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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Cubfinance V2 Day #3 (09/22/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Regarding the news from El Salvador on Tuesday, September 7, Bitcoin was accepted as legal tender. First of all they sell you the news and then they knock down the price, coincidence? No, this latest bitcoin move after that 52k hike caused people to panic again (FOMO) for not getting on the train and they set leveraged orders and were taken out of the market. The following context? Evergrande named as one of the most important real estate companies in China which has entered bankruptcy and will not be rescued by not even its country, we will see how they renegotiate the debt with some other banks, so another dump for the entire market in general and of course in the market crypto would be no different, fear and more fear. This is a mere opinion, they are taking out the retail market to scare them and get the big money back in. The case of El Salvador as I have read well here and I completely agree, other countries or states will take it into consideration when the country regains a large part of its economic health, which will encourage many countries to do the same(in especial countries with much debt and with its inflation problem measures), as well that is being seen little by little and in the states of America at the same time that in Europe they are also beginning to consider it as a regulated asset, for example in Ukraine it is happening (before it was prohibited and now they are again implementing laws that consider it as a method payment). Every day there is more good news and therefore this will lead to a new wave of money within the crypto market. Patience is the key

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The market is it's own beast. I suggest playing the long term game and not get caught up in the FUD.

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That's a good idea but I think It's a good idea too thinking in what time frame we are situated and make better decisions on our invests, especially if we see some manipulation, anyway I always use to apply same terms on it, cycles and macrotrends.

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Latest news on the matter, at the last moment the central bank of China has injected 19,000 million dollars with hopes of bailing out Evergrande. Good news for them, let's see how they put up with it over time. What debt ..., represents 2% of GDP in China

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you predicted that China would let Evergrande go bust-- YOU LOST!!

** hands over mad stacks of cash to the prediction market **

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It wasn't a prediction, that was the first answer by China revealed on news, probably to manipulate again market vision, anyway that kind of economic measures they take, we assume as good for crypto and for risk assets like gold or silver,so the party continues. As well as that huge billion injection will have a bad end to their society, so more printed money, higher will be interest rates in a near future, more citizens than can't assume its bills, just history repeating as always. So don't take me wrong, I'm not seer, my information is based on economic news and the following one to the first I posted was based on an update. Greetings @magnacarta

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Greetings to you as well, @rihc94 !

It was my [humorous] prediction, and I lost a fake bet. I hadn't been paying attention to Evergrande until I saw the comment it was a Chinese Lehman Brothers.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Glad to know it buddy, just really sometimes it's hard to know the attittude behind some words just because we dont appreciate faces haha is like by using whatsapp , yeah I think many of us experienced something like that, even I use to stay in my seat like in a standard attitude beacuse of that, funny. So definitely I like that kind of humorous expressions, just because of these you won a new follower, I took a look at your webpage and I saw you created such an easier way to help or serve as a support for companies, with excels, calculations formulas so they forget about that kind of stuff so the save time of course, cool mate good job, maybe in a near future I may ask you for some help, I'm so bad in that kind of things haha

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad I was able to put you at ease.

Given the fact that LeoFinance is focused on all aspects of money and finance-- from ancient money to cryptocurrency, plus the tools which use them-- there can be some high-strung people here. With LeoFinace being one of the largest tribes/communities on Hive, that shouldn't be a surprise. Even so, people at LeoFinance tend to be responsive and quick to help out.

Knowing that background, the Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog provides a free-wheeling environment where people can discuss the topic of the day along with other topics in more-or-less real time. It's a more laid back and casual atmosphere here than in regular posts we publish or read. It helps new Leos gain visibility at LeoFinance, and it helps Leos place a name with content and/or an avatar.

For many weeks I was stuck at minimal to zero engagement. After I decided to post at LeoFinance, my experience improved dramatically and my earnings increased. I hope things work out well for you here.

Not so much in posts, but if you want to see people with a good sense of humor respond in (more or less) real-time, the Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog is the best plae to see Leos act as human beings and have fun along the way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's a brilliant idea, the truth is that I love interacting with people in this community, I don't know, it's like that kind of thing that you needed and in the end you found. In Leo I have realized this, sometimes you think that you can be put aside just because you are new or want to give your opinion on what issues and one may feel less supported, but with the passage of time I have realized no, perseverance, the time dedicated to knowing aspects or topics of community members helps a lot to continue growing and a blog like the Daily Crypto markets is very cool! At the same time in which you share information or debates depending on what topics you also gain a little of that visibility that some of us need to continue growing here, as it is said in my country, "Patience and good lyrics!" So again, nice to meet you in here @magnacarta!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta