
It is not.
I've mistakenly assumed that you understand at least the very basics.
Please focus now.
The problem here is that your account: has still non-null signing key, which means that you are scheduled for production and you fail every time when your round comes.
To fix this, i.e. to disable your witness, you have to set your signing key to STM1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm
Use cli_wallet with a command like this:

update_witness nathanmars "" "STM1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm" {"account_creation_fee": "3.000 HIVE","maximum_block_size": 65536,"sbd_interest_rate": 0} true

Thank you for confirming my witness is not disabled yet and I appreciate your guide towards fixing this.

Could you kindly point me in the right direction where I can find updated info regarding how to set up a cli_wallet for Hive? I assume I don't need to have access to my old witness nodes (provided by Privex)

Sorry, I lack basic tec knowledge.

check out , login with keychain in the top right and use that to set your signing key to STM1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm
to disable your witness

Thank you for taking the time to guide me.

Could you please confirm that my witness is disabled now?

By the way, you have built such an amazing tool that saved my time!

no worries, it's disabled now :)

Truly appreciate it!!!

10.jpg Hello @ausbitbank... I am already supporting you as a Witness.

Happy New year @ausbitbank

Could you kindly check If my witness server is reactivated now?


Looks enabled, just needs to wait for a block (and a pricefeed script). Happy new year!

Thank you for finally solving that!

Thank you for making me aware of it and helping me fix it.

Have a lovely weekend :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Are you on Linux? You can use gtg's binary cli_wallet on Hive with this command:

./cli_wallet -s ws://

Set a password with set_password, import your active key with import_key key where key is your private active key, and then enter this command:

update_witness nathanmars "" "STM1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm" {"account_creation_fee":"3.000 HIVE","maximum_block_size":65536,"hbd_interest_rate":1000} true

That will disable your witness block scheduling.

This is what I can offer you as far as using local software. See @ausbitbank's comment for an easier way.

If you're not on Linux, and have Windows 10, you can install the Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu by:

Open Windows PowerShell as administrator (type windows powershell in start menu, right click, Run as administrator.
Enter wsl --install -d Ubuntu
Let it install.
Enter name and new password
Enter wget
Then chmod +x cli_wallet to make it executable
Then follow the instructions at the top to connect to ausbitbank's node and do the rest.

No, no access to old node needed, you can find cli_wallet here: (just use command provided earlier)
Or you can use transmitter.
I'm not sure which could be easier for you.