What just happened today to HIVE?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Who does not likes these sudden pumps? I know, I am a very big fan of any pumps in overall crypto market! Well, today seems to be one of those lucky days for folks like me! Guess what? HIVE pumped!

Honestly, the last few days have been quite tough! Not something that that we have not witnessed over the past few months but like I said in my previous post, any good news is welcomed seems like today was that day. HIVE suddenly got price hike and literally everyone who are quite regular in HIVE got to notice that pump. This pump was much more amazing than the previous ones. Now coming to the fact that the price HIKE was not really of a significant percentage but during this pump many of my HIVE folks were literally witnessing the show in front of their eyes. I mean not the whales or usual traders but those folks who witnessed this pump of HIVE for the very first time. I was able to be a part of those happy moments and that does counts for a lot.

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Few funny facts about this pump

I am not sure why I am this much excited while writing about this pump probably because after a long time I was able to witness one of this pumps or to be more precise this sudden pump made the adrenaline rush drive me within inside. Either way I am taking it as a positive insight.

Since I was doing my usual tasks at HIVE @sayee's ping message on Discord caught my eye. As soon as I saw it I prepared for it. I was not really expecting any sort of noticeable pump as I was just trying to find a way to arbitrage out of this pump. While the first few steps were :

  • Closed all the buy orders from HIVE-Engine
  • Closed all the sell orders of HIVE in internal market
  • Cancelled buy/sell order in Binance

Once they were done I started waiting. I was literally stick to the chart of HIVE in one monitor and I was having the usual chats with Hive mates on the other. While going through all these, we all were chatting about how things would turn out if we get to see HIVE reaching $1 or more in this pump. During those moment I saw some pump and dump happening in EXCHANGE and took that chance of making some quick profits in this short spike.

Thanks to the Koreans.... Well anything significant happens to HIVE in terms of price action movement we do put it on Koreans. Nothing personal but just saying the volume speaks a lot on exchanged and as you may notice. Yes, these pumps are always welcomed. At least we can dump it on them and buy back HIVE again.

Screenshot 2022-10-08 033914.png
Image source

During this whole event, I was able to do three types of trades! All these happened pretty fast it was hard to track lol. Later when things were setting down I had to write them down, where I took the HIVE and how I converted them ;) Three usual trades

  • Selling HIVE for USDT
  • Selling HIVE for HBD
  • Buying SL assets for HIVE

If I am being honest, my head was sort of exploding during those moments. Multiple events were happening. I had a guest at my home exactly at that moment. So I had to greet them welcome them in and do the usual procedures. While on the other hand I was concentrating in three different screens. Now I realized during rush hours how difficult it is to focus on everything and one small mistake can cost me money. In Binance I sold the HIVE in three steps. 30% at first pump, 30% at next pump and the rest at peak. Not actually peak but close to that. While once the price has settles down I bought them back. So few tweaks here and there and now I have some more HIVE in my wallet. On internal market the price action was catching up slowly. So there was nothing much to do. So I was bot able to grab the best price out there. While if only there was more liquidity and few extra options added, things would have been a lot better.

While whenever a pump happens every bridge of Hive-Engine suddenly runs out of HIVE. Hive users take no time in converting those swap hive while competing with each other. That left me with some swap HIVE at disposal. So instead of just seeing them lying there I bought few Chaos packs. Yes, now that I have bought them I am planning to hold those packs now. The FOMO is building up on packs nowadays. And guess what, I hold very bad luck in opening packs but I opened two packs today one from Chaos and one from Riftwatchers. I was lucky with Riftwatchers (I wish it would have turned into a GF) but chaos was a waste ;)

Screenshot 2022-10-08 024755.png

If I am being honest I was caught up with the moment. Or else I would have dumped every HIVE on these packs. And literally just hold them or slowly open them or who knows sell them in the future. I am slowly getting a keen desire towards this so called Splinterlands packs. Even though my luck with the packs has not been much wise in that regard!

It seems like today was little bit too much to handle. As of writing this post I am feeling little dizzy 😵😵😵😵. But all of this was indeed worth it! Since I am not going to take out my $$$$ out of HIVE, I am trying to maximize the use of this HIVE in my wallets and just print some more HIVE along the way ;) How was this pump for you?

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Best regards

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Even if someone isn't looking to buy low sell high, trade, or whatever, such pumps are always exciting. Especially the chat sessions you talked about, you can just see how "giggly" and happier people are in chat, also a bit more active as well, that surely shows something. During such a lengthy blood bath of red, it gives us all a "bump" of hope, that something good is happening, and that it's not all too bad, not just a downtrend of misery.

A lot of resemblance in there with real life too, how it's mostly a stable state of red for a consistent amount of time, but then suddenly, one day, when the pump of green hits, just looking at the chart alone seems satisfying and worthwhile haha.

Honestly, it does feels to great to witness such pumps happening once in a while. hopefully we will see them pretty soon once again!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If I am being honest, my head was sort of exploding during those moments. Multiple events were happening.

Smiles...I can relate to this event, multitasking as regard to trading requires a lot of brain 🧠 work.

Your guest arrived at the wrong time I must say 😂😂😂

But glad you was able to manage your time and still achieved a good result.

You are a smart trader, see how you maximized this opportunity Rehan, that's a good news you know 👍

Congratulations 🎉👏,

Hahaha these sort of hassles are worth it I believe. While thanks for the positive vibe Nkem :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @rehan12 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

I really hope Hive holds the price and yes, Sl assets do add to the value. So, hoping I can spare some hive to invest in sps. Hopefully, it will give us all good returns.

Yes, sayee! Thanks for the ping btw! It sure kept me pinged during this whole time. And yes, it is close to impossible in building a SL deck now but there are other things which I am focusing regarding to SL. Lets see how that comes out at the end!

I'd thought I'm the only one who does this! But i rushed a bit, sold my hive @0.59 and its sad to see it gone beyond $0.6, waited a bit gone back to 0.55 and I bought, i made a little hive tho when i could actually made more but i could also lose all. I think every trader should watch this.

I have been through that situation. I suppose it happens to us all. Which is why anytime any spike happens, I try to sell in chunks without selling them all together. 30,30,30 and remaining 10% just in case stays at the wallet. It does helps btw!

Heya Rehan; how high did the pump go? I think I saw it at 0.57 - was it higher?

Ok, nevermind, I just went to the charts. 0.67 is a massive spike! Shit eh? Well done for being on top of it.

Seems like now you know ;)
It went fine I would say!
Thanks for dropping by!

Heh! Remember you said to me in a comment this pump would happen!!?


lol! How about we predict another move and this time its gonna be HBD ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Tell me the time o' good sire 😁

So that is how a trader makes big money!

Probably I suppose :)

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Great move! Now is also good to sell some Splinterlands assets after they have now pumped.

Instead I bought some assets lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Aha thanks is really great move mr Rehan, i was sleeping when all of this happened 🙃, so the pump was not for me for sure. I don't have that much hive in binance i do have almost 800 hive liquid on binance next week it will be almost 1k for sure that will be my last power down for sure.
Congrats that you did get a chance to grab some profit in the sudden pump.

Thanks for sharing yours views on the sudden pump. I will try to keep my eyes open for the next pump. Have a great weekend 😬.

I can feel how it feels, when we have to do a lot of work same time. Sometime that don't end up good. It's good to know that your selling did went up good 😀🙏

i was sleeping when all of this happened

I am aware how you feel bro! Just a suggestion btw I always keep a portion lets say 15-20% of HIVE in sell at a specific price. So that I do not miss these sort of pumps. It does helps once in a while btw :)

These this sort of scaling in sometimes un called for. As things might turn the other way around. But I am glad that this time it worked for me :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, looks like it's becoming a "thing". A good idea to have some liquid HIVE on hand... a "trading stash" if you will...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup, having liquid both in HBD and HIVE does seems to help a lot in these sort of times. As buying them back once all these pumps settles down is the most fun part :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good to took part of the pump
It seems it happens once a month 🤔