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RE: Calling all Hive game devs to update your Dappradar info.

in LeoFinancelast year

I'm only small time, just the six splinterlands accounts and that's to operate my rentals easier. I could claim an extra 200 hive accounts today if i was bothered but will save them for friends if the time ever comes.

Point is that devs not necessary design their applications to make stats, actually often completely opposite.

I know that splinterlands took a lot of the transactions off chain as they were unnecessary but the difference here is that they are a proper business with devs trying to build and scale their app and userbase so want it running as lightly as possible.

I meant the apps that want to appear as if they are growing and building but have very little chance of lasting. They just try to make it look good so that the money and users roll in.

I wouldn't want to see fake stats as that defeats the purpose of tracking progress but i would like to see the actual stacks that are naturally created on an everyday basis by the games.

  • Daily users.
  • Marketplace activity.
  • Marketcap

That's all that i meant.

As they give a better reflection of how the game is running for outside viewers and investors. The same for all games on hive so that we can see the total activity on chain. I don't care how many rental transactions are made daily or any other data logged to the blockchain or not. Just the up to date overview.

80,000 DAW +0.72%
$237,000 Marketplace activity today. +3.6%
$84,168,556 Market cap + 2.1%

That looks healthy to me and surely easy to track.

Looking at @cryptobrewmaster today it shows,

0 Daily active users. 0%
0.07c Marketplace activity. - 100%
$57,000 Marketcap. - 1.2%

Seeing these numbers I'm only going to be clicking into one app as the other looks dead in the water. Perception is a big part of marketing.

I know that somebody started building a separate app specifically for tracking all of the hive based apps last year in the same format as dappradar but think the project went by the wayside. It's a shame as the start of it looked promising.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I have my own stats for dcity, it works how I want it to work, which is in my opinion proper. Should I make paper, rock, scissors game for my players to broadcast tx 20 times daily to fight other user broadcasting 20 txes daily, so it looks good on dappradar?

I could even create more detailed version how we are here, not there. Especially I developed first apps using engine, years ago.

I think we all already know that splinterlands way for communication with api/database by blockchain is kinda non sense, doesn't really need blockchain. External communication by internal communication. Devs more likely will avoid this route. Works for splinterlands cause made years ago(was it made this way for stats? we don't know, not really important at this point).

Going back to engine and "second" wave of games, developed on engine. Most of them operate on internal engine tx, like transfer of token as game action. Dappradar doesn't track stuff inside engine. They can only say it's unverified engine tx(actually they don't know it's unverified). So game activity is hidden in engine transactions(if you play dcity, most of the actions are transfer of tokens)

80,000 DAW +0.72%
$237,000 Marketplace activity today. +3.6%
$84,168,556 Market cap + 2.1%

Is this splinterlands stats that I told you in first answer are completely unverified? I wonder what will happen if i will start making 1M$ unsuccessful buys on market xD would be funny to create 1B market volume :D

Anyway, ofc it look better for application which makes you use 6 accounts broadcasting 30 txes daily :D You already confirm my points :)
Is it one user or 6 users?

I'm only small time, just the six splinterlands accounts

and you are small one here, you know there are people with 50 or 100+ accounts, bot farms, etc, hard to compare

Not necessary the way I should take when developing game...

simplest answer to the problem:
pay dappradar 20k$ to add hive-engine