
Still trying to figure out stuff for my spreadsheet

Let me know how I can help you on this .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks, but you are busy. I will figure it out. Good for me to figure out how to pull the data. I am navigating BSCSCAN's free API to see what data I can pull.

My luck the data I want is only available on the Pro version. Does not matter. I can just do it manually once a day at 00:00 UTC.

Just want to make sure my data is accurate is all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're doing a good job Sarge! Thanks for that!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If someone staked it into the kingdom or den, would it reflect in these numbers?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is exactly what I am trying to figure out and why I included the information for the two kingdom (Cake-LP) pools. These are screenshots from BSCSCAN.COM.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh boy, can I identify with you on the senior citizen stuff Sarge!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We can include Task as well. He is over 55 I believe. It is pretty much down hill after 50. 😎

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't know about the downhill stuff. I'm 62 and have slowed down a bit, but sure as hell I'm having fun and enjoying it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just turned 60 (the middle child) and I have slowed down as well. I do feel better since I have gone on the wagon. I don't take all that crap the VA used to give me and just use cannabis as my cure all.

Probably would feel even better if I quit smoking pipe tobacco. I think to myself: No booze, no sex. I need at least one vice! Even Luke McCain (The Rifleman) would smoke a cheroot now and again.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I must be in trouble then with my vices. Smoke, drink (not all that much anymore), and one woman (more than one at a time is too much to handle - yes, I tried it). I might be going to Hell because of the vices, but I'm going with a damn smile on my face.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was wondering if it would include the people who actually staked their LP in the farms. After all, I don't know how many people would really hold the LP.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not sure how the data on these images is aggregated. Does it include holders' addresses within the farms, pools, kingdoms on the Cub Finance site?

I also have these questions. Currently I am in a quandary. AMR008 offered to help, but he is very busy so I do not wish to disturb him.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta