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RE: A simple bear among the complicated bulls

in LeoFinance3 years ago

So much to consider with amounts people get excited over XD

Take $100.

For my kids, they feel rich when they have it (which can happen at Christmas and birthdays, and then usually shortly after that it's gone), and stuff that costs $100 is prohibitively expensive (until Christmas and birthday happens, and then it's gone XD).

For me, it's enough money that dropping that much ends up taking a lot of careful consideration (sometimes days or longer). My sister is an outlier here as she's in a good paddock but is still like me.

For J (who actually earns money reliably) it's still a lot of careful consideration but maybe hours rather than days (on average it's minutes and usually no if it's not bills or groceries XD).

And then there's my parents who are like "oh it's 'only' $100/an extra $100". There was a lot of effort and being in the right place at maybe the right time or at least in the right place to be able to get to that life stage though.

The stupid numbers (too big or too many decimal places aka too small) is what pisses me off the most about crypto. Imagine that certain numbers look the same to you and then try reading those bloody things.

people don't like to feel like idiots and the people who design for crypto, think that those who aren't good with numbers are idiots

Yeh we could probably do with 100% les of that attitude XD

I'm pretty sure it's similar attitudes that are a large part of the reason linux hasn't mainstreamed yet


Take $100.

You have given a very good example of how the perspective of money changes it. It isn't just the amount either, there are also the social pressures in play. If you think that a new iPhone is $1600AU the 100 dollars seems so little. We have warped the sense of value of things and have disconnected our intuitions.

And then there's my parents who are like "oh it's 'only' $100/an extra $100". There was a lot of effort and being in the right place at maybe the right time or at least in the right place to be able to get to that life stage though.

Unfortunately, I am not confident that the latest generations will know what this feels like. I am not confident I will know it :)

Right there with you thinking we're not going to know how that feels either XD

I think I was born in the wrong generation - how many back to Generation-caveman?

Quite a few? XD

I don't think I'd survive earlier generations x_x