
LOl 3.75 is low? lol what are they smoking over there on ETH

They aren't smoking, it is the fallout from all the gas they are burning.

Posted Using LeoFinance


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They smoke expensive cigars, setting fire to $ 100 bills - which we pay them for their commissions!)

We're all here to escape PayPal. But let's be honest now, it's not working out so well in ETH land.

Lol absolutely in fact PayPal would be cheaper on some transactions! I think other chains will have to come onboard and help ETH and take some of this DEFI activity on to other chains

I'm sure other chains would looooove to help out with all that nasty excess volume on ETH. One big happy family! ;)

Ha Ha :0

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yesterday, I burned 25$ on gas fees, assuming the transaction would go through. What did I know... it didn't go through as the gas limit was reached(!), no successful transaction, but I do did burn some ETH.#fml