who are staking.

I saw in the morning, I wiped my eyes then looked at again 😁


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is awesome

Indeed, perfect timing for the #HiveMeetupVienna tomorrow! 😎

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@solymi(1/10) tipped @nathanmars (x1)
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Good to see you my man. Combe back soon !

It looks like the price is still above $1. Long-term, I think HIVE can go higher.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am so happy to be on hive this time.. I can't wait to have more hive power

Well deserved price action. Not the first nor the least ^^

Good to hear from you again, Nathan! Look forward to your future posts.

The pump is very nice and shows Hive is getting ready for the next altseason! That will be exciting when the time comes.

you are missed nathan <3

It's ok and I am very much happy with that and hopefully it will sustain for long and will grow quickly with the Bull Run. thank you very much for sharing.