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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 17 - Saturday 23 April 2022 | SPI Giveaway! | Win EDS for Comments - everyone welcome!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I enjoyed the joke, too 😍 We don't use cheque books so I can't try it out on Mr P 😂.
Great progress with your savings, so good to see. I'm trying to introduce some of these habits into other parts of my life, make things a bit easier for myself.

Good to have your thoughts on the new miner. It is possible to purchase parts of tokens (at any price) and stake them straightaway so they start earning. The lower price will mean less rewards and/or waiting longer for rewards and I wonder how motivating or de-motivating that will be for folks?

I hope we can get the automated recording payments set up again, that way it becomes easy to save .5 or 1 HIVE a week. Has it worked well for your CUBLIFE buy?