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RE: OUTGOING Votes & The Power Of ENGAGEMENT And Initiative 10.

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

My mindset has always been, The redfish of today has the potential of being the Whale of tomorrow.

I have been on this platform 3 years today. I have had the pleasure to assist in @theterminal and other places to lift-up other folks when they were starting out in my small way. Some of those folks are much more influential then I am now!

Reminds me of a conversation with a Lieutenant I had years ago, when I was a Sergeant in the Marine Corps...

Lieutenant:   Sergeant Lamb, your Corporal does a better job in the FDC and Leadership than you do!

Me (addressing the Corporal):  Who trained you in FDC methods?

Corporal:  You did Sergeant!

Me:  Who influenced your promotion to your current position?

Corporal:  You did Sergeant!

Me (addressing the Lieutenant):  Looks to me, sir, that I am pretty good at my job!

Lieutenant:   Carry-on Sergeant!

Me (addressing the Lieutenant):  Aye, aye sir!

I believe my greatest skill is seeing the potential in others.

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